Firecracker Scare

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the brothers were hanging out together supposedly today but chalice hadn't show up yet to be fair it was early morning when you had all gotten up..
Well the cup and mug were snuggled in the cups bed hugging his blanket when he started shaking you with a gentle smile.
"Babyy~ wakey wakey~ eldah kettles made pancakes!" Cuphead declared
You groaned and tried to swat his hand away.
"Nmnkmn" you mumbled
Cuphead chuckled
"Babyy wakey~ wakey~ cmon up yah get~" cuphead continued now pulling on the blanket.
"noo~ lemme sleeeep~"
You groaned
The cup climbed into the bed and now instead of grabbing the blanket he grabbed your arm, you tried to fight his grip but he was to strong being porcelain and all.
"noo~ cuppyy~ lemme sleep just a little longerr~"
You whined
"Nuhuh cmon up yah get breakys ready!" He pulled your body to the edge of the opened your E/C eyes and sat up.
"Mkay mkay im up im up!"
He pulled you to your still being in your pjs didnt matter the cup just lead you down stairs to the table where he finally let go of you.
You yawned.
You stretched your back and your arms before greeting everyone.
"Morning elder kettle morning mugman" you greeted
"Morning Y/N!" Mugman replied
"Well good morning sleepy head have a good sleep?" Elder kettle asked
"Sure did" you replied taking your seat beside your cup.
He smiled at you happily..
"My babys a sleepy girll~" cuphead cooed you blushed and waved him off playfully as elder kettle slid the plates of pancakes infront of you and the brothers.
"Say boys when is chalice coming over?" Elder kettle asked
"Later i think" mugman replied
"I dunno" cuphead replied with a shrug putting maple syrup on his pancakes after you and mugman were done and scooping up them up with his fork and eating them all in one gulp.
"Jeez cuppy your going to get interjestion"
You declared
"Eh so?" Cuphead replied you rolled your eyes as you to finished off your a more humane way..
When you were done you took everyones plates to elder kettle and went back up to the brothers room to snuggle back in the bed..
The cup and mug followed
"Back in bed already?" Mugman asked
"Baby it aint bed time yet!" Cuphead stated
"I dont want to sleep boys i just..want to snuggle" you replied
"Elch gross!" mugman grimaced
"Oooooh~ in that case!" Cuphead joined you in his bed and the too of you cuddled up to eachother.
"Elch" mugman continued
"Naw relax mugsy one day you'll have someone tah snuggle with to then yah wont find it so gross!" Cuphead replied
Mugman shook his head side to side.
"Whatever while you too do..that im going to read on captain mugbeard!" Mugman declared he climbed up onto his top bunk retrieved his big book,climbed down then left the room..but poked his head back in..
"I'll let you know when chalice is here" he stated
"Okay" you replied
"You got it mugsy!" Cuphead replied
Mugman left again and this time didnt come back so you and the cup shared a look and giggled.
"I remember when i was that young and thought this stuff was gross" you replied
"Haha i know hehheh" cuphead chuckled but rubbed up against you.
"I love you baby" he declared
"I love you too cuppy" you replied
You both nuzzled up close and your noses felt like purring like a were so happy..
You both leant against the wall and after hours the mug came in..
"Hey guys chalice is here..are you too still snuggling?!" Mugman gasped
"Sure are mugsy!" Cuphead replied
"We'll be down in a few moments" you replied
"Hurry chalice has a suprise for us!" Mugman declared
"Oh a suprise cmon baby lets go see!" Cuphead replied
"It better not be anything crazy" you replied
As you and the cup got up and followed the mug down stairs to the living room where chalice was and was waiting.
You noticed elder kettle was no longer in the house but qucikly relaxed when you saw him outside watering his 'babies'.
"Hiya Y/N! hi cuphead! Mugman told me you too were snugglin! Cute!" Chalice stated
"Sure were!" Cuphead replied
"Mugman told us you have some suprise for us what is it?" You asked
"You'll just have to wait and see..tada!" Chalcie put a box of..fireworks?! Infront of the three of you and before any of you could react it blew up sending fireworks everywhere..
The three of you screamed and ducked.
You noticed the cup look at something in fear and realised what as a firecracker headed straight for him and blew up close by him.
"Gahhhhhh!" He bolted to you and clung onto your leg nearly knocking you over to the floor..when the fireworks and firecrackers died down chalice whinced.

"Sorry fellas i didnt mean for them to go..that everyone okay?" Chalice asked
"Im okay Y/N?" Mugman asked
"Im alright..cuppy?" You asked looking around.
"Where is he?" You asked
"Uh Y/N?.." chalice pointed to your leg and the scared cup that clung to it..
"Wait..cuphead got so scared he clung to you Y/N?" Mugman asked
"He..uh he does this sometimes when he's really scared another thing he only does around me most of the time....hey cuppy?..its over now the fireworks are done" you explained softly he hid his face in your pants with a hum.
"Arent you gonna come out of hiding?" Mugman asked
"I didnt mean to scare you that badly cuphead it was just a little joke" chalice stated the cup didnt reply to either of them.
He tugged on your pants instead.
You knew what that meant he wanted to be alone with you to talk to you privately.
"What does that mean?" Mugman asked
"Why is he tugging on your pants?" Chalice asked
"We'll be right back" you replied you picked the cup up off your leg and took him upstairs back to his room sitting him on his bed.
"Cuppyy~ you okay?" You cooed
He hugged you again though..his heart rate was going really fast.
"It-it nearly blew up on me" he replied
"But it didn't your okay" you replied rubbing his back gently
"it was so loudd~" he cooed
"dont you shoot rockets up in the sky that blow up?" You asked
"Uhuh but they aint that close!" Cuphead replied
"Aww cuppy" you cooed
"It-it was so close-a-and so loud and i-i didnt expect it i thought she wouldve i didnt-" cuphead fearfully ranted
"Wow wow cuppy hey hey take deep breaths your alright do it with me just like the city ready?"
You seperated the hug and took the cups gloved hands in yours.
You saw the cups heart leaping out of his chest so you gently pushed it back in and locked eyes with the cups..his was full of fear that you knew you could scare away if you faced it together.
"Ready?" You asked he nodded
" out..there you out...feww.." the cups heart rate started to slow down but then he did the unexpected while still in his overwhelmed state..he clamped his eyes shut and kissed you on the lips..
You were suprised at first of course because you were literally just doing breathing exercises but relaxed into it and let him do what he wanted..
When he pulled away he seemed calmer alot calmer then what your breathing exercises did..
" are you?" You asked
he gave you another kiss and this time when he pulled away he was okay and back to his normal self but still gave you a thank you hug.
"Thank you baby" he softly stated
"I-your welcome?..are you okay? Now?" You asked
the cup nodded as for the last time he pulled away from you.
"Yeah i should be okay now sheesh that firecracker gave me a fright hehheh.." cuphead stated
"I'm glad your okay" you replied
the cup took your hand in his and you stayed up there until the cup was ready to go back down to hang out..
When you both did everyone was happy

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