Chapter 7

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- this chapter might contain strong language and heavy scenarios surrounding Natalya's life at home. feel free to skip of you feel uncomfortable reading this x

*Natalya's POV*

As soon as Caitlin, Alanna and I got back to mine, I quickly ran to my room and found my suitcase. In the car ride here, I barely spoke a word, despite Caitlin and Alanna asking me questions.

Caitlin knew that my mum was strict, but Alanna knew nothing. She had a feeling about it, since I was panicking the whole ride there. Caitlin was driving and Alanna made me sit in the front seat instead of the back. During the drive, Caitlin held my hand and told me everything was okay.

I weirdly felt attached to Caitlin. I never feel attached to anyone. She's like my  big sister.

I started packing and keeping an eye on my mother's location on Life360. She was nearly home.

"Caitlin!" I shouted. She came running into my room. "she's nearly here and I haven't finished packing, help please" I pleaded.

Caitlin started asking what I NEEDED to bring with me and to find them first, ignore the clothes. Which was a wise idea because I had enough money to buy some from Primark if I needed too. 

I ran around my bedroom finding my passport, my childhood teddy bear, a pillow my dad got me while he was away, and a few pictures and sentimental things. I chucked all these into a small duffle bag that I will use as my carry on.

As soon as I started to find clothes, my mother walked in the door, angry as ever. She was greeted by two women footballers... her worst nightmare. Unintentionally, I chuckled at the irony. I was then death stared by my own mother.

"I don't know who you think you are," she said as she looked at the two footballers who I looked up to dearly. "But get out of my house."

Just as I was about to speak, Caitlin butted in.

"Natalya, go keep packing, Alanna will come into your room in a minute." I walked into my room to continue packing like Caitlin told me to. I grabbed a few football shirts, my training kit, my boots that were practically ruined from the amount I have worn them. I grabbed leggings, joggers, underwear, my uni work and a few tops.

I didn't pack anything smartish except for a pair of black skinny jeans. So, let's just hope no fancy occasions are coming up!!

I finished packing and I looked out my bedroom door to see that Caitlin and Alanna were standing in the living room with my mum, having a very strong discussion. Since my room is right next to the front door, I managed to sneak out the front and walk to Caitlin's car to put in my bags.

I stayed and sat in the car wondering what was happened... as I looked at the time, I realized by birthday was in 5 minutes. It was 23:55. In 5 minutes I can drive away and leave my home without legal consequences.

I could only imagine what was going on in my house.

*Caitlin's POV*

"She's nearly 18! Literally tomorrow, let her live her life. I know you don't think she can be a good footballer, but I've seen her games. She's amazing. She wants to leave this house. Her packing right now shows she wants to leave" Alanna spoke to Natalya's mum.

"Go see Natalya, Alanna, ill be there soon I promise." And with my words, Alanna walked away and walked to the car to go see Natalya.

5 minutes, that's all I had to wait for. I could do that.

"I don't know how you dare walk into my house and tell me how to parent my child! I bet you're not a mother yourself. So, get a grip, give me my daughter back, and leave."

2 minutes. Keep going.

"she's coming back to England with us." I calmly stated.

And with that, a fist landed on my face. A hard punch that was. I did not expect that. However, one minute left. I started walking towards the door as my face started to quickly bruise. I walked out of that house at 00:00.

"Wanna say happy 18th to your daughter before she leaves?" I asked Natalya's mum. She slammed the door in my face. She knows there is nothing left she can do. Natalya is now a legal adult and has the right to go wherever she pleases.

I walked to my car and got into the driver's seat.

"Happy 18th Natalya. C'mon, let's get back" I said to the young girl.

"Caitlin, what happened? What did my mum do? Are you okay?" she said as she looked at my bruise.

"I'm okay love, let's go, let's get you home."

We drove for 10 minutes in silence. Not one of us dared to speak but we all came to sense what had just happened. We walked into the hotel, and I got told I was with Amelia and that Natalya was with Alanna. It makes me happy knowing she's with someone she knows.

As soon as I got into my room, I greeted Amelia with a smile.

"Hey, my Katie loverrrrr" I chuckled, but Amelia did not find that funny.

"Whatever Foord. How's Natalya, she okay, she here? What happened? Who punched you?" she bombarded me with questions as she came running over to inspect the bruise, which I must admit, was starting to hurt.

"I'm okay, calm down, ill put ice on it tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep, we have an early flight. Do you have your travel kit?"

"Yeah, I do, it's all laid out. I hope you're okay. Let's just sleep." She said as she showed me her outfit for tomorrow.

" She said as she showed me her outfit for tomorrow

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(The travel outfit.)

Amelia fell asleep straight away, but I couldn't stop thinking about Natalya, if she's okay. I messaged Alanna to see if she was still up.

Hey Lan, is Natalya still up? Is she okay? I can't stop thinking about her.

Yeah, she's okay, she fell asleep with a bear that she brought from home, so I think she's struggling a little. She cried a bit in the bathroom but pretended she was okay when she walked out. Hopefully she will be okay in the morning. Get some rest Cait. Ill see you in the morning x

Goodnight Lan, get some sleep too x.

Tomorrow is a big day...

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