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Requested by user24404632


You carried the tiny cuphead in your hand to your cottage to keep an eye on him better yourself and not freak out elder kettle or kept him in your hand the whole day and if he wasnt in your hand he was on your shoulder holding on tight to your tshirt like a parrot..
At first the cup had loved being tiny but now he was fearfull for the same reasons you were..he was afraid of the devil taking advantage of his vaunrable state or being squished by someone who wasn't careful or watching where they were going and in the inkwell isles that was pretty much everyone..
He was now waiting for the potion to wear off as well..
It proved to be difficult in situations that you need to be alone for like going to the toilet..
"Cuppy just stay outside the door you cant come in with me i need to pee"
"But what if yah forget im here and swing the door open and crush me!" Cuphead replied gripping onto your fingers and refusing to let go as you tried to put him down outside the door..
"Oh my gosh cuppy you know i wont do that" you replied
"I don't care don't leave meeee~"
He gripped your fingers tighter as you used the other hand to try and remove him..
"Cuppy please im gonna pee my pants let go!"
"Ugh fine but no peeking!"
You stood up straight and shut the door placing the cup ontop of the bin in your toilet..
He shrugged and turned around giving you privacy to pull your lower clothes down and do your thing when you were done you cleaned yourself and pulled your lower clothes up flushing the toilet.. he turned around and you offered him your hand..he climbed up onto your shoulder were he sat and clung onto your shirt.
You left the toilet and washed your hands in the bathroom..
The cup watched you holding your shirt tighter..
"Your not going to fall in the sink cuppy"
You declared
"How do you know?!" He asked
"Because your clutching my shirt so much that me shaking my shoulder couldn't knock you off?" You replied
"Hehheh sorry" he loosened his grip..
"Its okay your scared..its alright.."
You replied with furrowed brows as you dried your hands on a towel.
"I aint scared of nuttin!" Cuphead replied you rolled your eyes and shook your shoulder a bit he clutched it tighter.
"Baby dont do that!" He sqweaked
"As you were saying cuphead?" You replied
"Hehheh you-you got me heh" cuphead chuckled you left the bathroom.
"Would you feel better if you had more eyes on you? Do you want me to take you to your home? Explain it all to elder kettle and mugman like we should have done before?" You asked cuphead shook his head.
"Why? So i can be grounded and mugsy can laugh at me no way!" Cuphead replied
You shrugged.
"Alright thats fine its your choice"
You replied
You walked through your home and into your room were you plonked onto your bed..the cup sighed..
Day was turning into night..
"This time tommorow you'll be back to your normal self cuppy" you replied
"Thank goodness! will i sleep?! Where?" He asked
You looked at your bedside table.
"You could always use one of my clean pair of socks and sleep on the bedside table so i dont crush you by accident during the night?" You suggested
"I like that idea! Hehheh" cuphead chuckled nervously as he slid off of your shoulder onto your belly..
"W-what are you thinking about?" You asked
He looked up at you with a head tilt and a smirk..
You blushed..
He was definitely thinking of something inappropriate..
You gulped but decided you should call elder kettle to let him know the cup was staying over.
"Im-im gonna go ring elder kettle" you replied moving him off of your belly and onto your dooner
"Dont leave me!" He shrieked.
"Alright alright" you scooped him back up and walked into the kitchen to ring elder kettle.
He picked up.
"Hello Y/N hows it going?"
Elder kettle asked
"Hi elder kettle i was wondering if it was okay if cuphead could stay the night?" You asked
"Hmm he hasnt exactly been well behaved with his chores" elder kettle stated you and the cup froze and you looked at him ..he grew nervous and sweat trickled down the side of his head..
"Please eldah kettle I'll do my chores! I'll do them so well when i get back they'll look brand new! Please!"
"Cuphead..whats wrong with your voice?" Elder kettle asked
"He has a bit of a sore throught that's why I'm asking if he can stay you know just so i can take care of him? Ill make sure he does his chores when he gets home honest" you declared
"Hmm alright"
Elder kettle stated
"Give me a ring back when he's on his way home and feeling better" elder kettle stated
"Alright elder kettle thanks alot I'll make sure i take good care of him" you replied
Before hanging up.
You looked down at the cup.
"Lets get you fed hm?"
You put the cup down in the kitchen on a bench and started cooking with him watching nervously eyeing everywhere.
When you dished up 2 plates you scooped the cup up and took him to the table placing the plate with a small amount of food for him infront of him..
"Wow its soooo~ big!" Cuphead declared extending his arms out
"Thats because your so small cuppy" you giggled
Cuphead chuckled but was uncertain how to use the cutlery that was now bigger then him he could barely lift up the fork.
"You can use your hands if its easier cuppy" you replied
Cuphead nodded and took off his gloves to eat. You used your cutlery.
When the food was over and done with you took the plates up.
The cup was stuffed his tiny belly was large and full up with the meal.
"Thanks *hic* baby the meal was great"
"Your welcome cuppy"
You walked over and scooped the cup up taking him back to your room you took out a clean pair of your socks and made a comfy spot for the cup on your bedside table.
"Here try it out"
Cuphead hopped onto the bedside table and layed ontop of the sock and pulled the other ontop of him.
"Nice and *hic* cosy thanks baby"
He snuggled right up into it..
You smiled and got ready for bed.


The sun shone through a crack in your curtains you heard snoring..looking over at the cup..he was back to normal size almost falling off the bedside table..
You gently lifted him off of the bedside table and onto the bed with a peck on the forehead.
"Welcome back cuppy"
He stirred with a snore you chuckled as he snuggled into your body you driffted back off to sleep for a little while longer

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