Twist N Kiss 2

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Requested by user24404632

Y/C = your choice


Another day at the brothers home this time with checkers you took it in turns with the brothers switching who versus who..and right now in the moment it was you vs the cup you were the black checkers and he was the had made your move but he couldnt make up his mind on his..mugman watched imbetween you both as if trying to determine who was going to win from his seat.
" no ehhhhhni" he declared "would you just pick a place to move to already!" Mugman replied the cup looked at the mug.
"Hey am i playin or are you I'm stratagising!" Cuphead defended before going back to thinking with a hand on his chin.
He huffed then made a had already planned your next move and took it.
"Wha how did ya move so fast?" He asksed you shrugged
Mugman huffed and got up.
"I'm going to get a drink" mugman declared cuphead was straight back to were he started thinking about his next move..
He took his turn so you thought about yours and took your turn..only for him to win.
"Darn it! I suck at this game!" You cursed
"Haha i win! Dont worry baby you'll get the hang of it!" Cuphead replied
"Im gunna go get us some juice or somethin to refresh ourselves with you wait here baby" he continued
"Okay cuppy" you replied the cup left the room and entered the kitchen which the mug walked out of and walked back over taking his seat..
The cup suddenly poked his head out with a huge smile on his face..
"Hey baby yah want apple or orange juice?" Cuphead asked
"Umm Y/C juice please" you replied the cup nodded and ducked back into the kitchen
"Who won?" Mugman asked
"Cuphead" you replied
"Again?" Mugman asked with an eyebrow raise
"Yeah i think thats why he likes to play checkers with me because he always wins"  you replied mugman shrugged
"Possibly that does sound like a cuphead thing to do" mugman replied
"Hey baby can yah come here please?" Cuphead called
"Comming" you replied and stood up when you entered the kitchen you noticed why the cup had called..he had accidentally dropped one of the glasses and it had put juice and glass everywhere..he put the other glass back down on the bench..
"Cuppy how did this happen?" You asked
"It slipped outtah my hand!" He replied
"Are you hurt?" You asked
"No but how do i clean dis up?" He asked
"Well you'd clean up the juice first being carefull of the glass then you'd clean the glass up" you replied
You got some cleaning clothes and carefully leant down to clean up the juice when you did you used the dust pan and brush to sweep up the glass..
"Few thanks babeeee wooo-" the cup slipped and crashed straight into you bawling you over into a rolly polly through the kitchen and into a wall.
You both groaned on impact.
"Woops im sorry baby i slipped on the wet floor from the cloth-" cuphead replied "are you okay?" He continued you nodded as you rubbed your head sitting up a bit.
"Y-yeah im okay cuppy at least the glass wasnt still on the floor otherwise we would have been cut" you stated cuphead nodded " was my juice that spilt yours is up dhere" cuphead replied gesturing to the glass that was intact on the bench with juice still in it.
"Thanks" you replied cuphead nodded with a smile but kept his eyes locked onto yours..he didn't even say anything he just connected your lips together gently and quickly before parting them.
"Hehheh sorry not the right moment i just really wanted tah kiss you" cuphead replied
"Theres no law saying you cant kiss your girlfriend so its fine with me" you replied this made the cup grin.
"So i can do it again then?" He asked you nodded
"go ahead cuppy" you replied
The cup leant over and kissed you on the lips this time you kissed back and you and the cup together shared a kiss passionate and deep..
You gave the cup access submissively to your mouth which allowed him to shove his tongue inside and roam your it.

It didnt take long for your salivas to mix..the cup was so passionate he made you choke on his tongue with how far he was shoving it to the back of your throught..drool and slobber slipped out of any spot that it could and your mouths moved around eachothers..the cup gripped the sides of your shirt and moved futher up to move his tonuge deeper inside your mouth..
"Chm" you choked..
Neither of you heard the mug enter the room..
"What is taking you too so long I've been ahh! Aww gross!" Mugman grimaced going green seeing you and the cup kissing so passionatly on the floor against the wall.

You both parted the kiss with a saliva connection that the cup broke and you both looked at the mug.
"Sorry mugsy we got distracted by love~" cuphead cooed
"Elch.." mugman grossed out and quickly left as soon as he arrived.
Cuphead chuckled at his little brothers actions but looked back at you with a smiled to but both of you got up..this time when it came to the juice you helped the cup with his glass and took your own..walking back out to the table the three of you were playing checkers was mugman vs cuphead now and now it was your turn to watch..the rest of the afternoon was fun and when the three of you got bored of checkers you just all went off and did your own things in different parts of the house you and cuphead obviously being together however in the same part of the house..
When the juice was gone you and the cup returned the glasses to the kitchen and into the sink before going on an afternoon stroll in the forest nearby the cottage..what an amazing day..

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