Youth Potion

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the 2 brothers were at porkrinds emporium looking for paint to paint elder kettles fence when cuphead saw a potion.
"Wow neat porkrind whats this some sorta new drink on tha market? Does it taste good?"
"wait no don't drink that!" Porkrind warned
The cup didn't even think nor listen before drinking.
"Cuppy no!"
To late..whatever it was was now inside the cup..
"Porkrind please tell me that wasn't posion!" Mugman worriedly asked
"Cuppy how do you feel? are you feeling okay?!"
You asked the cup holding his shoulders with your hands.
"I feel fine baby i..oh..uh.."
"It wasnt was a potion a de-aging potion" Porkrind replied
"Why would you sell that?!" Mugman asked
"Because people buy it now are you going to pay for that?" Porkrind replied
"Will it wear off?" You asked
"Of course it will wear off! It wears off in 2 hours!" Porkrind replied
"Then why do you sell it?"
Mugman asked
"People like to turn there enemies into babies and kill them before they turn back into an adult simple" Porkrind replied the three of you gasped
"Now are you going to pay for that or not!?"
You put coins on the bench and Porkrind took them.
"Wait..we'd like to buy this to please!" Mugman put the paint up then the coins Porkrind took the coins and gave the mug back the paint.
"Pleasure doing business with you"
Porkrind stated
"Baby?..i feel..weird..i dont like it..i-"
The cup suddenly giggled as if a toddler.
He covered his mouth with both hands..Porkrind laughed and the mug snickered..
"Shut up you too!"
You looked at the cup with worry when he started to change..mugman now look concerned..and Porkrind froze as a misty dust surrounded the cup..
"Baby i don't-"
He was gone..all that was left was his clothes!.
"Where did he go?! Cuphead?! Cuphead!?"
Mugman panicked looking around for his brother.
"Did the devil take him?!" He continued
"De-aging potion" Porkrind heard whimpering and whining approached his clothes and knelt down lifting up the cups shirt to reveal..a little toddler cuphead! He was so cute! He only had one tooth and his straw wasn't bent yet!. He looked just like he did in his baby photos!.
"Aww look at youu~"
You cooed the little cup smiled and squealed..crawling out from under his shirt towards you..with nothing on..
"Hold on there mister..lets get something on you first"
You picked up and wrapped the cup up in his black shirt cradling him and rocking him side to side.
He leant his arms out to you trying to touch your face.
"Aww your just the cutest thing~"
Mugman and Porkrind looked at you and the situation dumbfounded..
"Your so cuute~ you coming home with me cutey patootie!~"

The cup squealed happily with happy coos as you carried him out of Porkrinds emporium..the mug scooped up the rest of his brothers clothes and followed behind.
"Uh Y/N? Y/N!"
"What? whats wrong?"
You asked
"Aren't you the tiniest bit worried about this situation?"
"Nope why?"
"He's going to be a baby for 2 whole hours! Do you know how to take care of a baby?!"
"Sure do"
"Huh? Wha-how!?"
You blushed up like a red jelly bean.
"B-because i uh..i've been studying.."
The mug gasped.
"You've been studying on babies?! Why?"
Your blush faded and you gave him a look which made him stop in his tracks.
"Wait..Are You Pregnant?!"
Your pupils shrunk and you blushed deeply again..
"No no no no no no no no I'm just researching so i know what to do for when or if me and cuphead have kids when we're older"
"You both want kids?!"
You nervously replied.
"N-now i need some help we need to get some supplies from the city!"
You started on the trail to the city with the mug following behind you..
"Why? Why don't we just go get elder kettle for help? "
"Because mugman hes really attached to me..i dont think you realise how fragile cuphead is right now..Hes at the stage were hes so fragile that if i hold him to tightly he'll shatter! I need to keep him in my arms safely and I need help from you to get some supplies because if we don't he could end up hurt or worse and I'm sure you don't want a dead brother"
"No of course not! I'll help!..i guess researching payed off"
You blushed.
"I-i guess so.."
The cup cooed and gurgled slobbering on his hands and reaching out for you for a cuddle..
" cuppy you stay there your okay.."
His lips pooched and quivered and he started to cry..
"Oh no no no no dont cry its okay it okay shhhh shhhh sh sh sh shhhh~"
You rocked him while you walked which eventually calmed him down..
"Huh..your good with him"
"I thinks its because a part of him recognises me?..he keeps reaching out for hugs.."
"I know but if im not carefull he could get hurt"
"Is he really that fragile or are you just worried? I mean if my girlfriend got turned into a toddler I'd be pretty worried about them getting hurt to.."
"Well..its both..yes he's really fragile and yes I'm worried but he's teething he's going to put everything in his mouth! If we're not careful-"
"He could try and eat something dangerous..don't put him down!"
"Trust me i don't plan on it.."
Cuphead started cooeing and gurgling again and you couldn't help but smile..he was just so cute..
"Is that right cuppy is it? are you talking are youu~?"
He made happy noises and opened and closed his hands with a smile..
"Yes you are your talking your a little talkative boy~"
He happily laughed and squealed reaching out for you again..he was just so hoped if you and cuphead ever had kids they'd look like this..
"Gee Y/N your really good with babies.."
"I thinks its just the mother instinct you know the maternal instinct?"
The mug nodded..
When you both arrived in the city you walked into the grocery store..
"Okay Y/N what do we need?"
"Diapers,a bottle to feed him with, a teething toy and..uhm..probably some changes of clothes.."
"You got it!"
You followed the mug around the store as he gathered what you needed and you both went to the checkout..
You gave the mug some coins which he used to pay and you both left..along the way home however you were both stopped by an elderly couple of elephants..
"Aww look at him!"
"Are you the father?"
The female asked the mug.
"Oh no no not me no" mugman replied quickly.
"His dads at home sick so his brothers helping me get some supplies"
"Thats a shame i hope he gets better"
"What a lovely young cup you too have have a good day and congratulations"
"Thank you.."

The elephants walked off so you and the mug continued..once you got home you took care of the cup with his brothers help for ages feeding him, changing his diapers etcetera..
He consistently reached out for you when he chewed on his little teething toy.. and when you said no he cried..

"Y/N just let him give you a hug"
"I don't want to hurt him.."
"You won't hurt him Y/N trust yourself..look at him.."
You looked at the little cup in your arms..his little arms reaching out for you with coos and gurgles squirming about to try and get to you with a smile on his face.
He cooed and gurgled..
You nodded..
You gently lifted the cup up which made him giggle and squeal in excitement as you lifted him gently to your face..which he hugged..he hugged your face with some coos..
It was so cute..
You lowered him down but he reached out again..
" no bubba thats enough.."
His lips quivered..
"Oh alright alright.."
He smiled widely again as you lifted him up this time to your shoulder were you held him gently..he gripped your sleeves like how he'd do when hes an adult and afraid..but he happily cooed and gurgled..
Some mist surrounded him but you didn't want to let him go..
you heard a groan and more weight on your looked he was back to his oldself!. An adult again..
Except..with nothing on..he was naked..on your lap..
"Elch! gross gross gross gross Gross!!" The mug shielded his sight..
You blushed so deep you may as well go say hello to the titanic..
The cup moved away from your shoulder..
He realised he was naked and blushed up like a gave him his clothes when he got off of you which he scrambled to put on..
You looked when he was changed..
"Y-your good to look m-mugman"
The mug uncovered his eyes..
"Wh-what the heck happened the only thing i remember is being at porkrinds and feeling weird!"
"You turned into a baby! Me and Y/N mostly Y/N have been taking care of you for the past 2 hours until you changed back!" The mug explained
You were still blushing and avoiding eye had been a while.. since that time when he was feral that you to had mated so..
"Baby are you okay?"
You nodded alot..
"Y-you were just -just a very cute b-baby"
You replied the cup raised an eyebrow and the mug shrugged and shook his head side to side..

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