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Requested by Sandrastar1


You were at the brothers cottage today and everyone was happily doing there own thing mugman was reading, elder kettle was gardening,cuphead was listening to dirk danger on the radio and you were in the kitchen cooking some chocolate chip muffins.
When the cups show on the radio was finished he turned it off..he was all sweaty..
"Sheesh that was close!"
The cup declared whiping the sweat off his head..
You didnt hear him enter the kitchen until you heard.
Cuphead asked
"Gah my goodness cuppy you scared the soul out of me!" You yelped
The cup giggled.
"It wasnt that funny i nearly burnt myself" you replied
"Sorry are you okay?" He asked
"Yes I'm fine"
You replied
"Soooo~ Whatcha dooin?~"
Cuphead cooed
You blushed a little at his accent.
"Just-just making muffins"
You replied
"Oh oh can i help?"
The cup asked
You nodded.
"Sure why not i could use a helping hand" you replied
Cuphead pushed over a chair and climbed up to help..but giggled..
You asked
"Nothin~ hehheh"
Cuphead chuckled
"..ookay~.." you replied
The cup chuckled again.
"Cuppy seriously whats going on?"
You asked as you mixed the batter
He chuckled
You warned
"Ey ey its nothin!"
He warned back
You rolled your eyes and went back to mixing the muffin batter.
But the cup snickered and burst into laughter and started hitting the chair with his hand.
You asked
The cup laughed loudly
"I-i dont get it whats so funny? Is there batter on my nose?" You asked
The cup exploded
"Cuppy oh my..give me that"
You took the spoon off him that he had as he just went nuts.
He laughed so much he fell off the chair!.
He squealed
""Cuppy are you okay!?"
You asked in concern looking down at the cup who was now on the ground kicking his legs in laughter and holding his belly.
The cup squealed
"Cuppy cuppy breathe jesus!" You replied putting down the batter and turning your body to face him.
"What was so funny? Cuppy?"
You asked but he kept laughing.
He continued
Mugman entered the kitchen and walked over.
"Whats going on in here? why is cuphead laughing so much?" Mugman asked
"I have no idea.."
You replied
The cup started to struggle to breathe he laughed so much.
"Cuppy please calm down your going to sufficate!"
You worriedly replied
"Y/N's right brother whatever it was it cant be this funny" mugman stated
"Was it because you scared me and i jumped?" You asked
The cup nodded while laughing and pointed at you for a few moments.
"Ahahahahaha you j-juahahahaha jumped ten feehheheheht!"
Cuphead cackled
"I did not.." you replied
The cup nodded.
The mug looked at you then the cup.
"You must've jumped high to make him laugh this much though Y/N or said something funny at least" mugman stated
"I said he scared the soul out of me" you replied..the mug snickered and the cup burst out laughing again.
he screamed with laughter this time..
"Cuppy seriously please your face is going red! Your going to stop breathing in a second!" You worriedly declared.
The mug started to chuckle now to.
"Ugh fine you boys suffocate then" you declared turning back to face the muffin took the spoon the cup had and started dishing the batter into the muffin slots on the tray.
"You have to admit Y/N that does sound pretty funny" mugman replied
"It wont be funny when cuppy dies from laughter" you replied
"Point made"
"Sheesh brother calm down it was funny but not that funny!" The mug declared
Cuphead ignoreed and continued to squirm on the floor kicking his feet and holding his belly.
You finished putting the muffin batter in the tray then put the oven mits on and slid the tray in the oven shutting the door.
"Ooooh what muffins did you make
Y/N?" Mugman asked
"Chocolate chip" you replied
"Yumm" the mug cooed
"Sounds delicious!" He continued
"Are you still seriously laughing?" You asked
"HahahahahahaAhhahahaha!" His face was really going red now.
He tried to calm himself down but burst out with laughter again.
You sighed and picked the cup up.
"Come on you it wasnt that funny you need to stop and take deep breaths" you stated holding him out infront of you by the armpits.
He kept laughing.
"Brother Y/N really is right you need to calm down it was funny for a bit now you could really hurt yourself" mugman stated.
"Hahahaha i-i caint stohawhahahahahap! It was f-funny y-you jumped ten-f-fehehehet hahahaha!"
Cuphead replied
You were getting upset by how much he was laughing at you so you put him down and just left the room..


Y/N left with a sad look on her face..
I looked at my laughing brother and wacked him on the back of his head and handle.
"Hehe ow what was that for?!"
"Oh so now you can stop laughing you jerk you upset her!"
I replied
The cup looked around for Y/N.
"I didnt mean tah upset her it was just funny thats all"
Cuphead replied
"What she said sure it was a little funny..a little! you didnt need to sit here and laugh your head off at her you made her sad!" I declared
"I did?"
"Yes how would you feel if she scared you by accident sat there and laughed at you for an hour!" I stated
"..i would feel s-..oh.."
"Yeah oh!"
Cuphead stood up and left the room to follow Y/N
"Baby wait up!"

°•○YOUR POV○•°

"Baby wait up!"
The cup followed not far after you and found you leaning against his bed in tears..
"Baby?..naw baby I'm sorry.."
You sniffled and whiped your tears with a sleeve.
The cup walked over and stood infront of you.
"I didn't mean to upset yah baby..or scare yah..I'm sorry.."
He used his gloved hand to wipe some of your tears away and you both shared a hug.

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