Chapter 33: Dear Mother!

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Nick's POV
My mother and I never have a good reason to be in the same place together. Most times it's accidental or coercion from nonno. Rarely is it because we want to spend time together.

I love her very much. I also love my father. But if I had to choose, I would spend time with my father. We won't talk to her ach other unless we have to. Mom on the other end, talks endlessly and fast. There is no flow in thought. It's random topics thrown together and the occasional nosing around my affairs.

All through my teenage years, we were at war about everything. She oiv d to embarrass me, to throw her shoes at me and remind me she is the loudest human being alive.

Back th n she was the enemy. When she sensed a loss, she would run to my father so that he can lay down the law. Dad did it fast. Consequence followed my actions faster than I could say my name. I didn't resent him for the punishment but somehow I resented her.

After becoming a father, I began to understand her. Now that I'm dealing with a defiant Madeline, I really understand her and all her reactions when I was growing up.

I turned down the music, keeping my eyes on the road. "Should we talk?"

"About what?"

"Maddie was very happy when she hears Sinclair took the twins."

I noted the smile on her face. She suddenly laughed. "Nicko. It makes me so happy to know you will have sleepless nights because of these kids."

"I'll be in control. I won't need to throw my shoes."

"I was in control."

"As if."

"You are not too old to be smacked!" She went onto smack the back of my head. "How is she dealing? This must b hard for her."

"Not good at all. But what am I supposed to do? I can't ignore my children because my daughter doesn't want them."

The sun is coming down. I hate to drive during twilight. I'd like to get to her house soon. It's been almost two hours drive from Marseilles. Why would she move across the country?

"How are things with Kei?"

"Rocky. Honestly, I don't know."

"When I had you, I couldn't go back to Italy, to Gio. Things were bad there. I couldn't go to Helena either. I was in between a rock and a hard place and it wasn't easy Nicko. The freezing winter because I couldn't afford heating, the nights I went to sleep hungry, bills, your healthcare... Kei made a decision that has seen your children raised well. You can't be mad at her for finding the best way in a bad situation."

"Her knight in shining armor has my twins. He wasn't the right decision."

I can see the place straight ahead. The house looks like it's far away.

"Drunk disinherited father or french billionaire who has his shit together; he was the lesser of two evils. Let it to already."

I pulled up in front of the iton gates. Tall Italian Cypress trees line the winding driveway. A guard came out.

"Bonsoir Monsieur, how can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Keira."

"Is she expecting you?"

"Why would I drive two hours if she wasn't?" I asked him.

"In simpler words, and thank you for being gracious, is that she invited us." Mom jumped in.

"Oui. I call and find out." He left us

"Don't take your anger out on him. He hadn't done anything to offend you."

Balotelli Bale Series Book #5: The Other Man Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now