Chapter 9

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*Amelia's POV*

On the plane, I sat next to Caitlin. Oh gosh this is going to be fun... 5 hours of talking about Katie I'm guessing. Speaking of Katie, I kind of miss talking to her atm. I know I'm on a plane and can't go on my phone but I wish I could. We were talking earlier about what were going to do when I'm home. We decided on getting food (I know it will be like 1am) and watching a movie if I'm not too tired.

"Amelia, got to ask you sumtin" Caitlin speaks about an hour into the journey.

"What Foord, what do you want" I chuckled.

"it's about Katie."

"Yeah, no I gathered that, what about her?"

"She really likes you Amelia, just, I know you like her too but let's not like make any moves tonight. Please? Like I know you both like each other and its gunna be hard to not wanna do what you want to do and its gunna be PAINFUL for Katie to not do anything but lets just take it slow." Caitlin spoke seriously but quietly. I could tell she meant every word.

"Caitlin, I know she's your best friend, and yes I like her, I don't think she likes me though" and as I said that Caitlin looked at me as if I was stupid. "What? I don't. anyway. I'm not going to do anything for a while, if she does then she does but I'm not going to, all we're doing tonight is getting food from McDonalds and watching a movie. We will be fine. I know you love her and miss her, but you'll be there soon, and you'll see her before she takes me home and tomorrow at the ground. You'll have your best friend back. I promise."

Caitlin pulled me in for a side hug and I stayed there for a while before I drifted off to sleep while listening to Noah Kahan songs in my headphones.

I woke up to Caitlin shaking me saying we were landing in Singapore in 10 minutes and to get everything ready. As we landed, I gripped onto Caitlin's hand as I HATE the feeling of the plane landing, it makes me feel so queasy.

We walked through the airport with the rest of the girls and got stopped a few times. After the footballers took photos with the fans, I was starving. I overheard Steph telling Natalya to go get some food, so me and Caitlin followed them so we could go fill our stomachs.

We all got sandwiches, a drink and some crisps each, along with a chocolate bar. I got a ham, cheese and tomato baguette, with Pepsi max and some ready salted lays, and a white Twix, but considering me and Natalya both work in fields of health, this probably isn't the best for us. However, we needed that sugar and energy for this next 13-hour flight.

This journey we weren't flying publicly, we had our own plane that took us straight to London from Singapore.  On the plane we were sat in 4's. Me, Caitlin, Steph and Natalya all sat together... Steph started calling us the arsenal clan. which is quite sweet considering we've technically only been a part of the arsenal team for a day...

I couldn't wait to land in England again, I'll be in my home country, I'll be with the arsenal teammates... my life will change. For better, or for worse, I haven't decided yet, but how can it go wrong, lets be honest?

During the flight, Caitlin and Steph were talking about how much we would love it, but we just got to prepare for the cold.

"You realize I am English right? I lived there a long time; I'm used to the cold" I chuckled.

"Oh yes, that's very true. Anyway! We don't actually know lots about you. I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions and you both must answer it okay?" Caitlin said full of energy.

"What are your full names?"

"Amelia Charlotte Reuben"      "Natalya Mae Kyte"

"When were you born?"

"08/07/2004"                              "18/12/2005"

"who's your footballing idols?"

"Chloe Kelly. Easy."                           "Probably have to say Mary Earps. I'm not a goalie but she is incredible."

"who's your crush?"

"Katie McCabe" I said without thinking, then hid my head in my hands... "pretend I didn't say that please."

"NOPE" Caitlin shouted. "Its fine I already know Natalya's... leahhhhhh."

This time it was time for Natalya to hide her head in her hands, blushing.

"Okay next one." Steph said, "nicknames."

"Ami, Lia, Lils, pudgy, reubs that's about it."                                     "Nat, Lia, Mae, sponge, pops and Kizzy, but they're all strange so no one calls me them except Amelia".

The two footballers laughed at us. "What are you most excited for?"

"Probably meeting Beth mead and Vivianne, I'm so utterly in love with their playing style it's ridiculous, I've been needing to meet them forever."

"Not rooming with Katie?" Caitlin smirked.

"Yes, that too" I chuckled. "What about you Nat? What are you looking forward to do?"

"I just want to look after people, I also want to watch the girls play so I can pick up some pointers If I ever want to play again yk?"

We all smiled at her until Steph spoke. "You will definitely be playing for us one day, Jonas has already looked at your games and set up a contract if you wanted to sign it, we just have to get you settled first."

We all ended up falling asleep a few hours into the journey and before we knew it, we landed. I grabbed my bag from the overhead locker and walked off the plane through security. After we all successfully got through, we said goodbye to the girls who were flying up north to go back to their clubs.

I ran to the bathroom and left Nat and Steph to the bags as Caitlin followed me as I was fixing my makeup.

"Trying to look good for someone huh?" Caitlin laughed.

"No Caitlin I'm not, but I'm also not letting the first time I see her be me looking like I just got ran over." I laughed back

"You'll be fine love. Go see her."

I walked out of the bathroom after fixing my hair back into a low bun and grabbed my bag and my suitcase as I said bye to Steph, and Nat. Caitlin walked me to Katie's car before she went back to Steph and Nat to take them home.

I was so nervous; I was ready to turn around and fly back to Australia I was that nervous. I walked towards Katie as she was stood outside of her car waiting for me. She looked beautiful, yes it was dark, but I could still see her very well. She was wearing a black tank shirt, and black joggers with white trainers and a gold necklace.

Caitlin put my bags in the back seat of the car as Katie walked over to me

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Caitlin put my bags in the back seat of the car as Katie walked over to me. She opened the passenger side door for me to get in before she said bye to Caitlin and hugged her. She then got in the driver's seat.

"Hello Amelia..."

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