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A.N.// Hey you, fancy seeing you here. Are you here for a free One shot? Awesome. Read to your hearts content.
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Something snapped.

Arthur opened his eyes, stumbling backwards a couple steps. He reached for his heart, feeling it rattle inside him. It felt cold, almost, that feeling, as if it had come from somewhere beneath his conscience. The next moment it bled hot and true within his soul. He hadn't been hit, hadn't been attacked. No one even as much as startled him. In a way, it felt familiar. He looked around and found a couple eyes directed at him. They seemed worried but right now Arthur didn't care what they thought. Whatever that feeling had been, it was huge and monumental. It felt like a realization, only that he hadn't realized anything at all. And then there was the deep worry that manifested in his mind, unshakable and painful.

He turned around and faced the first knight he could reach. He grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around. "Gwaine? Have you seen Merlin?"

The feast was still loud. Even though the King had reacted strangely, people were too busy getting drunk to send him more than a glance. After all, Arthur had been drinking too and it so happened that he looked sick.

It oddly reminded Arthur of that day that Merlin had fainted at one of his feasts all these years ago. He'd just dropped down in the middle of the meal without an explanation. He had been cold, so cold. That same day, the Dorocha had begun to attack. Arthur would like to call it coincidence, but he had learned by now that Merlin was ... sensitive to certain things. Always had funny feelings. What concerned Arthur was that those funny feelings were apparently contagious.

Gwaine had been in the middle of flirting with a princess from the Kingdom of Melos as he stopped to look at him. Arthur worrying about Merlin always got the knights alarmed, but none as much as Gwaine. Although Gwaine never failed to make fun of Arthur first. "No? Can't say I have. He said he wanted to gather herbs. Why? Already missing your hubby?"

"Shut up." Arthur barely heard the taunt. Merlin and him weren't married, but he could admit that they did argue like an old married couple sometimes. "Something's wrong."

Gwaine raised a brow. "Wrong? Like what?"

"Don't you feel it?" Arthur felt desperate. Someone needed to tell him that he wasn't going crazy or getting sick, because this was deeply concerning. It felt like something was MISSING from himself, but not as in 'lost'. More like it was blown away in a storm.

"Feel what?"

"It's like... something's cut. Off. Misplaced. Taken away. Carved out of the air. Something is deeply ... wrong." There was also the feeling of something having snapped back into place, but right now that wasn't the part that concerned him.

Gwaine frowned. "And you think Merlin can fix it?"

Arthur huffed a breath, the feeling was getting worse. He clutched his hand tighter around his heart. "No." His voice was breaking as the feeling puzzled itself together in his mind, setting him into a full blown panic. "Something's wrong with HIM."

"Arthur, chill. He's not even here. How would you know?"

Arthur had stopped listening. "Gather the other knights. Bring him HERE, NOW!" Arthur grabbed for his own head, feeling the heat flooding his mind.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots) 1Where stories live. Discover now