Chapter 19

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-Not one of my close friends finding my book and knowing its me writing it. Help me.

ALSO, this chapter contains signs of abuse.

*Amelia's POV*

After being given the order in which the girls were coming in, I went into my office and set up and waited for the girls. They all went to Natalya first, then me. It took up the entire day, and every one of them was pretty normal and standard, all but Katie and Leah. Both for very different reasons.

I asked all the girls questions like; "is there anywhere that hurts or is tight?" "how are your ankles and feet?" and "how is your body feeling?". And I did physical exams on them too, feeling their hamstrings for any tightness and their calves. I focused primarily on their legs; however, if I felt like I needed to, I listened to their lungs.

The first two girls came and went with ease, next was katie. She walked down and sat on the examination table I had in front of me.

"Here to check me out huh?" Katie said with confidence.

I just chuckled and went "Oh shut up McCabe and let me do my job." As I asked her to bend her leg onto the table so I could check her calves.

I slowly moved further up her leg, pretending to examine every single part, even though we both knew that was not necessary. I got to her hamstring and started massaging it.

"Hm, it feels a little tight."

It definitely didn't. I just wanted to keep physical contact with her.

While katie was sat on the bench, facing me, I moved closer to her to ask the questions I had asked the other two girls. I was stood in between her legs as I asked, "Anywhere in particular that feels tight?"

Katie grabbed my hand and led it to the inside of her thigh, the top it. I followed my hand down to where she placed it.

"Here." Katie said while looking at me. I slowly dragged my eyes back up to her eyes, giving her direct contact.

"Oh, that sucks, you might have to go to a masseuse." I joked, keeping my hand in place. "Who knows? I might resolve that problem for you one day" I winked at Katie as Laura Wienroither walked in.

I would've done something if we weren't here. I would've 'helped her'. I know for a fact it wasn't tight, she just wanted me to touch her, and I was not complaining.

All the other girls exams went by with ease, I checked a few peoples lungs as they were breathing differently, but that was purely because they had been running around.

The last person I had was Leah, she seemed pissed off and annoyed at something, so I wanted to make this quick. I asked all the normal questions, and she was getting more agitated by the second. I knew that Leah was not doing any training today, and that she was only here to observe the girls, yet she seemed in pain.

"Hey Leah, I'm just going to do one more exam, okay?" I was not happy with the outcomes of the other exams, but I knew she wouldn't stay behind to talk about them. "I'm just going to lift the back of your shirt up and listen to your lungs, okay?

Leah flipped. She got up straight away. "No. You're not." She shouted.

"Leah please, one exam, I won't do anything else."

Leah knew she couldn't say no, otherwise it would raise more suspicion. She sat down on my table and made one thing clear. "No questions. I mean it." She sternly but quietly said.

I lifted up her shirt to see bruises decorating her side, her back, all over it.


"No. I said no questions"

"Leah talk to me, are you okay? What happened?"

"Have you done the test yet?"

"No, give me a second." I did my test and let her know it was finished. And with that, she stormed out after pulling her shirt back down and pretending everything was fine.

The bubbly, happy, energetic Leah, could barely walk properly, was in pain, had bruises everywhere, was underweight, wasn't eating. What was happening? She seemed so perfect on the pitch and training. What on earth has happened?

I walked into Nat's office before training finished, to compare notes. I told her about Leah, and she told me what happened with Leah on her side.

I was massively concerned.

We called Jonas into our office and asked him to keep an eye on Leah, we can't disclose why, just please look after her. Jonas promised to keep an eye on her and tell us if anything else happens.

Training finished and Katie decided it was time for us to go shopping. I bought loads of new clothes, mainly from Primark. I could afford other clothes, but Primark was too good. I bought many tops, bottoms, pjys, dresses, I even bought new makeup and skincare, and just random bits I wanted for my room or just anything I liked really. I spent so much money it wasn't funny.

Me and Katie went home to make dinner for all of us, as me, Beth, Viv, and Katie all sat round the table talking about our days.

"So, how did you enjoy your first day at work? Enjoy examining people?" Beth laughed. If only she had an idea.

I looked at katie and smiled "Yeah, something like that." I said as I looked back at Beth.

"EWWWWW! I didn't need to know!" Beth screamed.

Me and Katie just laughed. "Nothing happened Beth calm down, I was trying to get in your head". I laughed again.

"Well now it won't leave my head. So, thank you for traumatizing me Reubs." Beth stated once again.

"Nawwww no one has called me Reubs, I like that, that's your nickname for me now."

"What about me?!" Viv said, butting into the conversation.

"Yes Vivi, you can call me it too" I laughed as I took mine and Beth's plate into the kitchen, with Katie following me with her's and Viv's.

"And what can I call you?" Katie whispered in my ear.

"Whatever you please" I smiled back.

After washing the dishes, Katie dragged me upstairs.

"Amelia, you have been driving me wild all day". She said once she closed my bedroom door.

Me having no shame at all, turned around from her and took off my top and my bra, leaving my topless body exposed as I spoke, "Really, have I?"

Katie loudly sighed as I grabbed her jumper and put it on my now topless body.

"Didn't know you were so easily affected. I know how to crack tough McCabe. I feel powerful." I said as I turned towards her, staring at her.

I started to take off my trousers, getting ready for bed.

"You just going to stand there McCabe? Or are you joining me in bed? You have an off day tomorrow, what are you doing? I'm out with Steph and Nat so you're with Beth and Viv."

Katie took off her shirt, leaving her in her sports bra and shorts.

"I'll be talking about you." She muttered under her breath.

We both got into bed and cuddled, before Katie kissed me on the top of my head, and we both drifted off to sleep.

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