Height Change 2

71 2 3

Requested by user24404632


When will you and the cup learn..mugman was sick and elder kettle was looking after him which meant you and the cup had to go to porkrinds emporium for some medicine's so now you were in said emporium....drenched in a potion you both knew all to well because someone!. Shoved you into it while aggressively leaving the emporium.

"Great juuust great!" Cuphead grumbled "now thanks to that joik we're gunna change size again!" He continued
"At least porkrinds chasing down the guy so we dont have to pay" you replied
Speak of the pig and he appears.
"You to are good to go Now scram!"
Porkind stated you and the cup walked out with the medicine bag but on the way home you both painfully switched sizes..you again to the cups and his to yours..
You looked up at the cup as you both walked towards the cup n mugs cottage..he did not look happy at all..
"Hehh here we go again.." cuphead grumbled "howwa we gunna explain dis to elda kettle!" He continued
"We just be honest..and i thought you liked being my size" you replied
"It got boring" cuphead replied
"Really?" You asked
"Yeah i didnt have a good view" cuphead replied with a grin
"Of what?" You asked staring up at him..he picked you up after he stopped walking and carried both you and the medicine bag.
"Ya ass~" cuphead cooed
You went pink and gave him a playfull gentle punch.
"Heyy~" you whined he chuckled
"Heh heh"
When you got to the cottage the cup opened the door.
"Watch your head" you warned the cup ducked a bit so he could fit through the cottages entrance.
"Elda kettle we're back!" Cuphead called as he carried you and the medicine up the stairs into the brothers bedroom.
When you both entered elder kettle was checking on mugman who was in the top bunk shivering and sneezing..
"Hey uh elda kettle.."
Elder kettle turned as he spoke.
"What took you both so lo-Ahh!" Elder kettle shrieked you and the cup nervously suprised.
"What happened?!" He asked
"Some joik knocked us intah the potion shelves and uh..it switched our heights but not to worry it only lasts an hourah" cuphead explained "aaaand we got tha medicine here" he continued lending out his now large gloved hands out to elder kettle..who the cup was around the size of..

"Thanks" elder kettle replied taking it gently.
"You too should leave the room so you dont catch what mugmans got" elder kettle continued
"Okay" you replied
"Alright..get bettah soon mugsy!" Cuphead replied he lead you both out the room but not before shooting a worried glance back in his brothers direction..
As you both left the room you looked up at the cup.
"He'll be okay cuppy elder kettles going to take good care of him" you stated
The cup sighed and nodded.
"I know i know i just worry bout him hes my brothah ya know?" He asked looking down at you in his arms you nodded.
"I know" you replied.."can you..put me down now?" You softly asked
"Ehhh no" cuphead replied
"What why not?" You asked in confusion
"Cause yah always carryin me and cradlin me so no now its my turn for once..boop!." He booped your nose gently and carried you down stairs.
"What-hey i-" you went to protest but he shook his head side to side.
"Nope." He replied
You huffed.
"Nawwww is someone gettin crankyy~" cuphead cooed looking down at you again and rubbing your belly with his fingers.
"..no.." you pouted folding your arms over your chest.
"Yes you are~ your being a cranky baby~ and there aint no need for it so cut it out ya hear?"
He asked with an eyebrow raise he held you out infront of him from your armpits and you grew nervous he was so much bigger then you..his eyes and small nose were bigger to..his straw was still cute..
You sighed and smiled.
"There it is! Theres yah smile! Thats bettah!" Cuphead chirped with joy himself.
That joy faded when he heard his brother cough violently..he frowned and turned his head in the stairs direction with a worried glance.
"Mugsy!" He gasped
"Cuppy he's going to be okay you know that right? Elder kettle can make him better remember that time he helped all of us when we had a fever? and if he cant elder kettle will take him to the hospital theres nothing that cant be fixed" you gently comforted the concerned cup..you loved seeing this side of cuphead..the soft worrried side that he only revealed around you and mugman..
The cup slowly moved his eyes to look down at you again then his head with a nod and pulled you back into his embrace cradling you comfortably in a cuddle.
"Thanks baby" he replied with a gentle kiss to your head he rested his head on yours for a few moments before moving away and sighing and walking with you into the living room to the rug infront of the fire place where the flames danced in their contained space and where on the rug cuphead sat you both down.
He positioned you carefully on his lap and you both stared at the flames together watching them danced in a rythme..
Mugman coughed a few more times which made the cup look in the direction of the stairs again with a saddened noise..
"Its okay cuppy hes going to be okay it'll be alright" you softly declared resting your head backwards onto his chest and taking one of his now large yellow gloved hands in yours and interlocking your fingers with his..
"Hes going to be okay i promise" you continued..the cup looked back at you and gently wrapped both of his arms around you, pulling you into his body and embrace full of love..
"Thanks..again baby"
He rested his head ontop of yours but pain shot through you both..the hour was already up?..you both stared up at the clock and sure enough you had both been watching the flames for an hour..
"Oh oh! Get ready dis is gunna hurt!" Cuphead declared you nodded in agreement before the cup gently moved you off his lap just as you both painfully shrunk and grew back to your normal sizes..
The cup stared up at you normally and you down at him normally..he smiled so you smiled back and sat back down facing the fireplace..
"Same old us again" you stated the cup nodded.
"Tha bettah us"
The cup on the rug crawled over and ontop of you onto your lap and this time you were the one to wrap your arms around him..
Not expecting him to wrap his arms around your arms however he grinned at you.
You went pink but smiled and nuzzled your head into his continuing to stare into the flames infront of you both enjoying the moment once again.

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