Chapter 11

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*Amelia's POV*

I woke up at 6am to see that I was still downstairs, with a blanket wrapped around my body, and a peacefully sleeping Katie McCabe in front of me on the other sofa. Did she really sleep down here just for me? Surely not. She probably was just as tired as me and just fell asleep. I think...?

I walked upstairs to my room and looked at the weather for today. It was actually meant to be quite nice, and I was meeting the arsenal girls today, so I had to make an impression. I jumped in the shower and did my skincare before walking back to my room and getting dressed.

I decided to leave my hair down today as I couldn't be bothered styling it. I went for a black top and some cream trousers and a pair of black shoes, with a little bag and my favourite necklace.

 I went for a black top and some cream trousers and a pair of black shoes, with a little bag and my favourite necklace

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I walked back downstairs and saw it was now 7:30am.

I checked my messages before I made breakfast for me and Katie.


Hey Ami! How's England? You feeling okay? Love you lots, mama xxx


Hey! Heard you moved to England! Can I come see you sometime soon? Been missing you like crazy! Love you millions x.

My Lessi❤️

Morning! Are you awake? I know it's like 10 past 6 but I'm wide awake. How was your night? Did you and Katie get up to any... activities? I CAN'T WAIT FOR TODAY! Mum has messaged me saying she's disappointed in me but right now I'm living my life how I always dreamed, and I can't and won't get any better. You should so call me when you read this message. Love you!

Mornin! Yes, I was awake when you messaged, was just in the shower. And no, me and Katie didn't get up to any... activities. You gross child. But she has done may things that I'm kind of thinking she might like me. Idk though she might just be being friendly.

Like what?! Tell me everything.

Well, ofc I didn't bring pjys cause I'm an idiot and forgot, but I mean I could've just worn joggers and a shirt to sleep in, but I asked Katie if she had anything spare, I could wear, and she gave me her 15 McCabe shirt and some black shorts to sleep in. AND she knocked on my door when I got out the shower, so I opened the door with my towel round me and she started at me as if she's never seen me before. And she kept smiling at me when we were watching tv. But I did have to ask her to sit closer to me so maybe she doesn't like me. But when I was going to sleep, she thought I was already asleep and she kissed my head and said "goodnight my love" so idk, I'm confused nat.

BABE, SHE LOVES YOU! WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?! She probs didn't sit next to you cause Caitlin told her off for even looking at you.

Ha, she told me off too! I'll see you later love, I'm gunna go make breakfast now xx

Love you see ya later x.

Maybe she does like me. I don't know. But I got up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen and started making pancakes for me and Katie before she had to go to training and take me to see Jonas and the girls.

As she woke up, she walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder, surely just as a friend, right?

"What are you making Lia?"

Lia! Oh, how I can get used to that.

"Pancakes, you want some before training? Trainings at 9:30 and its 8:15 so you might want to go get dressed, your pancakes will be done when you're back down" Katie smiled before nodding and walking off.

She came down 15 minutes later in her arsenal jumper and some black shorts before opening her laptop reply to some emails.

She came down 15 minutes later in her arsenal jumper and some black shorts before opening her laptop reply to some emails

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(Katie's OOTD)

I walked over to Katie with her pancakes and sat down next to her while we both were preoccupied with technology. Once Katie finished her pancakes she walked over to the kitchen and started washing up. I jumped out of my seat and ran over to her.

"Katie stop, I'm doing this. Go stretch and prep for training and do what you need to do."

"Woah woah calm down, since when do I take orders from you?" she chucked.

"Since now McCabe, go." I laughed it off.

"Whatever Lia" he rolled her eyes and walked off upstairs. While she was finishing getting ready, I cleaned the kitchen, the living room, and the table we were sat on before making Katie and myself a tea to drink on the way to training.

"KATIE! CMON YOURE GOING TO BE LATE" it was 9am and London traffic is horrendous this time of the morning.

"I'm coming calm down stresser!" she said in her thick Irish accent.

"Whatever. You got your boots" Katie nodded. "Your training kit?" she nodded again "your sliders?" Katie didn't nod. "KATIE! GO GET THEM" she ran upstairs and back down in a few seconds.

"Ugh why are you taking forever Liaaaaaa" Katie moaned jokingly.

"ME?! Miss McCabe, you have been nothing but slow this morning, if we will be living together, I will definitely not be putting up with that" I laughed as Katie drove.

"And who said you're living with me huh?" she laughed back.

"let's just see what Jonas has to say huh?" I mimicked her 'huh' at the end which she definitely did not appreciate.

Katie doesn't know that I know that she kissed my head last night, but that's okay, she doesn't have to know.

On the way to training we played music, and weirdly, Katie has the same taste in music than me, we listened to 'look after you' by The Fray and a few songs by Noah Kahan, especially Orange Juice, which weirdly relates to my life. But Katie didn't know that. We pulled up to training only JUST in time.

I saw Natalya and knew for a fact she had a good night.

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