Chapter 37: You Are Not My Papa!

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Keira's POV
"I don't understand. Why would Red do that?"

Katya looked over her shoulder at our boys. Marcelle seems to like Terrence. They have almost two years difference in their ages. Terrence has managed to cheer Marcelle up in such a short time. It's unusual for him to be alone. He has never been alone. Marcella has always been there. That's why I don't understand why Theo, knowing how badly affected slhe would be, would allow the separation.

"Nick broke their agreement."

I narrowed my eyes. "Does Nick know who Red is?"

Discomfort flashed in Katya's eyes. "Kei, I can't begin to talk about your boyfriend without saying things I shouldn't."

"What do you mean?"

"Ask him how he got Marcelle back. Leave that alone for now. Theo is in Moscow."

"How do you know that?"

"I have friends there. He went to my father."

"Can we get Marcella back? Because that is all I care about right now."

"My father is a monster Kei. I will strongly discourage any more attempts to get Marcella."

"I can't! She's my daughter!"

"I understand. But you soso run a risk of losing her forever if anything goes wrong. Red messed us up and I'll see to it that I confront her but for now, take a step back."

"What's going on? Hon, are those tears? Katya what did you say to her?"

"We can't get Marcella back." Katya informed Leen.

"Why not?"

"Because Sinclair went to my father. That's a no go zone."

"Oh boy! Shit just got real! Nick..." I noticed Katya making a silent gesture to discourage Leeen from carrying on. What is it they know about Nickolas that I don't? "Can I suggest something? You may not like it but it may be necessary. Theo hates bad publicity, right? That's why he obsesses with perfect. Right?"

"Right." We both agreed.

"Then let's give Theo some bad press."

"What are you suggesting exactly?"

"Go public with this. I know he is their legal father but create a scandal so big that he won't be able to hide! Paparazzi have a way of finding people you know! Theo is a well renown billionaire. It will be the biggest scandal after you and Nick."

"And what will that accomplish other than hanging Kei's dirty linen?" Katya asked.

"If he's as hot tempered as I think, it will draw him out for a confrontation."

"And if I lose? He adopted them legally and I can't go against him and win."

"But that's where you are wrong hon. You are not alone." She squeezed my arm. "I'm with you. I have something that can leverage Marcella back to us."

"What do you have on Theo?" Katya asked. "Share the dirt because it is impossible to leverage that man!"

"Let's just wait for Kei to throw the first punch and I'll deliver the knock out. Trust me. This will frustrate him into giving us what we want. Trust me Kei, it will work."

"I'll... I have some pictures of Nick and I in Portugal. I'll leak those to the press.

"You can't be the one to leak them." Leen disagreed. "It has to be someone else. Give them to me. I know this reporter who will happily do it in exchange for good money."

Balotelli Bale Series Book #5: The Other Man Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now