
111 5 1

Requested by Sandrastar1


You were hanging out with the cup and mug behind the cottage testing out elder kettles new camera as the other one was broken.
The flash was bright and elder kettle did warn to becareful and make sure not to take a photo of eachother to close as he was going to the city to get his moustache waxed..
But the brothers being the brothers had to slip up and make the mistake of doing so didn't they? Mugman was running about taking photos of the trees,flowers and bushes as the cup chased after.
"Hey its my turn!"
"No its not its still my turn!"
Cuphead grabbed the camera off his brother and the too started to fight over watched nervously..
"Boys please be gentle i dont think its a good idea to-"
"Gah my eyes!"
The cup backed off and blinked alot as the mug gasped.
"Cuphead are you okay?!"
You noticed the cups pupils turn imbetween black and grey as he looked at his hands with a fearfull look..which turned to dread when his black pupils turned completely grey..
"I-i caint see my hands! Mugsy? Baby?! I-i caint see i caint see!!"
He shrieked looking around desperately as if to see you both.
"Brother I'm sorry.. but this isn't funny"
"I'm not joking mugsy! I-i caint see you! W-where are you?! Baby!?"
His breathing knew what that meant after the pitchfork incident..
"cuppy cuppy its alright i'm here we're both here"
You quickly went to his side but he jumped when you touched him and looked in your direction in fear.
"Whats that?!"
"Its alright its me its baby its okay"
His face relaxed.
"Wait wait wait wait..How do we know this isnt one of your tricks?.." mugman asked
"Mugman look at his eyes they're grey!"
The mug noticed as the cup tried to look in his direction but failed..
"I'm here cuphead"
The cup again tried to look in the mugs direction but failed..the mug came closer and put a hand on the cups shoulder..the cup looked at him..
"Please tell me thats you mugsy"
"Its me cuphead"
The cup sighed in relief..but the mug noticed his eyes and realised this was no joke..his eyes welled up.
"What have i done?! Cupheads blind because of me i should've just given him the camera!"
Mugman wailed
"I-i caint see! Its all so black and scary! Are we still behind tha cottage?"
"Mugman go and get elder kettle! Run to the city go!"
"B-but cuphead!"
"I'll take care of him trust me go its okay!"
The mug nodded and ran off and away to the city to retrieve elder kettle and some help..
"Baby?! Baby!? Ya still there?! I-i caint s-seeee~"
The cup began to cry.
"cuppy cuppy its alright i'm still here mugmans gone to get help okay? Your alright i'm going to lift you up so you don't walk into anything okay?"
The cup leant his arms out like a toddler with pooched lips and runny eyes..
He sulked as you lifted him up and let him rest on your shoulder.
"Its alright cuppy its alright I'm going to take you inside"
You felt the cups fingers grip your shirt on your shoulder as he moved his head into the crook of your neck closing his eyes with furrowed brows..
You carried the cup around the side of the cottage and entered sat on the couch after shutting their cottage door and walking over..
"I donts like this its all dark i caint-i caint see y-you i i caint see where we are! I-i-"
"Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Shhhhhh i know but i've got you we're on the couch in the cottage i won't let anything hurt you or anyone touch you until we work out how to fix you"
"W-what if i caint be f-fixed what if i caint see forevah w-what if i nevah see my baby's face again or or mugsys or eldah kettlhlhles~"
The cup sulked
"Then we'll all still love and take care of you we won't leave we arent going anywhere"
The cup sulked more on your shoulder and gripped your shirt tighter.
"I-its so d-dark baby s-so dark!~"
You rubbed his back..
"I'm-i'm scared~"
"I know you are i know"

You rocked him like a toddler a bit.
"Mugman is going to get elder kettle and he's going to know how to help"
"I-i want to see you again~"
You didn't know what to say so you just pecked the cups cheek alot..
"You will soon it will be okay"
His tears had soaked your shirt and his nose was all runny and sniffly so you moved over to a tissue box..
"Baby?! Baby where are we going!?"
"hey hey calm down I'm just getting you some tissues"
He breathed heavily a bit but calmed himself down.
You picked some tissues..
"I'm going to put the tissues on your nose so you can blow alright?"
You gently put the tissues on his nose and he blew.
"There you go"
You put the tissues in the bin.
"We're going back to the couch"
You carried the cup back to the couch and sat down..thankfully elder kettle had come home with mugman and..a doctor..
"Where's the patient?" The doctor asked
"Where is he mugman?" Elder kettle asked
"Look he's there on the couch with Y/N" mugman declared
The three of them walked over but the cup freaked out not being able to see who was approaching..
"Baby?! Baby whats goin on!? Whos there who is it?! Is someone in tha cottage?!"
"Its alright cuppy its elder kettle and mugman they've brought a guy's need to be gentle..he's really scared.."
You stated
Elder kettle and mugman looked at eachother then back at you..
"Since when is cuphead ever scared?"
Mugman asked
"Around me..he doesn't hide how he feels around me..and since hes blind and cant see whos approaching him? Theres been a few times when you've been scared on adventures haven't you cuppy?"
You declared
"Mhmm" the cup nodded
"He likes being the brave big brother"
The cup nodded again but clung to you more and pulled on your shirt as if  wanting you to leave the room with you rubbed his back..he was scared..really scared..
"Fair enough..cuphead its elder kettle we've brought a doctor he's going to check your eyes okay?"
You helped the cup face the right way and elder kettle gasped at his eyes.
"Oh my.."
The doctor approached and knelt down.. the cup looked around desperately again for the sorce of the footsteps with furrowed brows and pooched lips again..
"Its okay its just the doctor your okay"
The cup felt around for your hand which you helped him and took his..he held your hand tightly.
The doctor watched the cups actions but put a hand on the side of the cups face to check his eyes..he shone a torch in the cups eyes for a split second..then sighed..
"He's going to have to come to the hospital with me we have some medicine to treat his eyes luckily for all of you and him it is temporary and not permanent however the hospital is busy at the moment so only one of you can come with him"
the doctor declared
"Who?" Mugman asked
"We already know the answer to that question mugman"
Elder kettle stated they both looked at you.
"Baby i want baby to come.."
He tried to look in your direction but looked the opposite way..poor thing..
"Okay i'll come"
The cup turned his head to the left then behind him..his grey eyes looked at you but you knew he couldn't see you..
"Best get a move on then" the doctor stated
"Bye Y/N take care of cuphead!" Mugman stated
"Becareful Y/N!" Elder kettle stated
"I will!"
You replied and like that you carried the cup out the door and followed the doctor into the inkwell isles city and to the hospital.


The cup was resting in his hospital bed after been given the medicine and you anxiously sat in the seat beside it bouncing your leg and nibbling your lip..
He stirred and his eyes slowly opened..they were black..they were normal..
His eyes shot open when he realised he could see and looked around for you once his eyes locked onto yours he pounced out of the bed onto you in a hug.
"Baby! I can see you i can see i can see i can see i can seeeee!~" he happily squealed
You hugged back.
"I'm so glad your okay!"
You both cuddled close and the cup smothered you in kisses.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you for takin care of meeee~"
"Of course cuppy haha that tickles~"
He kissed you more and left one on your lips before rubbing his head on you.
Smiling happily the cup gripped you tight and for a while he didn't let go, when it was time to go you walked him home mugman and cuphead hugged and elder kettle and cuphead hugged..they thanked you and were happy the cup was back to his oldself and able to see they let you stay the night with open arms and greatfull smiles with lots of hugs and from the cup lots of kisses.

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