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"Can you promise me two things?" I whispered, laying right beside Minho again, our faces only inches away. "What is it?" he answered softly, his hands holding onto my own. "First, can you not tell any of the rest this?" Minho hummed, not even thinking twice about the request. "Of course, that's a given. Your backstory is yours to tell if you're comfortable enough." I let out a sigh of relief, opening my eyes again to meet his. "And secondly... could you not pity me? Or worry for me?" Before he could ask about it, I made sure to answer his yet unasked question. "I just don't want people to look down on me just because of what I've been through, but rather see that I've made it through, no matter the hardships."

Minho gave me an endearing look, nodding. "I think I finally found what differentiates you from Jisung for me," he let out. "Oh?" I chuckled, listening in anticipation. "You know how I said that I needed a break from worrying over others?" My mind went back, recalling when we were still walking outside freely, without knowing what was awaiting us in just a matter of minutes. "I feel like with both of you, I just feel close, like I want to look out for you for everything you've been through. But the difference is that with Jisung, it's out of worry. I'm scared that the second I push him away even a little he'll fall back into his old habits. But with you, it's because the fact that you're trying so hard to do it all on your own. It's like, seeing that you're actually proud you are of yourself with how far you've come on your own is automatically making me want to be proud of you too. I like it. It's refreshing."

A small smile crept up, closing my eyes again. "I have to be honest, it's nice to get it all off my chest too. Sorry for dumping it all on you though. I hope it wasn't uncomfortable?" He squeezed my hands, making me open my eyes again. "Oh please, I think we all have things we need to get out sometimes right?" I thought about it for a second. "Then tell me. Anything that's been weighing on you. That you don't want to bother other people with. Then we can call it even," I chuckled. It was nice being able to talk normally with him. He truly became a whole different person without Jisung around.

He seemed to ponder over it, but it didn't take him long. Like he was deciding whether to say what the obvious thing was or to keep in to himself. "Anything?" he confirmed once more, just to be sure. I nodded, slightly squeezing his hands to encourage him. "Then..." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "I want to start my own life. Away from my mom, away from Jisung, away from taking care of everyone. Either alone, or maybe with a special person, just... move away and finally be myself again, because truthfully, I haven't felt like myself in ages." I closed my eyes again, scooching in just a little closer. "If you've got a room left, take me with you, okay?" I muttered, before my body slowly fell asleep.


"Rise and shine princess, and you two," Dae's voice chimed through the room, his voice changing as soon as he mentioned Minho and Changbin. He let out a scoff, rolling his eyes. "Nothing between them, huh?" he muttered, our three bodies in the same position we had slept in first. My entire body covered up with heavy arms. Only this time, I didn't seem to mind as much anymore for some reason. What exactly that was, I couldn't pinpoint, but that was the only reason why I didn't instantly move or open my eyes as I got woken up by Dae's voice. I'd just have to hope I could blame it on the other two later when I got him alone again.

"Hey, dickheads, wake your asses up. Boss wants to see you," he now almost yelled, Changbin letting out an annoyed grunt. "And don't you dare wake up Y/N. She looks too cute sleeping," he added, his eyes lingering just a little longer on my resting figure before closing the door again. Changbin's arm finally moved around my waist, a small gasp audible when he realized the position he was in, a silent but obvious "oh fuck" leaving his mouth. But yet, he didn't pull his arm away. Instead, it lingered on there just a little longer while I felt his eyes not leaving my body yet, until he left me with a cold feeling washing over me.

"Hey, Minho, wake up dude," Changbin muttered, walking up to the other side of the bed to gently nudge him. "Five more minutes," Minho answer groggily, rather pulling me closer to him now that I wasn't being held back. "Come on man, if we want to stay alive we really need to get on their good side, or we're practically dead. And I'd really rather not die here." Minho sighed, wanting to get up, but only then noticing my head still laying on his arm. "Oh no, what a shame, now I can't get up," he chuckled sarcastically, once again laying down.

"Dude, I don't know what you're all happy about right now, but unless you want to die, I really suggest we get up. But careful with Y/N though, I don't think she'll be all too happy if she found out we'd been hugging her in our sleep. She's not keen on it." Minho sighed, carefully taking out his arm from underneath my head. "That didn't seem like it last night," he muttered under his breath, earning a death glare from Changbin. "What was that?" Minho sighed, rolling his eyes. "Nothing."

"Listen, if there's anything I need to know about something you did to her last night, I'm all ears," Changbin continued, making Minho scoff. "And why would you automatically assume I did something to her? Don't you think you keep jumping to conclusions when it comes to her?" he snarled, yet holding back any details about the night. Your backstory is yours to tell, he did say. "Can't you two argue more quietly? I haven't gotten enough sleep," I groaned, finally chiming in. If they were to continue, this wasn't going to get anywhere. I really needed them to get along for it all to work out.

Now all I had to know was what was awaiting us, for the plan I had decided on to start off.

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