Reunion|Kate Bishop|Part 3

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15 months later...

"Answer your goddamn phone." Laura says angrily as Clints phone sends her to voicemail for the 3rd time.

Clint was on a mission with Kate and they were just about wrapping up, joking around as they caught the bad guy and debated on where they should go for lunch.

Clint checks his phone and his smile drops as he sees several missed calls and texts from his wife. Kate quickly realises something is wrong by his reaction.

He plays the voicemail, his heart skipping a beat as he dials his wife's number. He was very concerned, Laura was never angry just because of a few missed calls, especially when she knew he was out on missions.

"What's going on?" He asked immediately as Laura answered after the first ring. "It's Y/n. I think something is wrong." Laura says frantically. 

Kates eyes widened, her heart thudding in her chest. She could just about make out Laura's words on the phone when she stood close to Clint.

He looked around and when he saw they were alone, he put the phone on speaker so Kate could listen in easier.

"Woah, slow down. What happened?" Clint asked, trying to remain calm. "I- I don't know. She left for college this morning and then she didn't come back when she was supposed to." Laura explained.

"I waited a while longer and then got worried, I tried to call her and the call wouldn't go through. When I called the college, they said she never showed up this morning." She continued.

"I don't know what to do. What if something happened." Laura said, trying to hold back her tears.

"It's okay, Laura. I'm sure she's fine. I'll look into it. What about the rest of you? Is everyone else back?" He asked, trying to calm his wife.

"Yes, we're fine. Just find Y/n, please." She cried, unable to keep her tears back anymore.

"We will." Clint said before hanging up the phone. He called Tony to run a scan through a bunch of different databases and cameras to find out where she last used her card or find her car or anything at all that would help locate her.

Y/n would have left around 8 am as her college was close by. She never made it to her first or any class, which suggests she could be missing for upward of 10 hours.


Y/n felt dizzy as she gained consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and she tried not to panic when she was met with unfamiliar surroundings.

It was quite dark around her with stacks of crates around. It looked like some old warehouse and had a very peculiar stench to it.

Her legs were tied with rope and by the sounds of it when she moved, her hands were bound with handcuffs. Her hands were bound behind her back around a metal pole of some sort.

Her mind was hazy as she tried to recall what had happened. The last thing she could remember was stopping by a coffee shop on the way to college.

The drive-through line was long, so she decided to park her car and walk inside. She remembered climbing out of the car and locking it.

Then after a few steps, she smelled the strong stench of chloroform as someone pulled her back. She figured that was when she passed out due to inhaling the drug.

Y/n kept calm. She didn't know how much time had passed since she was knocked out. Maybe help was on the way, but she couldn't rely on that.

Her next actions could very much impact if she gets out of here alive.

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