
84 4 1

Requested by Sandrastar1


What a day in the inkwell isles the sun is shining the flowers were dancing and the breeze was cool and peaceful.

You were on your way to see your lover as today was a day when mugman and elder kettle wouldn't be home to annoy either of you.
However when you got to the cups cottage he was already out the front waiting for you with a basket of muffins in his hands, his face lit up when he saw you.
"Baby hi!" He greeted cheerfully
You giggled at his cheefullness
"Hi cuppy how are you? What have you got there?" You asked
"Im doin great now that your here..and i dont know these were just out tha front someone mustve left em for us!" Cuphead replied "how are you doin baby?" The cup lovingly asked rubbing against your leg when you got close enough making you pink.
"G-good thanks cuppy" you replied
"Thats neat! Cmon in!" He replied moving to the side for you to enter the cottage.
You gently entered the cottage then stopped so he could follow behind.
In which he did he shut and locked the cottage door before carrying the basket of muffins to the table and placing it down.
There was only 2 muffins after all it was a small basket..cuphead scooped one of the muffins up,removed the wrapping and took a bite making you gasp.
"Cuppy what are you doing those were probably for elder kettle!" You declared
Cuphead shrugged.
"Eh they'res still one in there!"
He replied but then froze and put the muffin down on the table his eyes full of fear.
"Baby..somethin-somethins wrong!"
Cuphead whined
"Cuppy that isnt funny"
You worriedly replied
"I aint j-jokin somethins wrong!" Cuphead whined..your pupils shrunk when the cup unknowingly started to...shrink..

He shrunk so small he was only the size of your shoe..when he looked up at you he screamed and so did you.
"Im tiny!" His voice was now squeaky and high pitched.
"Wh-what happened!" He continued you knelt down and let him climb on your hand.
You stood up straight..the cup was so freaked he hugged your thumb.
"I dont like this i dont like this at all! What if someone steps on me!" Cuphead squeaked
"I-i wont let that happen! Lets go talk to porkind maybe he knows what happened!" You replied
"What happened was someone dookst us! Someone d-did this to me! Who?!" Cuphead continued to panic
"Cuppy cuppy hey its okay it could have been anyone its alright as long as its not permanent you'll be fine" you replied

~~~At Porkrinds~~~

"Its permanent" Porkrind declared
You both gasped porkrind chuckled to himself
"Gotcha! Its a simple potion it lasts 24 hours..whoever did this to you must've hated you for some reason..even though theres plenty....look all you gotta do is wait till it wears off and don't get stepped on simple" porkrind explained
You grumbled a bit at how he spoke to your cup but when you felt said cup stroke a finger and whisper "easy baby he aint worth it" you calmed down.
"Did you sell it to someone?" You asked
"Unfortunately no i didnt thats the one potion i dont have" porkrind stated you gritted your teeth and went to say something but the cup pulled on your finger and shook it back and forth.
"Oookay baby hey time tah go!" He declared
You huffed but walked the cup back out of the emporium and to his cottage.
"Who would do this to me?" Cuphead asked

"Who knows it could've been chalice as a prank?" You suggested
"Nah she wouldn't...well to be fair she put fireworks in our beds so maybe actually yeah she could've done it yah right" cuphead stated..
The more you thought..the more you realised..
"The devil.."
You mumbled
"Hah?" Cuphead piped up.
"The devil..what if he did it he planted the muffins so you and mugman would eat them so he could.." you started cupheads black pupils shrunk and his eyes welled up..
"S-squish you-" you finished choking a bit on your own words.
"B-baby hurry up we gotta get back to tha cottage and burn those muffins!" Cuphead ordered you nodded in agreement and picked up the pace..when you got to the cottage you put the cup on the table quickly taking the muffins and throwing them into the open and on fireplace.
The muffins melted and a blue mist left them before they completely vanished..cuphead sighed in relief.
You walked over to him and let him climb back onto your hand.
"So whatda we do about dis?" Cuphead asked gesturing to his tiny self.
"We'll do what porkrind said wait till it wears off and make sure noone steps on you..I'm tempted to just keep you on my hand the whole 24 hours"
You replied
"How will that work for sleep?" Cuphead asked
You shrugged.
"We'll work something else out" you replied "in the mean time your just going to have to put up with being a tiny fragile cup your even smaller then you were when you were changed into a toddler" you continued
"I know i know!" Cuphead grumbled he sat cross legged on your hand looking away from you.
"Suppose yah gunna carry around tha whole 24 hours for real hah?"
He asked you nodded
"Yes of course i am! I'm just going to let a tiny you run around the cottage and get trampled on by elder kettle or mugman by accident maybe even me plus the devil could still come back for you so yes!" You declared cuphead grinned and he looked at you.
"Yah know yah really cute when yah protective ovah me or jealous" cuphead declared "infact its the whole reason why i double checked cause i knew you were gonna get protective~ we both know yah dont do that often soo~" cuphead cackled
"Jerk" you gasped he chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and carried him up to him and the mugs room how were you going to explain this to mugman or more importantly elder kettle who doesnt know about the brothers run ins with the devil!.
...this was going to be a long 24 hours..

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