Chapter 12

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*Natalya's POV*

Last night, for the most part, was amazing.

Caitlin house shares with 2 other girls; Lotte Wubben-Moy, and Alessia Russo. ALESSIA FUCKING RUSSO! Remember how Amelia told you that she was my crush. I'm rooming with my crush. But I also like Leah... but today, tonight and last night, Alessia was the only thing on my brain.

I walked into Caitlin's house at around midnight. She took me up to the room that I was sleeping in, and I got dressed into my pjys. I kind of underestimated the weather. I know it's a heatwave atm, but the nights are still so cold. I did not prepare. I put on my pyjama set and Caitlin stayed with me until I fell asleep.

(My pjys)

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(My pjys)

I felt really bad about Caitlin staying with me, but she persuaded me that she wanted me to be okay, it is a new house after all.

"Caitlin" I spoke, half asleep.

"Yes Nat?"

"Who else lives here?" I asked curiously. This house is definitely too big for one person.

"At the moment its Lotte, you know who that is right?" I chuckled as I nodded, everyone knows who Lotte is. "But were in the process of having another girl here too who's just moved, she only came a week or two ago so she's the baby in the group." Caitlin spoke.

"Who? Who is it?"

"Alessia Russo, the girl who came from the devils."

I shot up and looked Caitlin in the eyes. "Alessia Russo. As in, THE Alessia Russo?"

"Yes Alessia Russo, why didn't you react like that with me?" Caitlin chuckled.

I decided to just tell her.

"No offence Caitlin, but I do not have the worlds fattest crush on you. Amelia with Katie is me with Alessia. I know I like Leah, but I've liked Alessia more recently." I looked at Caitlin as she smirked at me.

"Oh, don't get any ideas Caitlin, its Alessia, she probably has girls and guys wrapped around her finger. Just look at her! And she's probably not even gay."

"Hm I don't know about that, but go to sleep Nat, I'll be here if you need me, go on. Sleep" she said, quite demanding in fact.

But luckily enough, I fell asleep knowing Caitlin was in the same room as me, knowing I'm not actually alone.

I woke up this morning to see Caitlin asleep next to me. I'm glad she didn't leave me last night, or I probably wouldn't have slept. I get I'm 18, but my emotions control me more than I control them. I desperately wanted to shower but I didn't want to wake up Caitlin. I walked downstairs with my phone and messaged Ami, it was 6: 10. I hope she's awake tbh.

After talking to Ami for a little bit, I started making breakfast when I saw someone walking down the stairs. I hoped to God it was Caitlin as I 100% did not want to meet Alessia or Lotte wearing this.

Low and behold, while I'm making pancakes, Alessia Russo walks around the corner. She walks straight past me looking at her phone.

"Hi Caitlin"

Me? Caitlin? Sorry Alessia but I'm not Caitlin. I chuckled at what she said, and she quickly looked up.

"Hey! You're not Caitlin! You are.... Natalya? Right?"

"Yes, yes I am" I struggled to get out.

"Why did you struggle to get that out? I heard you speaking yesterday and you're not a stutterer" Alessia laughed. I didn't reply, I just looked embarrassed. "Do you need help with the pancakes Natalya."

"Yes please, do you know if Caitlin's awake? I need to use the shower, but I don't want to wake her."

"she's not awake yet no, she normally comes downstairs and outside first thing every morning, but you can use mine and Lotte's shower if you like."

"Thank you Alessia, I'll be back down soon, help yourself to some pancakes, I've already ate but I was just cooking spares."

I walked up to Alessia's room that connected to a bathroom in between her and Lotte's room. I quickly showered and realised I hadn't gone into my room to get my clothes. I opened the bathroom door to Alessia's room in my towel and checked if she was there. I don't know if I was lucky or not that she was there, but I quickly spoke.

"Hey Alessia?" she nodded and looked at me. "I kind of forgot some clothes in my room, but I also forgot that we needed to wear something smart casual today and I maybe didn't bring anything. Can you take me into town before training and I'll buy something... please?"

"Natalya don't worry about it; you can have some of my clothes for today then we will go shopping tonight. What do you fancy wearing?" Alessia sweetly spoke.

"I don't know Alessia, you choose, what do you think will look good on me?" I asked, quite innocently... but Alessia's reply was anything but...

"Me?" Alessia whispered very very quietly. I pretended not to hear. "I don't know Natalya, what about this? I think it will compliment your hair very well" she smiled as she gave me an outfit.

 "I don't know Natalya, what about this? I think it will compliment your hair very well" she smiled as she gave me an outfit

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(Imagine this with dark red hair)

I thanked Alessia and got dressed in the bathroom before coming back out. Alessia kept looking at me and smiling.

"What Alessia? Huh? What are you smiling at?" I confidently spoke.

"I, nothing, it's nothing, you look good."

"Thank you, I think Lotte and Caitlin need to wake up, we need to leave in an hour."

"I'll go wake Lotte and you go wake Caitlin?" Alessia suggested and I nodded as I left her room.

I ran back into mine "Caitlin. Caitlin. Caitlin. Wake up. Now." I shook Caitlin awake until she was half awake. "I think Alessia likes me!" Caitlin's eyes shot open.

"What? What happened, tell me everything while I get dressed in my kit, just, turn around and don't look at me getting changed" Caitlin laughed.

I told Caitlin everything and she admitted that Alessia does 100% like me. We all piled into Lotte's car with me and Alessia in the back and Caitlin in the passenger seat.

"Alessia, how's your first few weeks at Arsenal been?" I shyly asked as Caitlin and Lotte were talking.

"It's been good, really good, but why are you here? No one got told anything, you here to play or as staff?"

"You'll have to wait and see Alessia" I smiled.

"You know, now that you're wearing my clothes, you can call me Less or Lessi like everyone else" she laughed.

"Hm, I'll think about it Alessia". I laughed as we pulled up to the training centre.

I walked up to Amelia who was walking with Katie and wanted to tell her absolutely everything, but I knew that I couldn't, not here, not now, we have a job to attend too and people to impress.

Here goes the most important day of my life, our lives. Here we go...

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