Chapter 24: Sexist Nick

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Nick's POV
"I'm not uncomfortable with your success. I was raised by two successful women. I respect that." This packing scene is becoming a nightmare to watch. This time, I can't talk her out of it.

"Then what is your problem? You have been acting weird anytime money or my work or what I own comes up."

"I have very conservative views on certain things."

"Sexist views." She narrowed her eyes at me.

Keira has become really daring. That I hate. She is questioning and challenging me at every turn.

"Conservative." I told her firmly. "I have noted that successful women don't raise families. Helena, my mother and Coleen Harrington are just some examples."

"Is that why it did not work out between you and Coleen? She want willing to be pregnant and barefoot?"

She zipped her suitcase.

"Who told you about that?"

"Coleen." She glared at me. "Is there a woman you haven't been with?"

"Don't deviate from the subject of conversation. I'm trying to make a point. I don't like this..." I gestured at her. "Because it doesn't fit into my plans."

She scoffed at me. "If I would have remained yours, I would still be that naive girl with small ambitions. This once, I'm glad it did not work out between us." She dragged the suitcase from the bed to the floor. "Just so you know, I don't think this..." she gestured to me. "...fits into my plans."

"Kei, I'm trying to be honest with you!"

"And I'm trying to be myself!"

"And this is not you!"

"People evolve Nickolas!" She shouted at me. "It's a necessity! If you don't evolve you disappear. I don't want to be insignificant anymore! You won't make me small so that you can feel big. But please, be bigger."

"Don't leave like this. We can't leave things this way." I calmed myself from going off on her.

"You're right. We can't leave it like this." She stopped at the door. "Nick, this is me. This is who I am. If you cannot accept me, then we shouldn't do this."

"Don't go back to him."

"I have a few months left to my contact. I'll see it through."

She dragged her suitcase out and I found it hard to move.

Why can't I accept her as she is now?

"How was it?" Athena has a puzzled expression on her face. I opened the fridge. I left gelato at the back of the fridge. I grabbed it and stuck a spoon into it. "That bad, huh?"

"We argued just before she left."

"About what?"

"Give me your honest opinion. If Helena was less successful, would she have had a family?"

"Like be a mom?" Athena responded as though it's something foreign to imagine.

I ha e observed the relationship between Helena and my father. It's almost business like. My mom and I, don't get along half of the time. My idea of a mother and son relationship is more like Freya and Cole.

"Yes. Domestic."

She burst out laughing. She laughed until she started coughing. "Helena Bale, domestic? Dude don't kill me with humour!"

"And my mother?"

"When she's not being vain and self obsessed... maybe."

"Is it their success career wise that hinders them?"

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