Chapter 30

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*Alessia's POV*

I fell asleep in the arms of Natalya last night, after we all had an amazing night. Well, at least I think we did. I don't know what happened to Ami last night and when I asked Nat what happened, she wouldn't tell me. I mean, if Ella was going through something and didn't want anyone to know, I wouldn't tell anyone who asked, so I understand – but I just wanted to help, so I messaged Katie this morning, to get possible answers.

Katie McCabe

Hey love, quick question. Last night Ami had to sit on the floor and Natalya gave her some tablets out of Ami's bag, she looked quite distressed. Any tips on how to help her? Xx

Hey Less. Is she okay? I hate to say this, but I actually don't know how to help, as she has never told me she takes tablets, nor have I seen her take them. Keep me updated please? Xx

Of course, Katie. I'm sure she will speak to you eventually x.

Natalya had rolled over as she probably heard I was awake, and with her not on top of me, I got up and walked downstairs - not before placing a small kiss on the sleeping girl's head.

I walked into the kitchen to start breakfast; however, I heard two voices coming from the living room. As I walked in there, I was met with two girls – my best friend, and my soon-to-be girlfriend's best friend. This was a gorgeous sight. None of them had seen me yet. They were on the sofa together, Ami laid in Ella's arms, both just watching a show they had put on the TV. If people saw this, they would think they were together, but I can tell by the way Ella and Ami look at each other, they're going to be best friends really quickly.

I walked further into the room.

"Morning girls." I said, as both the girls looked at me, but didn't move.

"Morning Less" "Good morning Lessi." Both girls replied before watching the show again. Trying to take in the moment, I took a picture before posting it on my Instagram story.

 Trying to take in the moment, I took a picture before posting it on my Instagram story

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Ami started rubbing her head and got up quickly out of Ella's grasp. "I'll be back." She said, before exiting the room swiftly.

"So, you like Ami then?" I turned my attention from the girl who had left, to my best friend.

"She seems so sweet. I can tell there's so much more going on in her life that she definitely hasn't told anyone, and I want her to have that person. Someone other than Natalya of course." Ella whispered. She really cared for this girl, despite only meeting her yesterday. "Anyway, you and Nat. Tell me more."

"Well," I started, "I really like her Ella. Like, really like her. It feels weird falling for a girl. I actually didn't know I liked girls until I saw her. That's scary." I chuckled. No one knew that Natalya was my first girl, everyone just assumed I liked girls because I was a footballer.

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