Chapter 13: Envelops With Promise

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Two days after I have made news in Marseilles and it is still awkward. People are staring and whispering. I'm not a stranger to this kind of behavior. It's been happening for years. It's like high school. I'm used to holding my head up high. Even if I trip and fall flat on my face, I will get up and keep going. That's something Sinclair has taught me.

I made it to the end of the hallway where my office is tucked away. "Good morning Mrs Sinclair!" My secretary greeted me with a big smile. "It's so lovely to see you! You look wonderful!"

"Good morning Gabby."

She accompanied me to my office. There's a large bouquet of yellow roses resting on my table. Theo doesn't send me yellow roses. He likes deep passionate colours. Red or purple most of the time. Never yellow. He says yellow is a fickle colour.

There is a box wrapped in black and white stripped gift paper right next to the flowers. Setting my bag on the table, I picked them up.

I slowly unfolded the card, my heart beating wildly inside me.

It's been so long I don't even know where to start. I guess congratulations is a good point to start on. You have grown into a phenomenally beautiful woman and I am so proud of you!

I know we left things at a sour point and I'm so sorry it all played out like that.

I would really love to have a cup of coffee with you if this is agreeable. My number is at the back of this card.
Per favore, call me.


Reading Nick's card is almost like hearing his deep voice against my ear.

"Finally." Jake came in and I immediately slipped the card into the inner pocket of my jacket. "You're back."

I haven't been to the office since the award ceremony. Coleen has been running everything in the background. She is doing sn exceptional job. It's so flawless. I feel confident that the company will be fine without me.

"Jake! How wonderful to see you!" I flashed a confident smile even if my heart is beating as fast as lightning. I don't feel like I can trust him anymore and I'm not sure why.

"Who are these from?"

"Monsieur." Gabby answered. "Aren't they beautiful?"

"They are. What's in the box?" He asked curiously.

"That's from me." Gabby answered again. Gabby is nosy. She can't help herself. She opens my letters and she read s anything that is addressed to me. I'm thinking she tells Sinclair. But will she tell him about Nick if she's saving face? "It's a simple gift Mrs Sinclair. I hope it means something to you given you have everything money can buy."

"What did you get her?" Jake asked.

"It's none of your business silly!"

"I'm just curious-"

"Lingerie." Gabby frowned at him. "Is it an ambition of yours to see Mrs Sinclair in lingerie? Mind your own business."

She stepped out.

Jake blushed slightly. Why is he asking so many questions?

"I'm surprised you had time to look over all those reports when you were... sneaking through bushes." He chuckled.

Coleen does the work. I'm here to sign and make an appearance. I smiled at Jake as I put away the gift.

"What can I do for you?"

Balotelli Bale Series Book #5: The Other Man Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now