Treasure Hunt

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Requested by Sandrastar1


With map in hand you and the brothers searched and followed the trail left by elder kettle.
The mug held the map and you and the cup followed behind.
Whatever treasure elder kettle had left for you three to find had bound to be good perhaps cookies?.
The map was very confusing which is why the mug had it..he was the smartest out of the three of you after all.
The map had lead you and the brothers into the forest were you would every now and again see the markings or main points that were drawn on the map itself.
The cup held your hand as the three of you walked but suddenly the mug started turning the map left and right or trying to read it on its side.
"Whats wrong mugman are we lost?" You asked
"I dont know i dont see this main point anywhere and its supposed to be here" mugman replied
"Let me take a look" cuphead replied he let go of your hand and walked over to his brother gently taking the map.
He looked at it and put a hand to his chin.
"Hmm it says we shoulda taken a left back there" cuphead stated
Mugman snatched the map back.
"No it doesn't it says right!"
"It said we shoulda taken a left you joik! Ya lead us the wrong way!" Cuphead argued
"Im not a jerk you are it says we should have taken a right!" Mugman argued
"If it was tha right we shoulda taken we wouldve found the main point by now! Admit it ya caint read the map!" Cuphead replied pointing fingers.
Mugman gasped.
"I can read it better then you! It says right right! See! Right!" Mugman declared pointing to the obvious right turn on the map.
Cuphead gritted his teeth.
"Boys enough this arguing isn't going to help anything!"
You declared but they didn't listen..
Cuphead lunged onto his brither and a dust cloud formed as the too fought you huffed and put your arms in pulling them out of the dust cloud seperated in your hands.
They both stopped throwing fists at eachother once they realised they were seperated and looked at you.
"Enough no more fighting its not helping..let me see the map" you stated after putting them back on the ground the mug gave you the map and you looked at it.
"What what is it?" Mugman asked
"Was i right baby was it left we had tah take!?" Cuphead excitedly asked
"'m sorry cuppy mugman was was a right..we are on the correct track.." you stated.
"Ha! I told you i was right! Now who cant read!" Mugman teased
"Mugman!" You gasped
"Yah know what enjoy yah hunt! Im outta here i got bettah things tah do then be on some stupid treasuah hunt! Im gonna go blast some rockets!" Cuphead gritted.
He stormed off back the way you had all came until he was out of sight.
"Typical cuphead things dont go his way and he storms off!" Mugman stated
You scoffed
"Your just as bad as eachother! I told you both to stop and you just had to tease him!" You stated
"Well i..uh..oh.." mugman replied
"Yeah oh.." you replied
"Should we go after him?" Mugman asked
"Probably he might get lost" you replied
Mugman nodded and you both went after the cup....where was he?.. you couldnt see him anywhere.
"Where is he?" Mugman asked
"I dont know.." you replied
"Cant you pick up his scent hes your boyfriend!" Mugman stated
"I cant not with all these flowers around it makes it harder to many scents.." you replied
"What if he is lost? I shouldnt of argued with him or teased him this is my fault im a bad brother!" Mugman stated starting to cry.
"No no your not your both just being classical brothers and fighting all the time it wasnt your fault" you comforted.
"We can find him we just have to work together" you contined the mug nodded and wiped his tears away.
"Mhm..okay" mugman replied
"Cuphead!" He called
"Cuppy! Come back!" You called you both walked together backwards down the trail you had taken thanks to the map.
"How could he have stuck to the trail he doesn't have the map!" Mugman stated
"Im not sure lets just..hope he made some good guesses" you replied
"Cuphead!!" Mugman called
"Cuppy!!" You called you both called and trailed all the way back to the cottage..where there he was..blasting rockets just like he said..
He laughed..but when he noticed you and the mug his smile faded and he put his hands on his hips.

"Well look who it is you to find yah treasuah?" Cuphead scoffed
Mugman bolted over and wrapped his brother into a hug.
"Oh cuphead im so sorry i shouldnt of argued with you or teased you! Please forgive me!" Mugman wailed "we've been looking everywhere for you we thought you were lost!" He continued
"Hah? Lost?" Cuphead questioned
Mugman nodded in the cups embrace with an.
Cuphead looked up at you as he hugged his brother back.
You smiled gently at were relieved the cup was here and not lost in the woods somewhere by himself..
The brothers seperated their hug but mugman kept his hands on cupheads shoulders.
"Please come and continue the hunt with us? It wont be much of a treasure hunt if you arent with us!" Mugman pleaded.
"Alright alright" cuphead stated.
"Yay!" Mugman cheered
So again you all went back up the trail following the map..the cup looked up at you.
"Yah really thought i was lost? Hah?" He asked
You nodded
"I didnt answer my calls so.." you replied
"Fair enough" cuphead replied
"Why did you storm off though cuppy? It wasn't just because you were upset with mugman was it?" You asked
"Nah..maybe it was because i already found tha treasuah" cuphead stated
"What? where? Is it cookies?" You asked
The cup looked at you with a grin.
You pointed to yourself.
"M-me?" You nervously asked
"Ahhah ya my treasuah whatevah elda kettles hidden out 'ere could nevah compare to thah treasuah i already got which is you!" Cuphead declared
You went as red as his little red nose.
"Y-you- i-i-"
"Awwwww brother i never knew you could be so sweet!" Mugman replied

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