Chapter 31

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*Amelia's POV*

I woke up quite late in the day, around 11am, as I was absolutely shattered from the day before. These tablets make me crazy tired. As usual, I turned to my nightstand to see my phone on charge – Lessi must have put it on charge for me after I fell asleep on Ella. She's an actual angel. I unlocked it as I scrolled through my notifications, seeing a bunch of Instagram ones which weren't that important. I laid my eyes upon my actual messages as I saw one from an unknown number.


Mornin' sleeping beauty. I got your number from Less. I know I should've asked you first, I'm sorry. I know your asleep, but you'll get this when you wake up. But I hope you're okay. You seemed pretty worn-out last night. I'm always here if you need to talk. Miss you! Come down soon x

Ella. That's who it was.

Morning! Stop calling me that! 😠 I'm awake now if you wanna come see me. I won't come down for about 30 mins, but you can always come up if you miss me that much Ella😉 x

On my way!!!! X

A few seconds later I heard a knock on my door. I shouted for them to come in and soon after, Tooney came into my room with a smile spread across her face.

"Sleeping beauty!!!" she shouted as she jumped into my arms that I had extended out for her. She rested her head on my chest as I carried on scrolling through my messages from Viv and Beth, saying that they were coming over later, I'm guessing with Katie too.

I carried on reading my messages until I got to Katie's. My favourite human.


What the fuck Amelia?

For real?

You've known her a day...

10 more messages.

"Huh? What is she on about?" Tooney asked, moving her head from my chest, and looking up at me.

"Nothing Ella, just lay back down." I instructed as Ella rested her head on my chest once again, making sure she was closer to me than before. I opened all my messages from Katie and my heart sunk.

I thought we were in this together.

Did I mean nothing to you?

How could you do this?

Things along those lines. Confused, I decided to reply.

Baby what are you on about? Who? You do mean so much to me. I really really like you, Katie. I love spending time with you every day. I miss you so much x

Every single time I open my phone, you're there with Ella. If I didn't know better, you'd probably be shagging her. Whatever, I don't even care.

Katie Alison McCabe! What are you on about? I am not shagging Ella. I can't help what other people post on their stories Katie. I'm sorry if it came off wrong but I do not like Ella in that way, and I never will. Katie, please realise that.




Please come over today.


I jumped off the bed, forgetting Ella was there, and walked to the bathroom. I sunk to the floor as I started crying uncontrollably. I know me and Ella have gotten close these past few days, but I would never imagine being, or doing anything, with her. I really like Ella yes, she's a good friend, and I know I will be able to trust her – but I love Katie. I haven't admitted it to her, or anyone, yet, and I don't think I will for a little while as she definitely doesn't feel the same way. I understand she's mad at me for being all cuddly with Ella, but that doesn't give her the right to talk to me like that. We aren't even dating!

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