Chapter 3: Options

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Nick's POV
"Athena, it's Nick. Uh... I'll check out the job. I... uh..." I rubbed the back of my head. "Something came up. I need to get to work. Call me with the details. Bye."

I hanged up.

I can't believe I'm taking this job. Every architect firm I'm applying to is turning me down. It looks like all roads lead to Marseilles.

Will Maddie be okay with the move? She really likes it here. She's happy. I want my daughter to be happy.

"Maddie!" I called out to her.

She stuck her tongue out of me and fell backwards into the pool. When I left Maddie with my mother, she was a shy timid girl. Mom has a way of eroding shyness. Nothing she touches remains innocent or shy. She has also become daring. She does things that worry me like falling bsckwatinyo a pool. That must be my father's influence. She behaves like a boy sometimes. That's not what I want.

"Madeline, seriously, come here."

She got out of the pool and came to me. She sat down in front of me, big blue eyes shimmering with excitement.

"Piccola, I know you love it here. You have settled in and that is great. I'm afraid I have  news... It's not bad. I have gotten a job interview in Marseilles and if I get the job we may be moving."

She frowned at me. "Marseilles is in France, right?"


"Keira is there too. I thought you were not seeing her again."

"I'm not going to see Keira piccola. I'm going to work because daddy needs to provide for you. I need a job."

"We could move in with nonna or uncle Tony! Must we go to France? I don't want to! I'll get a job! I'll help with bills! Don't go to France daddy! Please!"

"I'm sorry piccola. I already got us plane tickets. We are going tomorrow evening.'

"No!" She screamed at me and started pushing everything off the table. "Why do you always tuin my life? Why?"

She ran off in a fit.

She doesn't understand that this isn't easy for me either. Seeing Keira again is the biggest challenge I'll have to overcome after alcohol.

Perhaps I should resume therapy. I need it.

"I am in control. I can do this. I will stay sober. She won't affect me. I'm in control." I told myself.

Theo's POV
I'm looking at every bit of information on my desk. Marcelle is playing next to my feet, moving a toy car around. Marcella is under the table trying to put shoes on my bare feet. This is a typical day for me. Working at home means  sharing my attention with them. I don't mind.

My eyes shifted to the man in front of me. "Are you sure about this?"

Jake nodded. "I wouldn't come to you if the information wasn't solid. She's trying to get him to Marseilles."

I knew this day would come. Keira may be my wife. She may have my name and she may share my bed but I do nou have her heart. He has her heart and after four years of being apart, they are about to do it all over again.

Didn't they learn from the last time?

Can I really play victim or will I be the husband who murdered the affair?

If he was any other guy, I would not be this threatened. If he was any other guy, I would have gotten rid of him. But this is Nickolas Balotelli Bale. Because of Don Giovanni, I can't touch him. Because of Helena Bale, I can't touch him. This is a man protected by the people around him.

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