Chapter 24

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*Katie's POV*

I woke up to see Ami asleep on my chest, having not moved from the night before. I had stayed up for her last night, as I wouldn't forgive myself if she came home to an empty house with no one awake. I expected her to sleep in my room, yes, but I did not expect the rest of it. I am so glad she kissed me though. So glad. She was the sweetest little angel I had ever seen.

She must've known I was awake because she rolled over and grabbed the pillow that was on the other side of my bed and cuddled into it. She looked so peaceful; I almost didn't want to leave her.

I walked downstairs to get her a drink of cold water, a diet coke (her fav) and some paracetamol. I walked back upstairs and placed it on the side table, before writing a note.

Hey my baby,

I hope you're feeling okay, if not, I've left you some tablets and some drinks. I should be home when you wake up; however, I need to pop out for a few hours with Caitlin, so if you wake up while I'm out, just know I'm a text or call away, and I'll be back shortly after.

I do hope you had a good night baby. I enjoyed every second of it, iykwim.

I am extremely proud of you for fitting into this life and adapting your life for us, for the Arsenal team. It must've been hard, but I'm glad you did it.

I really like you, Ami. You have me wrapped around your little finger, ahaha.

Have a good sleep baby, you need it.

(p.s, you look so cute asleep on my chest. I could get used to that.)

Katie xox

I walked back downstairs to see Beth and Viv sat at the table, eating breakfast. I grabbed the plate they had generously made for me and sat down at the table with them.

"So, you and Ami had fun last night?" Beth chuckled.

"What? What did you hear? I told her to be quiet." I said, rambling.

"Ew Katie! I didn't hear anything! You have a hickey on your neck that's all!"

I had just shot myself in the foot. "Yeah, yeah that, yeah, ignore what I said I didn't mean it. Nothing happened."

"Yeah right" Viv chimed in.

"Viv! Be on my side! I thought we were friends!" I pretended to be hurt.

"Beth is my girlfriend, Katie. You're still my friend of course but Beth is right in this situation. Something definitely happened."

I decided to change the subject as we had all finished breakfast.

"Want me to take your plates?"

Beth and Viv just laughed, "Sure. Anything to get out of our questions huh McCabe?"

I walked off.

After washing the dishes, I got ready to go meet Caitlin alone for the first time since she came back to London. We met at this little, small café in town, and we talked about how things have been at her house. She filled me in on the fight that Nat and Lessi had, and how Nat has been staying at Stephs house today because she wanted to give Lessi space. I understood that. We talked for another hour or so about Lessi and Nat until Caitlin looks down at my neck and her eyes widened. I knew what she had seen.


"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, but it wasn't what you think. Honestly!" I tried defending myself.

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