Chapter 25

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*Natalya's POV*

I woke up this morning in Steph's house once again. I've stayed here the past few nights just to give Lessi the space she might need away from me. I was awoken by Steph lightly shaking me, with pancakes in her hand. My favourite. I checked my phone for the time - 8:15. I still needed to shower, get dressed and pack my work bag. There wasn't much stuff I needed today except some of my university work, which I luckily had brought to Steph's.

I scrolled through my notifications trying to find one from Alessia, but it wasn't there. I felt my heart sink knowing she doesn't want anything to do with me right now. I put my plate on the side of the desk and jumped in the shower.

After I got dressed in my work outfit, I packed my work bag and Steph drove us to the training ground.

I knew I would see Alessia today, but I didn't know if she would want to see me, so as we got to the training ground, I walked straight into the room that me, and Ami would be working in today

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I knew I would see Alessia today, but I didn't know if she would want to see me, so as we got to the training ground, I walked straight into the room that me, and Ami would be working in today. I set all my stuff down and waited for Ami to arrive. Me and Steph were quite early as she hates being late, or even on time, so I walked out to the pitch to help set up. That is when one girl came running up to me.

"Hey Nat, we need to talk."


"Not today Leah please, I know we need to but not today. I can't."

I walked away from her.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Alessia walk into the ground, but I see her start talking to Leah. I really want them to get along, they have been friends for ages in national team and I don't want to ruin it. I finish setting up the goals and training circuits with Steph before I feel a hand on my shoulder. Lessi, I know that soft touch anywhere.

"Hey Nat, can I talk to you?" she whispered as she let me follow her to a part of the pitch where no one was.

"I do forgive you, I know there is nothing to forgive you over because we aren't together" she said, defeated, "but, I do need a little bit more space I think, if that's okay?"

"Yes Less, whatever you need. I'll be at Steph's if you need me." I faked a smile, while walking away into my office.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by Katie, with Ami sat on her lap. "Oh, what a sight" I chuckled jokingly. Ami kissed Katie as Katie left to go to training.

"I have so much to tell you." Ami said.

"Can I go first?" I embarrassedly said.

"Of course, Nat, go ahead."

During the whole workday, me and Ami transferred data into the laptops we had been given while we told each other absolutely everything. No TMI in this friendship. Just as we were finishing, Steph and Katie had walked in.

"Ready to go girls?" they said in unison as me and Ami chuckled.

"Yes. Yes, we are." Ami said before waving goodbye to me and taking Katie's hand in her own.

Steph wrapped her arm around me while we walked to the car, getting in after a long day of work / training. We got home and cooked dinner, chicken and steamed veg, with chips. Healthy, but not. We ate dinner at the table with her fiancé. It was a normal night. We watched movies, ate ice cream, and went up to bed at a reasonable time.

The next morning, I did the same old thing, checked my phone for any messages from Alessia. There was none; however, there was a message from Caitlin and Lotte.


Hey love, I know you're taking time away from Lessi right now, and I hope you're okay at Stephy's house. But Alessia misses you, she tells us every night about what went on, even though she knows we have heard it a million times. She puts out 4 plates instead of 3 because she thinks you're coming home. Please come home baby Nat. We all miss you x.


Come home. This isn't funny anymore. Alessia is heartbroken without you here Nat. I know you think she is mad because you fucked Leah, but she's genuinely over it now. She just wants you home Natalya.

I decided not to reply to any of the messages as I ate breakfast with Steph. We then took her fiancé to work, came back and I started to wash the pots from the night before that we were all too lazy to clean. I was listening to music until I heard a knock on the door, and Steph walk into the kitchen.

"I'll finish washing, go get the door." Steph instructed.

I opened the door to see Leah.

"We need to talk, now please." Leah looked at me with concern.

"Okay" was all I said as I let her into the house, leading her round to the back room that Steph had a few beanbags in.

"I need to make it clear that I do not regret that night; however, I would not do it again." She stated, quite abruptly.

"Okay. I know you want to say something else, so say it." I laughed.

"You and Lessi are perfect for each other, seriously. I have been good friends with her for a while, but everything is off now. I want to be friends with you, even though I was mean to you at the start of you being here. I am really sorry about that by the way. I didn't mean it; I was just going through some stuff." She said, sounding a little defeated.

Now it was my time to speak.

"Leah, I don't regret that night either, but just like you, I wouldn't do it again. Yes, you're a nice person, a beautiful, caring person, despite what happened at the start. But I only have eyes for Lessi. I'd say im sorry, but you feel the same. Yes, we can be friends, I'm on the same team as you for god's sake, and I have to examine you every few weeks, so it would be kind of awkward if we hated each other. Stay here, I need to get you something I found at training today."

I got up to get Leah a letter I found in training today on the floor that was addressed to her, just as the door went again. This time Steph opened it and I saw Alessia. What was she doing here? Bad timing Alessia. Bad timing. As I went to say hi to Alessia, Leah turned the corner, and just stared at Lessi. With that, Alessia stormed away, got in her car, and drove off.

"Steph! Please take me home. Please" I begged as Steph told me to go get her car keys.

"Here Leah, this was for you, but I'm so sorry. You have to go; I need to see Alessia."

Leah understood and hugged me goodbye and wished me good luck. I got into Steph's car with no shoes on, and my pjys that I still hadn't gotten out of.

I opened the door to my house, to see Alessia had only just got in before me, walking up the stairs.

"Alessia. Look at me."

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