Chapter 20: She's A Mystery Part 1

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Nick's POV
There is a lot I don't know about Keira.

When we started out, I was a man eager to get out of a bad marriage. I was in a hurry to have her, obliterating all lines just to get my way. Our whirlwind romance was fast and it ended just as fast. In between the stolen moments, I never got to really know her. I don't know her favorite colour. I don't know her favorite flowers. I don't know what she likes to do when she's bored or what makes her happy when she's sad.

While Freya calls this madness, I call it a second chance to do things better even if I'm repeating the same mistake; chasing after a married woman.

At the sound of the door, I took a step back, leaning against the wall and facing forward. She walked through the entrance to the place with a console table. It seems she has been out for dinner. Her shimmering black dress moulds her sexy dainty frame to perfection. The back is too low in my opinion but she pushes boundaries. She never used to dress like this. Kei used to be self conscious about her cleavage showing. She would tag at her clothes to make them start higher up and end lower than they were. This is a different woman.

"Honesty and responsibility." I broke the silence, making my presence known.

She jumped at the sound of my voice. "Nickolas!"

I moved away from the wall, ticking my hands into my pockets as a sort of measure to tame them from holding her. I will not rush this.

"Honesty and responsibility is what I learned at rehab. Honesty was needed to admit to myself that I have problem. Responsibility was necessary for me to realize how my actions affected others. I have apologized to so many people as part of the recovery process, but not to you."

Her sapphires flickered with a distant gentleness I recognize. She used to ooze of innocence and kindness but now her eyes are void,too hard to read. I can't help but blame myself for pushing her this far to the edge that she became someone else.

"It's not necessary." She rubbed the side of her right arm with her left hand. A wedding ring rests on her finger, reminding me that for four years, this woman has belonged to someone else.

"It is. Keira, I was selfish with you from the moment I asked you to have an affair to pushing you to get out of your marriage. My impulsiveness almost got you killed and because of that selfishness, at your lowest moment, I abandoned you."

"Nick stop-"

"No. Let me finish. I blamed you for things I brought upon myself and that wasn't fair. I said  things... calling you a golddigger and accusing you of cheating on me... I said things that I can never take back but I want you to know I'm sorry. I want you to know I'm a better man. I'm not perfect but I will do better by you if you will have me."

She smiled at me, melting my heart in seconds. She walked over to me, cupping my face in the warmth of her hands. "The ending of our relationship was brutal for both of us. We lost control and there was no way of getting it back. I was hurt by your words, more so letting me go when I needed you the most but I have learned to let it go. I want you to let it go so that we can start on a clean slate sweetie. Okay?"

"Okay." I answered.

"Now..." she withdrew her hands from me. " did you get in here?"

"I know a thing or two about locks."

"Did you learn that at rehab?" She laughed and walked straight for the wine. She served ab entire glass but paused when it was midway to her mouth. "Shit. That is insensitive. I'm sorry."

"No it's okay." Is shrugged but she dumped it on the sink. "I didn't know you curse."

"I didn't." She shrugged.

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