Chapter 32

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A.N / TW

There are some mentions of self-harm and sui*ide in this. If you do not feel comfortable, please skip. It should be clear on the next chapter what happened. 

*Beth's POV*

I watched as the young girl was curled up in my girlfriend's lap. I wanted to remember this moment forever – our new staff member, who we think of as our daughter, curled up into my girlfriend and talking about her problems. I quickly snapped a photo as I waited for Ami to continue.

"It all started when I was younger

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"It all started when I was younger. I must've been 13 or 14." she choked, holding on to Viv. "I was a massive daddy's girl. He was my hero, my best friend. I went everywhere with him. One day, I came home from school to see him and my mum arguing. I had no clue what about, but I heard the word football be thrown around so many times. Football this, football that." She started to tear up, obviously hurt from the memories filling her brain. "I had no clue what was happening, until my mum turned around and told me my dad was leaving. Leaving my mum and leaving the country to go back home to England. It turns out he got an offer from Middlesbrough F.C to be their manager, and that it would be stupid to refuse. It was major money, but all I cared about was the fact my dad was leaving." she held on tighter to Viv, not looking at her.

My heart broke for the poor girl.

"That wasn't even the worst bit. When my dad left, I had no one. Me and my mum were never as close as me and my dad, and due to the time difference, we rarely spoke anymore. Over the next few years, I got so mad at my dad for leaving me. My mum and I were both diagnosed with depression, and my sister developed an eating disorder. Life was chaos for us, and before I knew it, I was on the floor of my bathroom, blood spilling down my arms as I laid unconscious on the cold floor." her tears spilled harder.

"You..." was all I could manage to spill out, trying to hold my tears back, but Ami knew what I was asking.

"Yes, I had tried to kill myself. I was so low at that point; I couldn't imagine a way back up. I was at rock bottom. I eventually got help though. I got transferred to a psychiatric hospital and was put on anti-depressants at the ripe age of 17. I met Natalya just a few months after I got out and she helped me pull myself up through the cracks and I became happy again. I started talking to my dad regularly, I started going to school again, I was clean of self-harm. Until I stopped taking my tablets at 18. I wanted to drink more, and drinking on antidepressants wasn't good. So, I just never took them. I fell into the hole again, not as much as before, but I drank to fix my feelings, I started self-harming again, I turned up to school hungover and high most days. Then Natalya forced me to take them again. Along with my iron tablets that I had been told I needed to take every day. Tablets just weren't and aren't for me. I know I need them, but I don't want to need them. If that makes sense. Since I came here, I haven't taken them. Not once, until Natalya told me to take them the other night. That's why I'm so tired, they make me exhausted."

I couldn't help the silent tears spill down my face as Ella held me. Ella was a sweetheart, she always looked after everyone.

"What about last night and the night before? When you had to sit alone?" Alessia asked, almost scared for the answer. Ami was still not looking at us. She looked up at Vivianne as my girlfriend nodded, letting her know it was okay.

"I get stressed and overwhelmed sometimes. I know everyone does, but when it happens to me, I need my own space. It's something I've done most of my life. I've always needed my space, and Natalya has been good with that." she said, finally looking up at her best friend.

"I owe her everything. She's the only person who has been there through everything. And I love her for that. She keeps me straight." she smiled.

"This might be a bad question to ask." Ella started, "but why do you not want to take your tablets anymore? Is it because of Katie?"

Amelia didn't answer.

"Katie? What happened with Katie?" I asked, confused. Ami untangled herself from Viv and looked straight at me.

"She accused me of sleeping with Ella. Which, can I add, is not true." she started crying again. "I know me and Katie aren't dating yet, but I love her with my whole heart."

"You love her?" Viv asked with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I do."

"Then you have to go tell her Ami, everything. She has been so upset all morning thinking you don't love her the way she loves you. She's so worried about you baby. You need to go talk to her." I spoke, knowing how hurt Katie was this morning when she came downstairs to the couch and laid her head on my lap in silence, letting me play with her hair. That was the saddest I had seen Katie in a long time.

"Let's go then. I want to tell her everything. Absolutely everything. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend, Beth. I'll do it. I do love her so much." Ami's tears spilled out of her eyes once again. Natalya ran up to the room I guessed Ami was staying in, and a few seconds later brought down a bag.

"Ella..." Ami spoke, as if this was the last time they would see each other, and Ella clicked onto that.

"Hey, don't think this is the last time you're seeing me. I'm staying here for the rest of the month. I'll be here whenever you need me. You have my number now, sleeping beauty." Ella smiled as she walked over to the young girl and hugged her.

I went and started the car with Viv as Ami was getting the last of her things.

"She loves you." I spoke softly to my girlfriend who was sat in the passenger seat.

"And I love her too." she smiled back as she grabbed my hand.

Ami got in the car a moment after, and we drove straight home. As soon as we pulled into the driveway, Ami ditched her bag and jumped out of the car, going to find her soon-to-be-girlfriend.

"Katie! Baby! I need to talk to you!" was all we heard as I walked into the house. A moment later, I saw Katie and Ami hugging in the middle of the hallway. I started to walk upstairs with my girlfriend, as we heard the younger girl speak.

"Beth and Viv, can you stay and help me?" she whispered.

"Of course." I said, as I took Viv's hand in mine. I just want what's best for Amelia.  

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