Youth Potion 2

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Requested by weeberleeber


Mugman told you it was near to cupheads birthday excited and wanting to get something special for your lover you asked mugman if he'd like to come with you to porkrinds to get the cup a special birthday present.
He agreed.
You and the mug told the cup you were just getting supplies for elder kettles garden and for him to wait at the cottage as not to ruin the suprise.
He shockingly fell for it so you and the mug were off.
"So what are we going to get cuphead
Y/N?" Mugman asked
"I'm not sure something special something he'll just love!"
You stated
When you both arrived at the emporium the pig grumbled.
"What now?" Porkrind grumbled
"Hi porkrind!" Mugman greeted
"Dont mind us we're just looking for a birthday present for cuphead" you stated
"And possibly getting plant supplies heh" mugman replied
You both went to seperate parts of the emporium to search for the perfect gift but couldnt find any..
"Oh what about this adventure comix?" Mugman asked
"He's already got that one"
You replied
"Damn what can we get him?"
Mugman asked
"I..dont know.."
You replied
You both kept looking but you huffed leaning on a shelf for support.
The mug approached.
"We're never going to find a perfect gift for cuppy theres nothing here he hasnt already got!" You stated
"Don't give up Y/N we'll find something! Don't loose hope!" The mug stated.
You smiled a little.
"I guess your right mugman"
You replied
You moved off the shelf.
"Lets get elder kettles garden supplies and look somewhere else" you stated
"I agree we've still got the city to look in!" The mug replied mugman grabbed the garden supplies so you got off the shelf but bumped another..
You heard clattering and looked up just in time to see 4 different potions land ontop of you..the glass luckily didnt cut you but the liquid inside the jars spilled all over you.
"For goodness sake i should put tape around that area when you guys come over or just ban you from my store!" Porkrind stated
"Y/N! Y/N! are you alright?!" Mugman asked
"Wh-whats going to happen to me?"
You asked looking at the pig.
"Hard to say you mixed potions could turn into a baby an old lady or a moose"
"A moose?!"
You started to feel unwell.
"Mugman..whatever have to tell cuphead"
"What!? He'll kill me!" Mugman stated
"Just tell him!" You stated
The swirl surrounded your body and.


You opened your eyes..why was everything so dark..why couldnt you cried and tried to move but couldnt..why couldn't you stand tried to talk but.
Came out.
Something was removed off of you..
You were a looked around and noticed the mug who had just probably payed Porkrind for the potions.
Your eyes welled up and your lips pooched.
You couldn't understand the mug as he lifted your clothes off of you but you could sense he meant well..he scooped you up gently wrapping you up in your clothes and gathering your other clothes..he had a soft expression on his face..he picked up the bag of garden supplies and started walking with you out of the emporium.
His soft tones as he spoke if only you could understand what he was saying.
When you both got to the cottage the mug put the bag down and your  clothes and walked around the cottage to find the cup..
When you saw him you couldn't help but squeal with excitement..
Your chest felt warm and fuzzy.
You reached out for him..
The too started arguing and gesturing to you..
The bad energy made you cry..
"Waaaahh ahhhwahh!"
The cup quickly put a smile on his face and reached out for you..the mug gave you to the cup who held you up in the air and spoke to you softly as he moved you around gently in the air..
You stopped crying and giggled..
He made an awe face then started pulling faces and soon cradled laughed as he sat down with you to pull funny faces and tickle your tummy.

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