Chapter 8

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*Caitlin's POV*

I woke up at 5am, with the flight being at 9, I had an hour to get ready before we had to leave. But before I did, I had to message Katie.


Hey Katie! Just letting you know that our flight lands at 11pm your time tomorrow. I would 100% bring Amelia to mine afterwards but my car would only be able to fit me and Natalya. And Natalya is staying at mine tomorrow until Jonas updates us all on the house sharing situations. I hate to ask but can you possibly pick Amelia up from Heathrow Airport and take her to yours, just for the night. I know you like her but let's try not do anything tonight, she's still the kid here. I mean it Cabey.

I got a reply almost instantly.

Yes, ofc I will. And idk what you mean about me liking her... she's just, really pretty and cute and her laugh makes me smile... shit I said to much didn't I? but YES, I will pick her up and let her house share with me until Jonas talks to us all. I'll make her feel very welcome Foord 😉


I'm kidding Cait. Get ready for the flight! I'll see you soon! Love ya!

I walked over to Amelia's bed to wake her up and get her dressed. I quickly jumped in the shower as Amelia got on her phone and started messaging people. I only had a quick shower as I supposed Amelia would want one too. Once I got out, I brushed my hair and got dressed in my arsenal flight tracksuit, the same one Natalya, Amelia and Steph will be wearing.

Amelia walked into the bathroom and had a shower before coming back out and doing the same thing I did. We put on our sliders and walked down with our main suitcases and gave them to the security to put on the bus.

We walked into the breakfast hall to be greeted by all the Matilda's who were going back to England to play for their clubs, plus Natalya. I sat on the table with Steph, Natalya, Alanna and Sam. We all were flying to London together and Alanna was flying from Heathrow to Manchester along with Mary fowler.

We ate breakfast and Natalya seemed to be so happy, same as Amelia, which I'm glad for. I hope they know they're making the right choice.

We got onto the bus, and I sat next to Amelia to tell her about the situation when we get home. Halfway into the journey to the airport, I spoke.

"Amelia? I've got to tell you something..."

*Amelia's POV*

"Amelia? I've got to tell you something..." my heart sank, does she not want me to come back with her? Has she changed her mind. Oh no. everything ran through my head except the thing that came out of Caitlin's mouth next...

"Katie is going to be picking you up from the airport, and you'll have to house share with her tonight until Jonas sorts out the house arrangements. Is that okay?"

I felt a small smile creep on my face but quickly pushed it away as I said, "yeah no that's okay I don't mind, I'll probably just sleep anyway, thanks for letting me know. Oh, and another question?"

Caitlin looks confused as she asked me what I needed.

"Can I have Katie's number?" I saw Caitlin smirk. "No not like that you creep, if we are house sharing and she's picking me up, I might need her number to message her in case I don't know where I'm going!" I started laughing.

Little does Caitlin know; it was definitely in the way she was thinking. This crush is going to be fatal. Katie doesn't even like me and she was once just a celebrity crush.

Once Caitlin gave me Katie's number, I messaged her straight away.

Katie McCabe 😊

Hey my new roomie. It's Amelia, I heard you're picking me up from the airport then taking me back to yours? Surely get to know me a little better before you take me home 😉. Jokes, looking forward to seeing you Katie xx

I turned my phone off an put it in my pocket as we approached the airport. I grabbed my small duffle bag and walked with Natalya into the airport, following Caitlin and Steph. We all checked in and made our way up to the lounge. Caitlin started talking to Natalya as I messaged Katie, and the rest of the girls were playing Jenga and annoying everyone else in the lounge.

*Natalya's POV*

"So, Natalya, any crushes I should know about? I know Amelia likes Katie, but who do you like? Who's your celebrity crush?"

I blushed knowing exactly who my celebrity crush is. And it's a very high possibility i'll get to meet her. But there's rumours going around saying she's with another arsenal girl so either way I don't have a shot.

"Hey, earth to Natalya, I asked a question" Caitlin chuckled.

"Oh yeah, no I don't have a crush". This is when Amelia looked up from her phone for the first time.

"Stop lying Nat! tell her about Leah! Go on, she already knows about Katie and now Katie wont stop messaging me, you never know what will happen."

I blushed knowing that my best friend just dobbed me in for liking Leah Williamson. Here it all comes.

"Leah Williamson huh? You guys would suit each other to be honest. She's single, you're single, go for it. You're only like 4 years younger than her. She's 22, you're 18. Amelia is 19 and Katie is 24. there's more of an age gap between them than you.

"Amelia! I'm gonna kill you!" I looked at Amelia as I see she's smiling while messaging someone... definitely Katie.

We now needed to board the plane, I was sitting next to Steph which is good as I get away from Caitlin and Amelia. As soon as the plane got settled into the sky, ready for our long journey to Singapore, I fell asleep.

I woke up as we were just landing and saw that I was asleep on Steph's shoulder.

"Omg Steph you could've woke me up! I'm so sorry. Why didn't you wake me? You must've been so uncomfortable."

"Natalya. Stop it, you're okay, you needed the rest. We have a 2-hour stopover in Singapore before flying to London, you can sleep on me on that journey too... lets go get you some food".

So off we walked to the nearest shop, with Caitlin and Amelia trudging behind us. I wonder what they got up to on the plane...

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