Chapter 22

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- Uh oh, Natalya's in a little bit of a pickle. Wanting and flirting with one girl but has sex with the girl who was incredibly mean to her. What on earth is she going to do? I know I normally change POV's, but this needed to be resolved straight away xxx

*Natalya's Pov*

"Less just come sit down, please. Can we talk about this before we go to bed?" I begged Alessia to come back.

After standing still halfway up the stairs, Alessia walks back down and sits on the couch, without looking at me. I was stood up in front of her, just looking at her, waiting for her to look back at me.

"It was a mistake." I blurted out. I don't actually know if it was or not, because I did really like Leah, but I liked Less more. "I was drunk, and I know that's not an excuse, but I had just been told to distance myself from you after I was going through difficult emotions towards you, so I just decided to go out and get drunk with Gio and Ami. I didn't expect to get with her. I really didn't."

Alessia just stared at me. "I'm only going to ask 2 questions. One, what actually happened?"

"I saw her in the corner of the bar, and I had so much alcohol in me, and she kept looking at me and next thing I know she kissed me and dragged me into the bathroom." I didn't want to finish the story.

"Keep going." Lessi demanded.

"She fucked me." I said as I looked down at the floor. After a few minutes of silence, Alessia stood up and pulled me towards her. I thought she was going to be so mad, but she wasn't. I then ruined it by asking "What was your other question?" ready to be completely honest with her.

"Who was it?" she whispered. I did not prepare for this question, but I couldn't lie to her.

"Leah." I whispered under my breath. Hoping she didn't hear.

"Leah?!" she shouted as she let go of me, "as in the Leah you have been crying about because she has been so mean to you? You mean my best friend Leah who is the captain of my national team? You mean the Leah who I have to train and play with every week? LEAH WILLIAMSON?"

I didn't speak, just looked at her with sorrow in my eyes.

"Natalya, are you serious? Are you fucking serious? You cried in my arms the other day because your idol shouted at you, and now you're fucking her. That's ridiculous." She said as she stormed back up the stairs and into her room.

I cried. I cried and cried and cried. I reached into my bag that was on the table and pulled out my phone.


Hey Steph. Are you awake?

Yes baby, what's up, what do you need?

I need you to pick me up.

10 minutes after I had sent that text, Steph was outside my house. I got into her car in silence as she drove back to hers.

"I'm so sorry. You should be asleep right now." I said quietly as we pulled up to her house.

"No Nat, I wake up at 5:30 anyway to go to the gym. But either way, I would rather look after you than work out. C'mon, let's get you upstairs and to sleep, you look shattered."

I slept for a good 6 hours and didn't wake up till about 12 and I came down to Steph cooking lunch for me.

"I made you some food. Are you feeling okay, hungover? Anything?"

I shook my head as I began to speak. "I'm not hungry, thank you though Steph, I can eat it later if you want" she just nodded as she went to go give her fiancé some of the lunch she had made.

"Steph? I need to speak to you" I said as I began to choke up.

"What's going on?" she spoke as she led me to the living room and sat me on the couch next to her. I cried immediately. Steph wrapped her arms around me but stayed silent, knowing that I would eventually speak.

"I messed up so bad." I sobbed once again. "I meant to, I said I didn't, but I did, I knew exactly what I was doing, and who I was doing it with. It all just happened, and I don't exactly regret it. But I hurt her, I don't know what to do Steph I don't."

"Nat baby, I'm going to need more than that. I need you to tell me what happened." She said as I lifted my head from her chest.

"Me and Leah. We fucked. Last night. And Lessi saw my hickeys. And I told her. And now she's mad at me and Leah. I don't know what to do Steph. Help me fix it. Please."

Steph looked at me with the sad disappointed mum look in her eyes.

"Steph please." I said, choking on my words again.

"When I said keep your distance I didn't mean go and get with her best friend." Steph chuckled, trying to make the situation better. I weakly smiled back at her. "In all honestly, the only thing you can do is let lessi come back to you. It won't take long, it's Alessia, she is the most forgiving soul ever."

I hugged Steph before her fiancé joined and hugged me too, despite not knowing what the hell just happened. We watched movies for the rest of the day and ordered pizza. Steph had cancelled all her plans to look after me.

"I do have a few questions though Nat."

I looked up at Steph and nodded.

"Did you enjoy you and Leah?" I nodded again.

"Would you do it again?"

"Yes" I cowardly spoke.

"Do you have feelings for Leah?"

"No. Only lessi. I'd fuck Leah again for sure, but I couldn't do a relationship with her. I just couldn't."

"Okay" Steph said, smiling down at me. "And one more, how did Amelias night go, did she have fun with Gio?"

I actually didn't know the answer to that question...

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