
141 5 0

Requested by Sandrastar1

F/J = favourite juice


You had been on a big hunt this morning and were exhausted but also in a little bit of pain after having to go through and sort out all the least animals were were tired from hunting so much so you flopped onto the couch and huffed..
You knew the cup would arrive soon so you tried to relax..your muscles imbetween your shoulders ached however so you layed down on the couch..
You heard a knock at your door so you again called out.
"Its open!"
The cup walked in..
"Baby hey i- wow"
he noticed how much mess was all over you..
"Babyy you shouldnt lay on tha couch covered in blood~"
"I know i know"
You groaned sitting up.
"Im just so tired..i had a big hunt this morning and my shoulders are sore.."
The cup furrowed his eyebrows in concern but took your hands in his..
"Baby why dontcha go for a nice warm shower and get changed while i make yah a nice cool drink and some food..then maybe aftah i can give you a massage?"
He nodded.
"..okay but you might need to help me up.."
The cup nodded.
"One..two..three up we go!"
The cup helped you off the couch which made you groan in pain a bit..
"There yah go baby"
The cup lead you to the bathroom and even did the liberty of turning the shower on for you while you got some clothes to change into.
"Hows this baby?"
You felt the water.
"Perfect..thank you cuppy.."
The cup nodded.
"Now you have a nice shower get cleaned up try tah relax and ill make yah a nice meal and a nice cool drink for when yah come out"
You leant over and pecked the cups nose.
"Thank you"
He rubbed his nose on yours.
"Anytime baby"
You started to strip off as he started to leave and pull the door shut..when he was gone you stripped off fully and got under the warm water washing yourself and the blood washed your hair and eventually when everything was clean you got out and dried yourself off with the towel..
You put your underwear and pants on before putting a shirt point in putting a bra on when your not going anywhere else..
You groaned as you picked up your dirty clothes and put them in the basket as well as hanging the towel you used back up..the door knocked..
"Baby? Are you okay?"
"I made yah some chicken and a nice cool F/J yah favourite!"
You smiled and waddled towards the door opening it..the cup looked up at you.
"Hey baby you okay?"
You nodded..the cup took your hand and lead you to the couch were he puffed up some pillows for you and brought you over the food and drink.
"Here yah are"
"Thank you cuppy"
He smiled triumphantly and sat beside you as you ate and drank the food n drink.
"Why did yah hunt so much?"
"I had to..Theres been alot of stress on creatures like me at the moment with all the animals we eat going away for winter.."
Cuphead nodded.
"I see"
You finished off the chicken and the went to get up to take the plate and glass up but the cup stopped you.
"Woah hold on a second you stay there missy"
"Stay there"
You sighed and let the cup take the plate and glass to the kitchen and to the sink..he walked back over and climbed onto the couch..
"Can yah scoot forward for me baby?"
"Just trust me will yah?"
You nodded and moved forward on the couch..the cup went behind you making you look back.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Relax baby im just gunna give yah a massage"
"Wha? Why?"
"Because you deserve one"
You felt the cups gloved hands on your shoulders but his thumbs imbetween them..he started to move his thumbs around in circles and you blushed..that felt good..
He moved around as well so it was all massaged with love and care..when he got to your sore spot you moved your head back and moaned a little..
"Yikes baby yah all tight in there"
You hummed and bit your bottom lip..he was so good at this..
"Yah shouldn't hunt so much that yah bodies like dis baby"
"Y-your so good at this.."
You groaned the cup smiled and kissed your head.
He kept moving around imbetween your shoulders where it was tight and ached..
"But seriously baby you could hurt yahself out there if yah not carefull"
"I know but i had toooo~"
You cooed when the cup got the spot that was aching again..
You groaned louder and gripped the couch with your hands..
"Uhuh and im gunna have to resort tah otha measures if yah don't stop pushin yahself to this point"
"L-like what?"
"Like using my chore nickels to buy yah food"
You groaned was he so gained a lump in your throught that was hard to swallow and the blush you had before was still plastered on your face..
All you could do was respond with a groan as the cup moved his thumbs around your sore shoulders..
"Mkay..I-i'll lay back on the hunting.."
..the cup leant over and kissed your neck holding it there for a bit before pulling gasped a little and your blush deepened..
The cup continued to massage your shoulders as you relaxed into the pleasure he was giving you..
The cup started to hum along to his favourite song as he kept going..
"How are you this g-good at massaging?"
"Cause i am~ why do yah like it?"
You nodded alot.
"Good to know~"

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