
177 3 1

Requested by Sandrastar1


You were happily on your way to see your boyfriend cuphead with a skip in your step. You too were so in love and always excited when you saw eachother every meet up began with big hugs and kisses..or so you thought..
You had made a card for the cup with a drawing of him you made with lots of love hearts and inside it it said something very couldnt wait to give it to him and you were certain he would love it..
However when you arrived at the cottage you were surprised to see the brothers walk a deer to the door..a deer?.. since when were they friends with a deer?..
Why didn't they tell you?
You soon found out why when the deer..kissed the cup..wait..had what you and the cup had all been a lie?..all those dates? Cooking lessons? Snuggles? Protectiveness? Even the lay in the hay had it all been a lie??
Your E/C eyes welled up with tears and you felt you heart shatter into tiny shards chocking on your tears and your voice wanting to cry couldn't look any longer..
You dropped the card and ran back home without looking back..


Mugsy had a new friend over he had brought over this deer he has a crush on he had a crush on her for a while  and wanted to bring her to the house to introduce her to everyone..the day went well and was fine until the goodbye when she suddenly threw herself on me in a kiss..
I didn't kiss back i was furious who the heck does she think she is?! I pointed my eyes brows down pushing her away from me.
"What is yah problem!? what they heck was that?!"
I could see the heartbreak on mugsys hurt the poor thing..he just saw his crush kiss someone else..
I couldn't imagine how he felt right now..
"What? But i thought you-"
"Thoughts i what? I got a girl and you aint my type!"
The deer looked saddened but nodded..when she looked at mugsy she could see his heartbreak and she frowned more upon realisation..
"Oh mugman I'm so sorry..i dont like you like that i always liked-"
"Everyone always likes cuphead!" Mugsy stormed off inside in tears and i locked eyes with the deer.
"I thinks you should go before my girl gets here and eats yah for breaky"
"Wh-what is she?"
"A dinosaur"
The deer seemed fearfull nodded and scrambled away..
I better go check on mugman..
I walked into the cottage with a slam of the door and looked for my brother eventually finding him in his top bunk.
"Mugsy? Are you okay? I'm so sorry-"
"No cuphead! It's not fair! You've got a girl but you still got more wanting to date you! Noone wants to date mee!~"
"Thats aint true mugsy I'm sure theres girls out there that love yah and want to date yah yah just havent found em yet and i tell yah what I'll help yah look for them!"
The mug sniffled.
"You betcha!"

So with that i started to help mugsy sort out dates and things girls like and asked if he had anyone else in mind..he said he did fancy a dog at one point she was sweet,loved to bake and seemed to smile around the mug but noone else..i told him that was a good sign and managed to help mugsy build up the courage to ask her out..
We went to look for her and i watched behind some newspaper on a bench as the mug approached and nervously asked..she said yes!.
Mugsy was thrilled and they went to the movies together!.
That was my que to go find my i did i went home but found she wasnt at the cottage yet..
"Elda kettle has my baby come around?"
"You mean Y/N? no sorry cuphead i haven't seen her just yet"
"That's weird maybe she aint feelin well i'll go check"
On the way to her home however i found a card..
It had a drawing of me on it with lots of love had to be from Y/N i picked it up and opened it to read it.

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