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Requested by Sandrastar1


There was a hurricane forcasted on the inkwell isles weather talk show on the radio a few days ago..everyone was fearfull and unprepared for the fierce and dangerous weather.
As animals,utensils and people alike ran around shops to get supplies you packed your things ready to go to the cups cottage to stay with him..
You were scared and didn't know what to bring nor what to had never experienced a hurricane you packed everything..almost grabbed your sweater,gloves,scarf,marbles,some clothes, your train so you and the cup could play with them together and your plush shoving them all in a could hear the wind starting already so you zipped your bag up and quickly put it on your back before running for the door you grabbed your keys.
You pulled the door shut behind you and locked it before slipping your keys in your pocket and running for the cups cottage.
The wind whistled in your ear and pushed your hair, you saw the trees move around in the wind yet this was only the start of the hurricane.
When you got to the cottage you knocked on the door.
The cup quickly opened it and let you inside shutting it behind you.
"Baby thank gosh yah here i was beginning tah worry you weren't commin! I was gonna nip ovah!"
"No no i was just packing my stuff..i didn't know what to bring"
You replied
"Fair enough baby elda kettle and mugsy just got back from gettin some torches and dinnah in case dah power goes out"
"Oh okay"
"Here lets get yah set up in our room"
The cup gently took your hand and lead you through the cottage up the stairs and into him and the mugs shared room.
"Just put yah bag near my bed baby and settle in I'm gonna check if mugsy n eldah kettle need help"
"Alright cuppy"
The cup left the room so you settled in..the hurricane would last all night so you may as well..
You put your train with cupheads, your marbles with both the brothers and your plush on the bed..leaving your clothes,sweater,scarf and gloves in your bag.
There..all left your bag were the cup instructed near his bed and walked down the stairs..the wind still howled outside and was picking up in intensity.
You found the three around the radio.
"The hurricane is close by folks authorities advise you stay indoors and don't go outside for anything steer clear of windows and keep a jumper and torch on hand in case power goes out goodnight and good luck"
Elder kettle turned the radio off.
"Well kids your heard the weather man mugman you go grab the goat bring him inside,cuphead, Y/N do you too mind helping me secure the windows a bit?" Elder kettle asked
"You got it elder kettle!" The mug left the home to get the goat as you and the cup looked at eachother.
"Sure elder kettle"
"Eh alright"
With that the three of you worked to gether and soon mugman joined in bordering the windows up with planks of wood in case.
Once this was achieved elder kettle brought out the torches and extra blankets while the cup gathered spare wood planks for the fire.
The storm was so loud outside now..the cottage shook a bit and the wind started to get cold but didn't go and get your warm clothes as you were helping elder kettle with the dinner.
The cup noticed..of course he noticed..your cup always notices when his baby needs him..
You felt a tug on your upper leg when you were cutting some lamb and looked down..the cup offered you your cloves and sweater..
"Your shiverin know how yah get in tha cold"
You smiled lovingly
"Thanks cuppy"
You put your sweater and gloves on but the cup stayed close to your side..the mug stayed by elder kettles..trying to act normal and not afraid of the raging weather outside..the raging wind the raging rain..with your sensitive ears it sounded like a million drums going on in your put the cooking knife down and covered your ears being finished with the lamb anyway..elder kettle took it and starting cooking.
"You three go near the fire place cuphead help your girlfriend"
Elder kettle declared the wind shook the kitchen window violently even though it was bordered up you could see a glimpse of the destruction and chaos outside,you could see the rain pick up and flood the floor and dirt as well as tear apart some small trees that broke n lost branches or fell down completely..
"Baby baby hey cmon lets go near the fire it'll be quieter there for yah"
"Cuphead maybe you should give her your ear muffs to block some sound out?" Mugman suggested
"Good plan mugsy!"
The too brothers helped you to the rug near the fire place and helped you sit down..the cup bolted over to get his winter ear muffs for you.
He rested them on your ears gently after walking back over and moving your hands out the way.
It was somewhat better it helped a little and to you that was enough..
Elder kettle came over with the dinner and passed bowls and cutlery around..the 4 of you ate and moved your bowls to the side when you were done..the raging hurricanes wind and rain thundered on the cottage as it shook.
A window smashed!.
"Oh no!"
Elder kettle got up.
"You three stay here dont move!"
"But elder kettle-"
"Stay here!" He ordered
He walked off to check the damage leaving the three of you huddled together held the cup tightly out of fear and he sat on your lap facing you and hugging you back..
The mug snuggled up to the both of you from the side as loud thuds of trees falling increased.
"Yikes! Its okay baby its okay mugsy we're okay-Gah!"
The cup tried to be brave for both of you as he rubbed your arm and held the mugs hand but a large thud made him yell in fear as well.. the cottage had filled with darkness...
You hid your face in the cups body..
It was so scary..
"When will it s-stop cuppy w-when?" You fearfully whimpered
"We don't know hopefully sooAhh!" The mug yelped and moved closer as another window was smashed..
"Its alright baby its alright i gotcha we-we're okay yah safe we're safe-Gahh!"
The cup got a fright by something but you didn't dare look.
"Well boys the powers out and the kitchen and bathroom window are shattered its going to be a long night but lets hope the roof holds"
Elder kettle replied he sat beside you all and passed the torches n blankets  around which you all flicked on.
"I hate the dark~" mugman whined as he huddled up to elder kettle who hugged back which left you to huddle with your cup more..
"I want it to-s-stop cuppy~ it-its so loud~ n cold~ n dark~"
The cup pulled away from you a bit with a nervous look arms still around you..
"I know baby i know- its gonna be-Gah!"
He quickly hugged you again.
The cottage shook..
The wind roared..
The rain thundered..
The trees fell..
This was the worst storm you had ever experienced..and your fear was unexplainable all you could do was hide in the cups shoulder..


When morning came you didn't want to leave the cottage shaking your head side to side as the cup tried to lead you to the door gently by the hand.
"Cmon baby its alright its ovah mugsy and elda kettle are outside and deir fine-"
"no no i-i don't want to go-"
"My Babies!" Elder kettle shrieked
"The Fence!" Mugman gasped
Being distracted allowed the cup to pull you out of the cottage.
Both your pupils shrunk at the destruction as you stood outside the door..
The fence was destroyed, elder kettles garden was spread all over the front of the cottage in a mess..trees had fallen over and leaves and branches from others were everywhere!.
What was the damage at your home? You didn't border you windows..
You gulped and held the cups hand tighter.
"Wh-what about my home?"
"I yah wanna go look?"
You nodded.
"Kay hey eldah kettle?"
"Yes cuphead?"
"Is it okay if i take Y/N home?"
"How about you too stay and help clean up this mess then we all go together and help clean hers it might be dangerous along the way with all the fallen trees!" Elder kettle declared
"Yeah! Thats a safer idea!" Mugman agreed
Cuphead looked up at you with furrowed brows.
"Is that okay baby?"
You nodded..
So together you all cleaned out the front of and inside the cottage..when it was time to go home you packed your things back up and the three of them walked you home through the destroyed forest..
When you got home a few windows were broken and a few trees were fallen but with the boys helped everything got fixed up and inside the house was done..
One thing was for never wanted to experience a hurricane again..

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