Long Way From Home

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You bid the cup and mug farewell waving goodbye as you left their cottage and started your treck on your way back to your own.
It was turning night and you wanted to be home in time to make dinner and listen to the music on your radio.
When you arrived home you unlocked the door and let yourself in forgetting to lock the door behind you once inside..
You put your keys on their hook and walked into the kitchen to turn the dial on your radio to the music channel you liked and prepare your meal.
Cooking your meal was easy but..sitting alone after it was cooked was not..
You sat alone at your dinner table playing with your food with your fork with a gentle sigh..
You missed the company of your mum..you wished the cup was here to give you company..you should move out soon perhaps move in with the brothers or maybe one day cuphead will move in with you?..
You smiled at the thought and used it to get out of your lonely headspace and eat your meal..
After dinner you went for a shower and changed into your pjs ready for bed you walked to your room and curled up for the night.
You tossed and turned for a while not being able to sleep but eventually passed out..


You woke to the sound of your front door handle being turned..you forgot to lock it!.
You froze in fear when you heard shuffling and heard mumbling..sitting up your sense of smell however picked up on the cup..was he sleep walking again? Did he sleep walk all the way here?..thats a long way to walk from home alone in the dark..you thought it was best to check on the cup and lock the door so you got out of bed and walked out of your room..you couldn't see him anywhere..perhaps you were just imagining it due to fatigue..you walked over and locked your front door then promptly headed back to bed and snuggled under your covers yet again..however you were interrupted by more shuffling and mumbling this time your bedroom door opened..
You ignored it thinking it was your mind playing tricks but you heard the cups voice.
You turned over and saw the cup bumping into your bedside.
You questioned..he was definitely sleep walking..
But when he heard your voice he smiled.
Perhaps he had a dream of you getting lost and his body wanted to find you in his sleep to make sure you were okay?..
"cuppy? cuppy? wake up. cuppy? how did you get here?" You worriedly asked the asleep cup as if hoping for an answer instead the cup mumbled but then his face scrunched up and lips pooched.
"Baby no no mwwww~"
"Oh no cuppy don't get upset sh sh sh shhh its okay babys here-"
"Mwmwmw~" he whimpered
You leant out he was close enough for you to touch to try and wake him up from his nightmare or sleep walking state but he did the unimaginable..still asleep the porcelain cup managed to feel for the bed and slump on it falling back into a deep sleep..
He probably thought it was his bed..you smiled and rolled your E/C eyes..well you were wanting company..
You pulled him into your embrace which he snuggled into with now a returned smile and relaxed face you smiled at not feeling so lonely anymore and just like that you fell into a deep pleasant sleep..


The next day you were the first awake realising the cup was still with you and had infact sleep walked to your cottage in the middle of the night through a forest it shocked you to see he didn't have a single cut or graise on his whole body and was snuggled up to you and your blankets.. you weren't suprised when you received a phone call from someone..you gently took the cup off of you and let him snuggle with a pillow as you got out of bed and left the room to answer the phone answering it you realised it was elder kettle concerned about the cups where abouts.
"Y/N I'm sorry to bother you so early in the morning but is cuphead with you by any chance? He dissappeared last night and me and mugman couldn't find him and still can't find him anywhere!"
"Yes elder kettle he's here with me he sleep walked again straight to my home he's okay"
"Thanks goodness thank you Y/N! Now we can stop worrying"
"Its all good elder kettle have a nice day"
"You too Y/N!"
Elder kettle hung up so you put the phone back on the hook.
The cup groggily groaned
You turned around he noticed you were gone quite fast..
"Cuppy your up how are you feeling? are you alright?"
"Elch yea what happened? How dids i ends up here?"
"You sleep walked again"
"Again? Uggh"
"Cuppy how did you manage to sleep walk to my cottage in the middle of the night?"
"Hows im supposed tah know? I hads this horrible nightmare baby..then suddenly I was having the best sleep  evah!"
"You seemed to be having a nightmare when you got here but once you were in bed with me you were fine.."
"Weird maybe yah cancelled it out?"
"So's who was on tha phone?"
"Elder kettle he was worried about you"
"You know..I'm kind of glad you sleep walked over"
"Huh why?"
"I was feeling a bit lonely it does get loney here without my mum and without you you know..its a big cottage and its just me"
"Fairs enough baby..don't worry one day i'll move in with yah for now i'll make sure i top up on tha sleep overs" cuphead replied pointing to flirty fingers and winking at you.
You blushed but cleared your throught
"And lay back on sleep walking?"
You both chuckled and giggled.
"I'll try hahahaha"

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