Boat Ride

61 4 2

Requested by Sandrastar1


"Cuppy where are you taking me?"
"You'll find out we're nearly there!" The cup replied as he lead you through the forest to a clearing with a lake pushing some branches aside.
"Over here!"
He lead you to a small boat with some paddles.
"Is this yours?"
You asked
"Nope!" Cuphead replied
"Should we use it then if it isnt yours?" You asked
"Eh" the cup shrugged "findahs keepers a loooosers~ weepers~" he continued
You blushed at his accent but got in the boat with him sitting at the back so you could face him.
"Wont they be mad at us?" You asked
"Eh if they do they can take it out on me plus I'm sure they won't mind if we just use it once" cuphead asked
"Do you want me to paddle?"
You asked
"No i paddle! You sit back and relax!" Cuphead declared you put your hands up in surrender as if being arrested by police or security..
"Alright alright you paddle you paddle" you replied
The cup nodded and picked up the paddles.
"Do you even know how to use those?" You asked
"Ahha do you?" Cuphead asked you shook your head.
You replied
"Didn't think so"
He replied he pushed the boat off of the shore into the water with one of the paddles and started paddling with both paddles out into the lake..the boat shook a little as he did this but didn't tip over thank goodness you'd both be soaked if it did..
"How did you know this was here?" You asked cuphead looked up at you as he was focusing on the paddles before hand..
"I founds it on a walk with mugsy and thought it would be perfect for a little date!" Cuphead replied
"How do you know how to paddle?" You asked
"I learnt and practised before today heh" he replied when you got to the middle of the lake the cup stopped the boat and brought the paddles into the boat before pulling out a bag from behind his back.
"Whats that?" You asked
"A gift for yah" cuphead replied
"For me?" You asked
He nodded.
"Ahhah for you" he leant the bag out to you but opened it to reveal a bouquet of flowers of all shapes,sizes and colours.
You blushed and smiled in awe at the cups romantic gesture.
"Awwww~ cuppyyyy~ you shouldnt have!" You cooed
"Well i did so here yah go!"
Cuphead replied
Leaning the flowers out closer to you.
You gently took them from the cup and smelt them.
"Yumm~" you cooed
"I found them around tha forest i went huntin for them haha" cuphead replied "but thats not all i wanna show ya somethin" the cup started moving the boat again and this time lead the boat down a path imbetween the rocks of the lake.
"Just watch"
He replied soon taking the boat down a crooked looked around in confusion where was the cup taking you?..
As you watched more flowers started to appear on the sides of the rocks and cliff faces.
Vines tangled around the cliff faces as well and birds that were perched on some of the vines near the flowers making tweets and singing songs beautifully and majestically....
You gasped
You looked at the otherside and gasped as one side of the path was covered in more flowers then the other.
"Neat huh?" Cuphead asked
"Its beautiful how did you?" You asked
"Well practising my paddlin i found it and explored it findin this place..i  found tha flowers on tha walls i thought you'd like it!" Cuphead replied
" i love it" you replied
You and the cup smiled at eachother and you noticed his pupils grow larger..
You both broke the glance to admire the flowers,the vines and bird noises.
The cup turned the boat to the right and you watched as the path eventually actually doubled back to the lake where you noticed on the shore the mug was waiting..what was mugman doing here? Whatever he was doing here the cup had planned it because he paddled the boat in the direction of the shore to his brother.
The mug threw something to the boat which the cup paused paddling to catch before resuming.
"Thanks mugsy!"
Cuphead called
"No worries brother!" Mugman replied back
The cup paddled you back out to the lake and the mug left back to your guess was elder kettles cottage.
The cup again pulled to a stop in the middle of the lake were some lily pads were.
"Cuppy what was mugman doing here?" You aske curiously
"He was bringin somethin for me for you for now!" Cuphead replied chuckling a bit he grabbed what he had caught and lifted it up to sight.
A love heart box.
The cup opened it to reveal all your favourite food and snacks.
You cooed looking at the food then him.
"Now we can have some lunch while we're out here to!" Cuphead replied
You smiled.
"Aww~ cuppy you didn't have to do all this for me" you stated
"Yes i did ya my baby!"
Cuphead declared
He placed the food on the seat infront of both of you and you both ate the food together.
Once the food was gone you were both as full as a googy egg.
"Ugh *hic* that was a good meal"
Cuphead declared
"I *hic* agree cuppy thank you for that" you replied
"Your *hic* welcome baby"
Cuphead replied
You both held your put one of your hands outside the boat and into the water.
"This has been *hic* an amazing day" you declared
"Ya *hic* think so?" Cuphead asked
You nodded.
"Yep *hic* perfect" you replied
Cuphead smiled at this.
"Im glad you've ha-*hic*-had a nice day" he replied
He sat up and grabbed the paddles.
"Lets get yah tah *hic* shore again hah?" Cuphead stated.
"Mm" you hummed
Just like that the adventure was over but what a lovely adventure it was

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