Oh Brother

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Requested by Sandrastar1



"Unbelievable my leg has a crack in it!" Mugman complained after we got home from our adventure in the forest.

"Yeah? well it ain't my fault you got hurt again!" I replied as elder kettle inspected him.
"It is cuphead! you wanted us to go on that adventure in the forest its always your fault! You always get us into danger and i always get hurt because of it! that fortune teller machine was right your lack of common sense and your lack of worry is going to get one of us killed!"
I was taken back..
"Mugsy..you dont mean that.."
"Yes i do! I really do this time! I'm sick of you and it cuphead!" Mugman replied
"Now boys enough!" Elder kettle warned..
My eyes welled up..
"Th-then consider me gone!" I cried mugsys pupils shrunk and elder kettle called after me.
"Cuphead dont you leave!" He called but i ignored and slammed the door shut in tears i approached our joined bikes tearing mine off..seperating them..
"Cuphead wait! Wait!" Mugsy cried as he left the cottage after me..i didnt stop..
I rode off up the road and away to Y/Ns home i knew she would have still been in bed because of her hunt but i had nowhere else to go.
I pulled up and went to her door

°•○YOUR POV○•°

You were woken up by heavy knocks on your door loud ones.
You groaned and moved out of your warm cosy bed moving your blanket aside you moved through the house to the door like a zombie answering however you were suprised to see your lover in tears..
The cup clung to your leg soaking your pants.
You groggily asked
The cup sulked
You lifted the cup up and shut the door behind you both.
"Wh-*yawn* whats wrong cuppy? What happened?"
"Me n-n mugsy had a-a fight he-he said its always my-my fault he always gets hurt-he-he said im g-gonna get one of us killed-he said the-f-fortune machine was right-i-"
Cuphead wailed
"Aww cuppy.."
You lifted him up to your shoulder and hugged him.
"It cant be your fault he gets hurt"
You softly groggily stated
"B-but my-my adventures-" he sulked
"Cuppy-" you went to speak but he cut you off.
"He-hes never going to want me to come back-e-especially not aftah i-i broke our joined b-bikes-p-please you have tah le-let me stay here i-im beggin you please!" He wailed
"Okay alright..alright..cuppy you can stay only for a few days so you can both cool down.."
You replied
"Th-thank youu~ thank youuuu~ babyyyy~" he sulked
His tears soaked your shirt as you rocked him side to side.
"He-hes going to hate me-he -hes never going to want me-h-home-never going to want to s-see me a-again"
The cup sulked
"Aww cuppy come on you know thats not true" you replied
"Yes it i-is!~"
"aw cuppy"
You yawned "It'll be okay" you continued

~4 Days Later~

The cup was still with you but missing his brother dearly.. anytime you told him he should go home he refused and said no that mugman would hate him or not forgive him for breaking the bikes apart.
"Cuppy you miss him I'm sure he misses you too just go and talk to him"
You stated
The cup replied he was sitting on the couch when he noticed something that made him gasp,launch to his feet and bolt away..
"Cuppy? Whats wrong?" You called after him getting no response you were interrupted by the sound of the door knocking.
Approaching you opened it to find the mug standing infront of the door.
"Is cuphead here?" He asked fiddling with his fingers nervously
"Yes he is..why?"
You asked
"I want to talk to him please i miss him i thought he would've come home by now I'm worried about him and i want to apologise" mugman replied you nodded and stepped to the side letting the mug inside you shut the door.
"I'll go find him for you just wait here"
You stated and walked through your cottage to your room.
"Cuppy you in here?"
You asked
"N-no!" The cup replied you rolled your eyes shaking your head side to side ..totally not here cuppy..
It sounded like it came from your clothes closet..you approached and opened the door looking down at the cup who was now curled up and sulking again.
You softly started
"Tell h-him i aint here i-i ran away o-or you havent seen me for days or s-somethin!" He sulked
"I already told him your here cuppy and he's here to apologise to you he misses you why don't you just talk it out together?" You asked
"Ca-cause!" He sniffled
"Because why?"
You asked
He whimpered and shuffled away from you.
"Hes not going to leave until he sees you cuppy.."
You softly declared
"He misses you just like you miss him come on..come and talk to him it would do you both good i'll come with you"
You continued giving the cup your hand to grab..he sniffled and looked up at you..he slowly reached for your hand and took it so you helped him up to his feet and out of your closet.
"M-mkayy~" he sniffled
You lead him slowly out of your room to the living room were the mug was waiting you felt the cups grip tighten when he saw the mug..
"Cuphead!" The mug shrieked and before the cup could hide or run the mug pounced on him in a tight hug snatching his hand out of yours due to the impact.
The mug hugged the cup tightly shaking him side to side.

"Oh brother i am so so sorry! I shouldn't have said the things i said it wasn't your fault and never is your fault when i get hurt i just wanted someone to blame out of anger for my clumsiness I'm so sorry i made you so upset that you broke the bikes! You may not have good common sense or even worry that much but your still my brother and i still love you! Please please forgive me and come home! I miss you so much!" The mug ranted he to started to cry as he pulled away from the cup.
Cuphead sniffled but then his eyes welled up again.
"Naw mugsy i forgive you! I've missed you too!" Cuphead wailed
Both the brothers hugged tightly and you smiled at there embrace..they were together again at last..

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