Twist N Kiss

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Requested by Sandrastar1


The cup was at your cottage home today it had been a while since you to go to hang out because the cup was always cooped up with elder kettles chores of milking the goat and painting the fence etc.
Today was finally the day you both got to spend time together without anyone else to bother you both.
You were both in the kitchen cooking cookies,muffins and sweets for eachother to eat on your special day.
The cup was covered in muffin icing which made you giggle.
"What? Whats so funny baby?" Cuphead asked
"Heheh you've got icing on your cheek" you replied
"No i'll get it come here"
You leant your hand out and with a finger wiped the icing off the cups cheek.
Cuphead blushed but smiled.
"Thanks baby"
He replied you went back to making the cookies and rolling the dough and the cup continued to put icing on the muffins only to this time squirt it to rough and get it on your face.
"Cuppyyy~" you cooed
"Yikes sorry baby here let me get that for you" now it was cuphead who wiped the icing off your face with an innocent smile.
When the muffins and cookies were done you slid them into the oven and shut the door.
Cuphead walked off somewhere but came back..with flour..
"Can we make more stuff togethah?" He asked
"Cuppy where on earth did you find that?" You asked
"It was in yah pantry" cuphead replied
"It was?" You asked
"Ahhah" cuphead replied
"Cuppy what are we going to make with all that flour?" You asked
"Whatevah ya want baby!" Cuphead replied
He looked like he was stuggling to carry it..
"Cuppy do you want me to carry it it looks like your struggling with it" you declared the obvious.
Cuphead shook his head as he entered the kitchen stumbling.
"Nah its okay I've gots it can yah just clear a spot on tha bench?" He asked
"Sure" you cleared the bench from all of the dirty dishes and stuff in the way looking back at the cup only to see him twirl around trying to balance the flour, in this chaos of twirling around and twisting his body he didnt see his untied shoelace which he stepped on making him trip and knock right into you, bawling you over onto the floor on your back with the flour beside you both and the cup ontop of you.
The way the cup crashed onto you made his body inline with your body and caused him to press his lips against yours in an accidental kiss..
Cuphead pulled away from your lips upon realisation and chuckled nervously..
"Hehheh sorry about that guess i uh didnt quite heh have it" the cup rubbed the back of his handle you went pink as the cups waist was inline with your own and your faces were inches away.
"I-uh its-its okay" you replied
His beige lips were so soft..

Cuphead raised an eyebrow at you but smiled alot looking down at you then grinned as if sensing what the nervousness was about.
You didn't move as he leant in a bit more and pressed his lips against yours again gently....your heart rate picked up and thudded in your chest swelling with happiness as you kissed gently back.
You and the cups mouths moved together as he deepened it and slipped  his tongue imbetween your top and bottom lip to inside your mouth.
You let him do whatever as you both breathed in and out through your noses your hot breaths mixed..
You put a hand on the cups back for support and the cup put his gloved hands at the sides of your cheeks deepening it even more then before..
Your salivas mixed as your mouths moved in harmony together before the air you were getting through your noses wasnt enough..
You both pulled away leaving a string of saliva and panting, heaving for air to enter your lungs.
Your E/C eyes locked with the cups eyes his large black adorable pupils..
Both with pink cheeks..the cup wiped away the saliva making you do the same..
"yah kisses n-nevah seece tah be sen-sensational" cuphead panted your blush deepened.
"N-neither do y- Mmm!"
He slammed his lips onto your again and automatically deepened it to how it was felt his tongue touch yours and explore your mouth.
The weight of this sudden and rough kiss made your body thump completely onto your back..
You bent your legs up so it would be easier to hoist your upper body up when you were ready but moved your hands to the cups black long sleeved shirt gripping it as his gloved hands now pinned down at the sides of your head.
It seemed as though you too couldnt get enough of eachother..heaving for air through yours noses mixing your carbon dioxideand your salivas..the cup moved his hands and grabbed yours off of his shirt with his pinning them down to the sides of your head..
All was going well when..a knock on the cottage to were to occupied to hear or answer the the person let themselves in..
"Cuphead i-oh my!" Elder kettle gasped
You both broke the kiss again leaving a string of saliva which the cup wiped off..and you closed your legs..not being able to close them all the way because of the cups waist being there..
You both looked at elder kettle with deep pink cheeks.
"We-uh this isn't what it looks like!" Cuphead declared
"Mmhm" elder kettle looked at the cups hands pinning yours down..
Cuphead caught his glance and let go of your hands.
"I was just dropping off your adventure comics you left them behind seems as though you two were going to take your own adventure so I'll leave you both to it toodaloo" elder kettle replied placing down the comics he shut the door behind him as he left..
You and the cup looked at eachother in a pink mess..
"Hehheh" cuphead chuckled
You smiled a little and giggled a bit..
That was definitely an awkward moment..
"Next time we should lock tha door heh" cuphead declared you nodded in agreement before..well you could guess what happened next..

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