Bad Cold

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the cup were taking a romantic stroll in the woods together after some rain the night before.
The grass was damp and the trees still dripped with moisture and rain drops,but the best out of all of it was the sweet smell of fresh rain.
The smell after it had rained that pleasant smell.
You inhaled and exhaled deeply.
"Ahh smell that cuppy? Isnt it great"
You asked
"Uhuh the sweet smell of rain!" The cup replied "look at all these puddles!" He continued
You both hand in hand dodged the puddles but admired the still bloomed still beautiful flowers that revealed their colours to you.
The trees towered over you both but neither of you cared you were at piece until you felt a tug on your arm and a.
Occured you turned around to face your cup only to see he was no longer holding your hand and was sitting in a puddle he was unhappy but quickly shivered and got out of the puddle.
"Holy toledo that's as cold as ice!"
The cup complained
"Aww cuppy your drenched!"
You replied
"Stinkin puddle maybe it wasnt such a good idea tah go for a walk in tha woods aftah rain"
Cuphead replied
"Come on you lets get you home and changed into some warmer clothes"
You stated
You took the cups hand in your own again helped him out of the puddle before leading him through the woods to his home.
Leading him upstairs to the bathroom you wrapped him up in a towel.
You then lead him to his shared room with the mug where you pulled out some dry clothes for him to change into including undergarmets.
"Baby yah know i can do that myself right?" The cup asked
You ignored and put the dry clothes on the bed you turned to the cup and walked over.
"Baby what are you?"
You knelt down to his level and started drying him off with the towel from the bathroom.
"Babyy~ i can dry myself off stawp~" the cup whined out of embarrassment with a big blush.
You dried off his face and his straw.
"There now you get changed i'll make you a hot coco"
You pecked his nose and took the towel with you as you left the room, you went outside the cottage and hung the towel up on the clothes line that was tied to the cottages handle and the tree nearby then went back inside..
You entered the kitchen and noticed the mug and kettle in the living room listening to the radio and playing with marbles.
You started making a hot coco when you heard an
From up the stairs it sounded like it came from the brothers room..oh no had he gotten sick?..
Elder kettle perked up but shrugged it off but mugman however got up and noticed you in the kitchen after you finished the hot coco.
"Y/N why did you and cuphead come home early from your walk why is he sneezing?" Mugman asked
"Cuppy fell into a cold puddle and his clothes were soaked to we came home to get a change of clothes but it seems like unfortunately he's gotten a cold..i'll take this hot coco up for him don't worry"
You replied
"Oh okay call me if you need anything"
Mugman stated
"Thanks mugman"
You replied
The mug nodded and went back to playing with marbles in the living room.
You decided that if the cup did infact have a cold you should probably get him some warm flannels.
You put the hot coco on the bench and pulled out some flannels from the cupboard in the towel cupboard and warmed them up under the tap.
Now having more then enough hopefully you picked up the coco and went up the stairs to the cups room.
"A-achoo! Achoo! A-achoooo! Aw nuts! Achoo!"
You opened the door and found the cup with a runny nose laying in his bed with now bags under his eyes.
"Aww cuppy you have got a cold now" you saddly stated
"B-baby you should g- Achoo! Home Achoo!" Cuphead stated
"Not happening cuppy here..i made you your hot coco and some warm flannels" you replied
"A-achoo thank Achoo you!" The cup stated
You knelt down beside his bed and put the warm flannel on the shivering cups head passing him his hot coo which he took gently from your hands.
"Baby i-i acho! I mean it go h-ho-Achoo!-Ome! I caint get you si-i-achoo!-ick!"
The cup wailed
"Cuppy i dont care if i get sick or not im staying with you it was my idea to go for a walk in the woods this morning anyway so its my fault"
You declared
"No it i-i-Achoo!-isnt!"
The cup argued
"Im going to get you some tissues cuppy stay here"
You replied
"G-go-Achoo! Home baby
pl-ea-ea -Achoo!-Ease!" The cup wailed
"Not happening"
You replied as you left the room to retrieve tissues for your lover.
When you came back to the room the cup had finished the hot coco so you swapped the tissues for the empty mug and took it to the kitchen.
Going back to the room the cup groaned and grunted.
Cuphead groaned
"No stop being protective"
You replied
You walked back over to him and sat down beside his bottom bunk.
The cup tried to argue but huffed.
You took some tissues out of its box and put them to the cups tiny red nose.
"Here blow"
You replied
The cup blew on the tissue and it didnt sound great..
"Aww cuppy" you sympatheticly whined
The cup moved away with a groan and turned over in his bed facing away from you.
"N-not A-Achoo getting you S-si-Achoo!- ick!" He wailed
"Cuppy-" you went to protest
"No" he pouted
He was so damn stubborn

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