Hiccup Mug

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the brothers were in the city spending some time together and loving every moment of it with the brothers on both sides of you nothing beat a day like today.
The sun was shining there was a nice breeze and the cup was happily holding your hand and swaying your arms back and forth lovingly.
"Ooooh~ love birds holding hands in public are we?" Mugman asked
You and the cup looked at eachother then the obviously teasing mug.
You blushed.
"So? We aint ashamed of it" cuphead replied
Mugman grinned a little but then he noticed the root beer place and piped up.
"Oh oh lets go get some root beer!" Mugman declared
"Okay! Baby?" Cuphead asked
"I'm up for it!" You replied
So with that you all entered the inkwell pharmacy soda fountain.
What an odd name..
Once inside you asked.
"Three root beers please!"
Putting coins on the table.
The animal took them and filled up 3 glasses.
"3 root beers!"
He slid them across the bench to infront of each of you.

"Baby me n mugsy could of paid for our drinks ya know?"
The cup stated
"Oh i know my treat" you replied
"Thanks Y/N!" mugman stated
"Wellll~ okay...but next time we come here I'm payin for yours"
Cuphead declared using a gloved hand to point imbetween you both.
You shrugged.
You replied
"Good its a date then!" Cuphead declared
"Another one?" Mugman asked "you too go on hundreds of dates!" He continued
"I know its great i get tah spend every moment with my baby and i couldnt ask for nothin more!" Cuphead declared
You blushed up and nervously smiled.
"Awwww~ alright enough chitter chatter lets drink! I'm parched!" Mugman stated
You all picked up your drinks
You all cheered 🍻 clinking your glasses together and soon drinking your root beer as you and the cup sipped yours the mug chucked it back and drunk it in one gulp.
"Agh Brain Freeze everytime!"
Mugman groaned holding his head..again..
"If you scull it back in one gulp everytime your bound to get a brain freeze mugman becarefull" you stated
"Shes right mugsy! Maybe you should lay back on scullin em back you could get brain damage or somethin!"
Cuphead replied
"I wouldn't go that far"
You replied
The mug shook his head side to side as if shaking away the brain freeze.
"I'll be fine" mugman stated
He waited for you and the cup to finish yours,you were sitting in the middle of the brothers so the cup happily moved one of his hands to ontop of one of yours wanting to again hold your hand.
You smiled and let him take your hand in his.
"You know you too really love to hold hands-*hic*"
You both looked at the mug after taking a pause from drinking.
"Of course we love tah hold hands we're a thing yah know" cuphead stated
"I-*hic* know" mugman replied
"Mugman..you've got the hiccups.." you stated
"I-*hic*know*hic*that to!" Mugman replied
The cup chuckled a bit.
"*hic**hic*hic*hic* ugh!" The mug groaned slamming his head on the table.
"Serves ya right for drinkin yah drink so fast!" The cup declared
You continued and finished your root beer tempted for another but knew the cup would insist on paying for it so while the cup was distracted with his hiccuping brother you pssed the animal over.
"Can i get a refill?"
He took some more coins and your glass and walked off.
"*hic*hic* it isnt my *hic*fault its my *hic* thing!" The mug argued
"True but still!" The cup replied..
The animal slid you another root beer and you mouthed a thanks but looked away when the cup looked at you..
He eyed your drink then looked back at you.
"I swear you were near tha bottom" cuphead said confused
"Nope nope not me" you replied
He squinted his eyebrows at you.
"You got anotha drink didntcha?"
The cup asked
You replied
"Yes she *hic* did *hic*hic*hic* i saw it!" The mug declared
"Huu baby!" cuphead gasped
"What? I just wanted another drink!" You replied
"Ya knew i was gonna wanna pay for it and now on our date im payin for 2!" Cuphead declared finishing off his glass and putting it on the table with the fold of arms afterwards.
"No no-" you tried to reason
"Uhhuh!" The cup again declared
"Can you too *hic* stop your *hic*hic* couples argu-*hic*-ing!" The mug grumbled
You sighed and just drunk your second root beer and the cup and mug waited.
When it was gone you started to all head back to elder kettles cottage.
"Ahhahaha!" The cup laughed
"Cuppy!" You gasped
""He-*hic* ey!" Mugman groaned
"Naw come on mugsy hahahaha it is kinda funny!" The cup declared
"I'll make sure to laugh next time you've got the hiccups mister" you declared
"Okay misses!" Cuphead replied with a grin and a mischievous wink..that..shut you up..
"Its not *hic*hic*hic*hic*
fun-*hic* ny!"
Mugman replied "these hic-*hic*-cups are annoy-*hic*-ing!" He continued
"Oh believe me i know but its kinda funny tah see it from othas perspective yah know?" Cuphead replied
"I su-*hic*-ppose"
Mugman replied with a huff.
Through the woods and all the way home the mugs hiccups wouldn't sease.
"Okay now they're gettin annoyin" cuphead stated
"Tell me a*hic* bout it*hic*hic*hic!*"
Mugman replied
"When we get to the cottage mugman you should have a glass of water" you stated
The mug nodded but the cup seemed to get a light bulb moment.
"Whys dont you just scare him like ya did me!" The cup declared
"And make him need to change his pants?" You asked
"Ehh fair point" the cup replied
"I'll try the-*hic*hic* water tricc*hic!*" mugman replied but was cut off by a hiccup.
"AhHaha!" Cuphead laughed
"Cuppy stop bullying mugman" you stated
"Pff haha sorry" the cup replied
The three of you entered the cottage and the hiccuping mug went straight to the kitchen and poured a glass of water drinking it gently instead of sculling it back in one gulp like he did with the root beer..he put the glass down and the three of you waited..
"AhahahahaHahahaah!" The cup cracked laughing..poor mugman..

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