Dance Comp

56 4 1

Requested by Sandrastar1


"Alright baby! I just gottah practice a few more times and we are as good as gold!" Cuphead declared
"You don't need to practice cuppy your perfect its me who needs to practice"
You commented
"Pff nonsense" cuphead stated
"You were the one who taught me to dance!" You replied
"And thats why yah gonna be great! Ya learnt from the..welll not the best..but one of the best!" Cuphead declared
You sighed and shook your head side to side gently.
"Alright mugsy! Lets do dis!" Cuphead declared the cup moved over to his brother and they started the dancing routine you and the cup were going to use for the couples dancing competition.
It was all going well and the brothers were doing the routine fine when the cup slipped all of a sudden..
He hit the floor with a thud making the mug snicker.
"Cuppy are you okay?!" You asked
The cups eyes welled up and he bolted up to his room..mugman stopped snickering and his face turned into one of sympathy..he leant out to his brother but it was to late he was already gone.
"I didnt mean to upset him i thought he would have found it funny he okay?" Mugman asked
"Hes under alot of stress he wants our routine to be perfect so he can prove to me we're a good team and can win anything"
You replied
"Oh.." mugman replied
"I'll talk to him it'll be okay" you replied
You walked up the stairs into the brothers room the cup was curled up on his bottom bunk bed.
He looked up at you with tears in his eyes.
"Cuppy.." you softly spoke up
"Babyy..babyy i caint do it! I caint i-im sorry" he sniffled shaking his head side to side sending some tears flying onto his covers as he did so.
"I-i caint we caint-" he continued
"Cuppy..hey.." you walked over and watching your head on the top bunk sat beside the cup and pulled him into your side..he snuggled against your side and hid his face in it.
"Its okay its alright to have lost some confidence from falling over but-" you started
He gripped your shirt tighter with his fingers.
"B-but they're g-gunna laugh at me w-what if i fall over on s-stage!" Cuphead sulked
"Cuppy honey you are the best dancer i have ever seen in my opinion your better then chalice! So what you fell over in one practice? We've been practice our routine with mugman we should be practising with eachother" you stated
"W-what if i fall over on stage~" the emotional cup repeated
"Then i wont care cuppy to me i dont care if we win or lose to me what matters is that we have fun" you replied
"B-but they'll-they'll laugh!~" he sulked you rubbed his back.
"Let them.." you moved a hand under his chin to make him look at you in the eyes.
His welled up eyes relaxed when they locked with yours.
You pecked his nose.
"It will be okay cuppy i have seen you do amazing things. You can play the piano. You can dance. You can sing. You can use the yoyo and do tricks with it! Heck you were the one who got up on the audition stage at that dirk danger play and nearly jumped in a jug of water from a ladder! so don't you dare doubt yourself your so talented! You slipped once cuppy once i will be right there with you and if they laugh at us so what?.. if we go down..we go down together" You commented
Cuphead chuckled with a smile.
"Thanks baby"  he nuzzled his face against yours lovingly
"Now..whos going to have more self confidence?" You asked
"Meeee~" cuphead cooed the tears fading away and turning into a smile.
"I tell you what if something happens and we do loose i'll take you for ice cream and root beer" you replied the cup perked up.
"No! i'll take you for ice cream and root beer! And tha movies!" Cuphead declared you smiled shaking your head side to side.
"Your never going to let me pay for a date are you hm?" You asked
"No!" Cuphead replied you giggled a bit.
He rubbed his cheek on yours again noses touching and rubbing together as well with the connection.
" dis routine together before the competition tonight" cuphead declared
He stood up and took your hand watching the top bunk you got up with the cup and together in the bedroom you both practiced the routine you let the cup lead your body in a rythme  spinning you around and out only to spin you back in and bow you down.
"See?" You asked
"I see you if dat counts~" cuphead cooed you went pink but he pulled you up and twirled you in a spiral like a ballerina.
"Yah know what baby yah right! We got dis in dah bag!" Cuphead declared

~~after the competition~~

You and the cup left the theatre with frowns on your faces walking towards elder kettle and mugman who were waiting in the car the too frowned at you both thinking you lost until you lifted the cup up high who held the trophie in his 2 gloved hands.
"We won! Haha!" Cuphead cheered
You cradled the cup in your arms.
"We did it!" You cheered
You and the cup got into the back of elder kettles car with the trophie imbetween you both.
"And get dis sally stageplay said me n Y/N were the best dou dancers shes seen in yeayahs! Dah perfect couple! Hehheh!" Cuphead confidently declared
You went a deep shade of pink as the cup leant up and pecked your lips.
"Thanks for not givin up on me baby~" cuphead cooed
"Y-y-your welcome.." you nervously stuttered
"Aww" elder kettle cooed
"Awwww~" mugman cooed
The cup moved the trophie to his other side so he could move closer to you and snuggle up next to you.
"Best couple evah~" he whisper cooed

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