Fun In The Snow

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Requested by Sandrastar1


The snow was light today in the inkwell isles the perfect day for you to go to the cup and mugs cottage and finally have a fun snow day.
The ground was still covered in the snow from the previous crazy falling snow so you could make snowmen or even have a snowball fight.
You put your sweater,scarf,earwarmers and gloves on and with your snow boots on your feet you left your cottage with a lock of the door.
You trudged through the thick snow to the cups cottage and found them already laying in the snow making snow angels except of course cuphead was making a demon.
Mugman gasped.
"Cuphead! There supposed to be snow angels! Not snow demons!"
" baby!"
The cup noticed you approaching in seconds and ran over only to pounce on you and bawl you over into the snow.
"Baby baby baby baby Baby!"
He cheered snuggling up to you as you sat up and hugged him back.
"Woah hello to you to cuppy"
He squealed with excitement as he hugged you tighter before pulling  away.
"Are yah ready tah have yah first evah snow day baby?!"
You nodded.
"Sure am!" You replied
"I still can't believe you haven't even had a snow day Y/N"
Mugman stated
"Well hudins are sensitive to the cold and i didnt used to have all this warm my mum wouldn't let me for the exact reason that hudins cant survive in the cold so" you replied
"Oh i understand now that makes more sense" mugman stated
The cup got off of you letting you stand up.
"So what do we do first?"
You asked
"How bout first you make a snow angel or demon like me and mugsy!"
The cup declared he took your hand and lead you over to them.
"All yah gottah do is lay in the snow and moved your legs left and right like dis"
He explained and moved his arms.
So you layed down in the snow beside cupheads but futher enough away so you didnt destroy his and started making a snow angel.
"Like this?"
Cuphead gave you a thumbs up.
"Nice Y/N your doing it!"
When you were done you stood up and dusted the snow off.
Looking at your snow angel you did well..
"That was fun what else do we do on a fun snow day?"
You asked
"Snow ball fight!" The cup cheered..elder kettle came outside.
"Did i just hear snowball fight?" He asked
"Oh elder kettle can be on my team lets do teams!" Mugman declared
"Good idea!"
"Sweet good thinkin mugsy!"
"I guess i could ha!" Elder kettle had thrown one at cuphead
"Hey thats cheatin!"
But another was thrown.
"Quick baby take cover!"
The cup took you to shelter behind a tree and started building snow balls so you got the bright idea to build a wall..which you did..
Soon you and the cup were protected by a wall.
"Aw nice baby!"
"Thank you"
"Mugsy eldah kettle heads up!"
The cup started throwing the dozens he'd made so you helped.
The mug and kettle ducked for cover.
This was fun!.
You started making more when you both ran out and armed the cup with snowballs.
"We make a great team!"
"Agreed this is fun cuppy!"
"I caint see mugsy and elda kettle their gone"
You peeked over the wall..where did they go?..
"Got you!"
You and the cup were both drenched in snow when the mug and kettle dropped 2 big snowballs on both of you.
"Damnit no fair!"
"Haha we win haha"
They both laughed
You laughed a little and brushed the snow off.
"What now? what now? what now? This is so much fun!"
The mug asked the cup.
The cup cheered.
"I'll go make hot chocolates!" Elder kettle declared
Elder kettle went back inside so the brothers lead you to the clear patch of snow.
"Okay baby like dis" the cup stated
The cup made a snow ball then started building it up.
"You make one big one then a little one that you put ontop of the big one"
The mug explained
"We also need 2 sticks and some pebbles for da eyes and mouth!" Cuphead stated
"Oh and a carrot!" Mugman declared "for the nose?"
"I'll go get one!"
You went into their cottage and into their kitchen passed elder kettle and grabbed a carrot happily and excitedly running back out..
The cup and mug had made the body and the head.
The three of you started to search for pebbles and sticks together and eventually made the snowmans arms and face.
"Aww hes kind of cute!"
You stated
"No he aint"
"Oh shush cuphead your just jealous your girls calling someone else cute!" Mugman stated
"I aint jealous!"
He huffed folding his arms with a pout.
"Aww cuppy you dont need to be jealous i think your the cutest in all the inkwell isles"
The cup blushed and looked away which made the mug snicker.
"Hot chocolates ready kids!" Elder kettle called
"Oh hot chocolate!"
The three of you went inside the cottage and relaxed with a hot chocolate each.
Once the hot chocolates where finished you and the brothers went back outside in the snow.
"Now what boys?"
"Lets make our own!"
"Oh yeah I'm going to beat you too!"
"No your not!"
The three of you scrambled around to make snowmen now of your own design..
You wanted to make cuphead so you got to work..
After a few hours you were done he looked so cute!.
You blushed!.
His little snow straw and his pebble eyes with a pebble nose and his signature smile!.
You smiled proudly.
You all turned around to face eachother.
The mug had made himself out of snow and the cup had made your dino form out of snow!.
"Aww you too made eachother!" The mug squealed in awe.
You and the cup just blushed and looked away from eachother.
"Thats cause we complete eachothah.."
The cup mumbled

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