A Snapping Mistake

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Requested by Sandrastar1


With the stress of the harsh winter setting in your mood was beyond aggressive you were in a bad mood due to the stress.

You knew the cup was going to come over but you couldnt do anything about it..
He was already at the door.
"Its Open!"
The cup walked into your cottage.
"Hey baby whats goin on?"
"Ohh~ somones grumpy~"
"Cuppy I Am Not In The Mood!"
"Alright alright relax whats gotcha so upset?"
"Don't Tell Me To Relax!"
"Baby cmon! I-"
"Don't Baby Cmon Me Either Okay?!"
"Ey! You Watch It Missy Just Cause Yah In A Bad Mood Doesn't Mean Yah Get Tah Take It Out On Me Yah Hear!?"
You pulled at your hair in frustration..
"Baby whats wrong why are you so angry did something happen?"

"Did i do something wrong?"
You were in the middle of sorting food and lost track of where you were up to because you were talking to the cup..
"Ugh!! Can You Just Leave Me Alone For 2 Seconds Can't You See I'm Trying To Concentrate!!??"
..you..snapped..you turned around to face the cup as you did it as well..he stared at you shocked..
You took a few deep breaths and realised that you unintentionally snapped at him you'd never snapped at him before you were usually the quiet one in the relationship that just went with the flow and was rarely in the mood you were in.
You didnt mean to snap at him..you went to say something but he backed off and his pupils went big and large..his lips pooched up and he shook his head he ran out the door in tears.
You ran after him to the door.
"Cuppy wait I'm sorry i didn't mean to-"
It was to late he was to far away and soon gone..what have you done?..
Your eyes welled up a bit to..you didnt mean to be so harsh and mean..you should wait a bit and go apologise..you hung your head in shame..out of everyone you had to snap at..it had to be cuphead?..


I wanted to snap back and tell her off but my body had other plans..she had never snapped at me before and instinctively it gave me a fright..before i could say anything my eyes had already welled up and i pooched my lip..i ran out the door in tears..i heard her call after me but..i ignored and kept running..i ran into the cottage up the stairs and into me and mugsys room onto my bottom bunk bed..
What did i do wrong? Why was she so mad at me? Why did she snap at me? Did i hurt her again without knowing it? Forget about something?..
I hugged my blanket and hid my face away..
Maybe i did..oh no..i hope i didnt forget about something important again and she was upset with me because of it I'd feel horrible! I always feel horrible when i upset my baby! It feels awfull!..
She was kind of scary back there..shes never been so mad before whatever it was that i did must've upset her alot!..
I just hope she can forgive me..

°•○YOUR POV○•°

You shamefully finished sorting the food out that you had hunted and went for a shower to clean up it had taken you days to sort the food out and after all of it you still didn't have enough..once cleaned up you got ready.. now that you were finished you had the chance..you had to go and say sorry and explain yourself to the cup you snapped at days prior..he hadn't come around...you really upset him and knowing him he's probably scared and thought it was his fault by the way you reacted towards him.
You walked to and then knocked on the door to the cottage and mugman opened the door.
"Hello Y/N can i help you?"
"Is cuppy home?"
"Yes why?"
"..i want to see him.."
"Before or after you upset him?"
"I didn't mean to i was really stressed and upset that day and i took it out on him i came to apologise because i feel horrible.."
"Oh..well in that case he's in our room on his bed he's been there since you upset him"
"Thanks mugman"
You went up the stairs after the mug let you in and entered the cup and mugs shared room.
You heard a whimper so you approached his bed..was he hiding under the blanket?..you went on your knees infront of the bed where the lump in the blanket was..
"Cuppy?..hey..I'm so sorry for the other day when i snapped at you i didn't mean to snap at you i-"
"Y-you scared me~"
"I know im sorry it wasnt your fault i just-*sigh* it was my fault"
"S-so yah aint mad at me?.."
The cup emerged from the blanket poking his head out.
"No no no no no i wasnt mad at you at all i was just really stressed..and it turned into anger that i released onto you..I'm sorry..again.."
The cup sniffled but nodded and fully emerged from the blanket putting his legs over the side of the bed so you were closer to eachother..
He then raised an eyebrow..
"Wait..what were you so stressed about?"
"Its nearly winter and..i don't have enough meat.."
"What? How!?"
"All the animals are hiding away early..i haven't been able to stock up.."
"But wintahs in 2 days!"
"I know.."
"Naw baby why didnt you just say it makes sense now why you were so upset!"
"It didnt give me the right to be so mad at you though..you were trying to be a good boyfriend and find out what was wrong i was rude and was acting like a bi-"
The cup covered your mouth and pointed his eyebrows down.
"Dont. Say that word."
You nodded and he moved his hands away and furrowed his eyebrows again.
"You weren't being that at all i forgive yah..as long as you can make it up to me?"
You perked up.
"How can i make it up to you?"
The cup slammed his porcelain beige lips against your human ones.
Kissing you passionately and holding the sides of your face with his gloved hands before pulling away..
"Thats how"
He gave you a cheeky grin which made you blush and smile nervously.

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