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"Are you ready? You've been in there for ten minutes already," Chul banged on the door of the changing room. "If you think ten minutes is long, you know nothing about girls," I replied back. There were a lot of ways to slightly change your looks for the better without doing much, and yet I had to try so as much as possible. A towel wrapped around my body, my hair loosely tied up, a few simple strands hanging out, pinching my cheeks slightlys to get that rosy blushing effect, wiping my lips roughly to get more color back. I'd seen some of the girls do it in class as make up was prohibited.

That was one of the things the girls prepared me for too while training. How to make yourself more attractive, as if they knew something like this would happen. Only five more minutes and Dae and I would meet up at the bathroom stalls in here. I checked myself in the mirror, slightly surprised they even had one in here. I thought men didn't care about their appearance as much, as mom used to be the only one using it. I let out a deep sigh, mentally preparing myself for what was to happen. I couldn't back down now, not when I'd already started this entire thing, not when I'd already made up my mind.

"If you're not coming out now, I'm coming in," Chul warned me, making my look back at the door. I slowly opened it, giving him a confident smile as I walked right past him, feeling his eyes lingering on my body. "I didn't know you were this impatient," I remarked with a chuckle, finally looking back at him as I dipped one foot in the water. Though he and Dae were both dressed up in all covering clothes, with Chul his muscles were quite visible through his sleeves. He looked like he had been training a lot more compared to Dae, who had a leaner physique.

Only three minutes to go, now should be a good time right? I walked back to Chul, standing still right in front of him, forcing him to look down at me, easy acces to let his eyes wonder even further down. "Let me go to the toilet before I get in the water. I'd rather not have to get out in the middle of bathing," I pouted, my index finger lifting up his chin to make his gaze meet mine again. "You women always take this long?" he laughed, seemingly trying to brush it off. "It's only long if you're waiting for me," I winked back at him, already walking towards the stalls I'd seen as I walked in.

Chul knew there was no way out other than the one Dae covered, and even then there were many men outside on the lookout. That was probably why he seemed to give me some leeway. Either that, or he was liking the view a little too much as I walked away. Whichever it was, as long as it helped me now, I could only thank him for it. It didn't take long for me to enter the stalls, quietly calling put Dae's name. "Dae? Are you there yet?" I whispered softly, feeling arms wrap around me from behind.

My initial response was to get out as soon as possible, but rather than giving in I held onto his arms, feeling a body pressed against my back. "Don't go looking too good now, I might get jealous otherwise," Dae whispered, making me giggle. A fake one, obviously, but for some reason he didn't seem to notice it at all, as he was planting a small kiss in my neck. I knew tying up my hair was a good choice. "It gives them easy access," one of the girls had laughed about. Though at the time I was overthrown by disgust, I never thought I would actually use it.

"Why do you think I wanted to see you first?" I smiled, turning in his arms to face him, my arms wrapped around his neck. "Aren't you getting ahead of yourself here?" he teased, pulling my hips in closer. "Not if you're giving into it," I dared him, awaiting his response. So far he hadn't done anything to give any signs of affection or desire, so this was definitely a good start. "I have to admit, seeing Chul eyeing you down like that while peeking definitely stir something up inside of me," he let out, his eyes flickering between my eyes and lips.

"But," he continued, much to my disappointment letting me go, "I shouldn't. If anyone were to treat my little sister like this, I would kill them myself. I have to treasure you, not take advantage of you like the sweet little dessert you look like right now," he decided. If circumstances had been completely different I would have been eternally be thankful for him, but in this case, that was the exact opposite of what I needed. I needed him to want me so much it would drive him crazy. Crazy enough to let me go so others wouldn't have me.

"You should get back, before Chul gets suspicious," Dae muttered, a sad hint in his eyes. "Let's meet up again tonight, shall we? Go watch the stars?" I gave him a sweet smile, nodding, hiding my disappointment as I walked back to the bath. He seemed to good to be in a rotten place like this. Whatever got him in here, he didn't belong with the bunch of dirty, hungry creeps he was surrounded by. He was someone to take things slow with, more romantic, softer. Not the rapid, hungry love guys nowadays seemed to long for. And yet with Dae I knew I could still get to him. Maybe he just needed a little push...

Maybe I should do as he said after all;  trying to make him jealous.

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