Chapter 6: The Schemers

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Keira's POV
She's seated in the corner, impatiently tapping her long fingers on the wooden table. She looks nothing like a brother. It's not surprising. Marcelle and Marcella don't look alike either.

"Coleen Harrington."

She looked up at once, eyes a blue that is not Cole's.

She stood up and extended her hand to me. We shook hands. She has a firm handshake. "My daddy always says that a lot can be said about a person just from their handshake."

"What have you learned from my handshake?"

"You have a limp handshake. You're closed up. Probably an introvert. You should work on that because it gives a poor first impression. You asked for my opinion. Please sit."

She is waiting.

I offered her a small smile and sat down. She followed.

"You don't resemble Cole."

"No I don't. We shared a womb but we are like day and night. How do you know my brother?"

I heard about the plane crash that possibly claimed Cole's life. They are still looking for him.

"Through his friends." I informed her.

"Did you take a look at my resume?" She got to the point.

She seems like a straightforward person.

"I did. It's impressive. You have sixteen years of experience. When did you start working?"

"At fifteen years old I was busting my ass in the kitchens of the Harrington Hotel. At twenty years old, my father allowed me to shadow him. After graduating from Princeton, I have been working as the assistant CEO for the last five years."

"Why the change? Why are you applying for this job?"

After my conversation with Theo in Greece, I have decided it is best to end the marriage. I know he loves me. I started to notice a whike after the twins were born. I try my best not to get my heart involved. He said we shouldn't get emotionally involved. Now he's in love and he is clinging hard.

I want to leave and I won't do so foolishly. The company needs a CEO. I have been looking through resumes and I came across Coleen Harrington's. If Theo finds out I'm hiring, I'll tell him I want to soend more time with the kids.

"At some point everyone has to move on to the next thing. If not, life will be stationary."

"Are you still working for the Harrington Hotels?"

"No. I resigned a month ago."


"Like I said-"

"Why? Be straight with me."

"Irreconcilable differences between me and the current CEO." She rested her elbowd on the table and leaned forward. "My father has always favored Cole over me. It does not matter how hard I work, even if Cole should come back from the dead, Cole will get the company. I'll get second place. I'm fee up it and I want something new. Your company is majorly female run. I want to be part of that. I want to show Francis Harrington that I can be on top and not second because I'm a woman."

"I have terms you just comply to. First and foremost you will work remotely. You won't ever set foot into the Cruise de Marina. Second, you will only answer to me and make no contact with company employees. Do you understand?"

"I'm essentially a ghost then."

"Yes. You tell no one you work for me."

"Should I be alarmed? Is your business clean?"

Balotelli Bale Series Book #5: The Other Man Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now