Chapter 33

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*Katie's POV*

I didn't know how to feel about Ami being home right now, as I'm still mad at her for getting with Ella, despite her saying that she hasn't. But right now, having her in my arms, is the best feeling ever.

We had all sat down in my bedroom, with me and Ami up the top, facing each other, and Beth and Viv sat on the end of my bed as they held hands, looking at me and Ami. I had no clue what was about to be said, but whatever it was, it must have been important. She looked at me, before looking down quickly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Amelia. Just tell me." I said, thinking the worst.

"Katie, just be patient. This is hard for her, for everybody." Vivianne spoke, already choking up.

Beth grabbed Amelia's hand, as she started speaking. "Katie. Please don't think of me any differently." she spoke, before crying and telling me everything. From her dad leaving, to where she is now. My heart broke for her, I never ever knew that she could have gone through something like that, and I can't help but feel responsible for how she is feeling now.

"Amelia I'm so sorry." I said, pulling her into my chest. I looked at Beth and Viv who were welled up with tears, walking out the door as I mouthed a 'thank you' to them. After all, they were the ones who helped Amelia through this.

"Okay baby, can you look at me?" I said, lifting her chin up. "I am not mad at you, and I don't like you any less. You're still my perfect girl." I said, kissing her forehead. "I want you to know that I am really sorry for getting mad about Tooney. I know yous are just friends, but I have really bad trust issues since my last relationship. I should have trusted you. I'm really sorry." I spoke as I looked down at my fingers, realising this is the first time I had spoken about Ruesha to Ami.

"I told you about me, now tell me about you. I want to know." Amelia spoke.

"Well, basically." I said, struggling to get the words out. "We were together for a while obviously, but towards the end she started becoming really friendly with one of our friends, Lucy Quinn. I suspected nothing of it of course, but she was cuddling her lots, like you were with Ella, and she always stayed round her house. Again, I thought nothing of it. I thought they were just best friends. Until one day, we were all at dinner at someone said about Ruesha and Lucy. I asked what they meant, and someone told me that they had kissed and that Ruesha tried to sleep with her." I sighed, remembering the day all too well.

"That night, Ruesha didn't cuddle me as we slept, so I asked her straight up. She denied it of course. Until a few hours later, she had posted about her affair on Instagram – having not even told me the truth. I walked downstairs to see her crying, and I left right then. I drove straight to Beth and Viv's house at the time, and now we all live together. They have helped me so much." I had started crying by this point.

Me and Ami were both crying messes.

It wasn't that late in the day, but we were so tired, so we decided to have a nap, cuddled with each other.

"I love you, Katie." I heard a whisper, almost like she was trying to get me to not hear.

"I love you too" I whispered back, before moving her closer to me and falling fast asleep.

We woke up at about 6ish and decided to go out for dinner. Why? I have no clue, but we both got dressed and did our makeup before leaving to go to one of my favourite fancy restaurants. I wore black shirt and white trousers, slicked my hair back and put on some red lipstick to tie my outfit together.

 I wore black shirt and white trousers, slicked my hair back and put on some red lipstick to tie my outfit together

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Ami said she wanted her outfit to be a surprise, so she got changed in her room, which she rarely uses anymore. I walked downstairs and sat on the sofa, waiting for her, as Beth and Viv came out of their rooms to join me.

"Where are you going all fancy?" Beth said to me, as I looked nervous as ever.

"To a restaurant Beth..."

"Are you going to do it?!" she whispered to me.

"Yes... I think I am..." and as I said that, the most beautiful girl walked down the stairs. She looked magical; her hair looked amazing. She looked amazing.

She said hi to Beth and Viv, before saying bye straight away and meeting me at the door

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She said hi to Beth and Viv, before saying bye straight away and meeting me at the door.

"You look beautiful." I spoke out.

"You do too, I'm sorry if I keep staring at you." she chuckled.

"Fine by me" I smiled, placing a small kiss on the younger girl's lips, ready for tonight.

We pulled up to the restaurant after holding hands the whole way there. A table of two right at the back, away from everyone, seemed like the perfect place for tonight. To say what I wanted to say. As we finished ordering our food, I started twisting my rings, knowing this was the time.

"Ami? Can I ask you a question?" I spoke, trying to act confident.

"Yes babe? What's up?"

"I wanted to know," I spoke, grabbing her hand in mine across the table, "if you wanted to like, officially be my girlfriend. You can say no. I'll be okay if you don't want to!" I spoke, rambling on.

"Yes Katie. Of course I will. I was going to ask you tonight anyway, but it looks like you beat me to it." she laughed, walking over to me, and capturing my lips in a small and quick kiss. I smiled, the rest of the night, knowing she was now my girlfriend.

After we finished eating, we got back in the car, me opening the passenger car door for her.

"Katie?" she whispered.

"Yes love?"

"Will you take me and Nat car shopping someday soon?" she spoke, quite randomly.

"Yes, of course I will." I laughed before she spoke again.


"Yes love?" I repeated.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We arrived home and Beth and Viv looked like they were waiting for us, which they definitely were.

"So? What happened?" Viv asked, inquisitively.

"She said yes." I smiled.

"You're making it seem like were getting married." Ami chuckled on my neck.

"One day I will marry you." I said, hoping she didn't hear, which was a total fail as she looked at me straight away, before grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs. I heard Beth speak to Viv, loud enough for us to hear.

"C'mon Viv! Let's go for a drive!" she said as we all chuckled.

We got into my room and Ami immediately pushed me against the wall, kissing me passionately, as if she was in need of something.

"You need to know more of me before we get married Katie McCabe."

"Then let me..." I said, my hand sliding from the top of her back to the front, slipping into the slit of her dress. 

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