First Aid

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Requested by Sandrastar1


The cup was happily hanging out in your cottage with you as you read a book, the cup investigated your first aid kit.
He was curious about all the different objects and products.
The cup had layed them all out on your rug and was looking at them.
Reading and experimenting their different uses.
You peeked up from your book.
"Cuppy? What are you doing?"
You asked
"I know that cuppy but what are you doing now?"
"I'm figurin out what they all do"
You put your book down and stood up walking over so you could sit beside the cup.
"Well..i can show you if you like?"
"Is it okay if i woirk it out?"
You blushed with a smile at his accent.
"Of course you can my cup"
You stayed with him as he experimented but your tummy grumbled.
"Im going to make some lunch cuppy"
"Okay baby"
You both shared a kiss then you got up and went to the kitchen to make some yummy sandwhiches for you and the cup.
You had made one and were going to make a second and pour some juice when you heard.
You dropped the butter knife and went back to the rug..
"Cuppy are you okay what happened? are you hurt?"
The cup had pooched lips and his pupils became big.
"I've got an owey~"
You rushed over
"What do you mean an owey is it bad? let me see cuppy let baby see.."
the cup showed you his sore finger that had a crack in it.

"What? How?-what did that to you?"
The cup pointed to the tourniquet with whimpers..
"aww cuppy how did you manage that?"
"I-i was messing with it on my fingah and i pulled and it-it-"
The cup whimpered but shook his head side to side and extended his arms to you for you to pick him when he was a baby..
"Aw cuppy tourniquets are meant for humans not for cups n mugs"
He whimpered more.
"Okay Come on you lets get you fixed up"
You picked him up over your shoulder and picked up the glue..
You took him to the kitchen and sat him on the bench were you patched his finger up..once he was all patched up he stayed on the bench and watched you finish making lunch.
He kept however giving you his poochy eyes wanting more cuddles..
"I know cuppy but im nearly finished with lunch"
He leant his arms out to you.
"You did the exact same thing when you had that youth potion.."
"The baby you kept leaning out to me like you are now"
You stated gesturing to him extending his arms out to you with a poochy face.
"I want cuddles~ baby~"
He whimpered
"Aww..n-no after lunch you can have cuddles"
"B-but i have a boo boo owey~"
The cup whimpered
He opened and closed his hands..again just like he did when he was a toddler..
"I'm starting to think you had complete control as a toddler"
The cups pupils went even bigger..
"Noo~ i just want cuddles~"
His lips pooched up again..
You finished making the sandwiches.
"Here eat and we can hug"
The cup ate the sandwich in one bite...
"Cuppy i said eat not inhale jeez!" He leant his arms out to you again.
"I still have to eat my sandwich"
You stated as you took bites from yours
"Mww~ but my boo boo hurts~" the cup whimpered
"But i just patched it up"
His eyes welled up..
You took the last bites of your meal and looked at the cup swallowing your mouthfull but noticing his poochy state and welled up eyes.
"Cuppy dont cry"
"But my boo boo hurts~ i want cuddles~ babyy~"
He whined
" were in complete control as a toddler weren't you?"
He shook his head
His eyes welled up more.
"I-i just want cuddles~ babyyyy~"
You nodded.
"I'll give you cuddles if you admit you were in control you recognised me as a toddler didn't you? Then you worked out that this works for cuddles"
The cup whimpered
You moved back a bit and he pooched up even more!.
His hands opened and closed..okay that was working..
"Oh alright alright you win your to cute"
You moved over and let him hug you and snuggle his head in your shoulder..he smiled.
"I admit"
"So you were in control as a toddler?"
"Kinda..i recognised you and mugsy but..a part of me just wanted to be close to it is now.."
He rubbed his face against yours..
"How's your finger?"
"It stings..but tha glue should fix it good as new soon"
"Do you want me to kiss it better?"
He nodded alot in your shoulder
You both pulled away briefly and the cup gave you his sore gave it a peck making sure to dodge the super glue.
Cuphead smiled and hugged you again so you hugged him back but lifted him off the bench.
"Relax i've got you"
You rocked the cup soothingly.
"Im nottah toddlah"
"You can't deny you love being held like this"
The cup grumble whimpered but gripped your shirt..
You held him there and leant your head on his a bit.
"You know I'm going to have to clean up that first aid stuff"
He gripped onto you tighter.
You walked into the living room and to your couch trying to pull the cup off but he gripped onto you like a koala.
"Fine fine"
You just started to clean up the first aid stuff with the one hand as the other held the cup on your shoulder..
He whimpered and grumbled but didn't let you go..
Once you had packed up the first aid stuff you put it away in its cupboard.
"Cuppy how's your finger?"
"Is it all better?"
He showed you his finger that no longer had a crack in it and was all healed.
He pecked your cheek and rubbed his face against yours after gripping your shirt with his fingers again.
"Oh cuppy"


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