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I locked eyes with Chul as I lowered my towel, only breaking eyecontact as I got in the water. "This feels nice," I let out, not even having to act about that. How long had it been since I could take a proper bath? The temperature was just right, the hot steam rising up, covering my body just enough. This was nice. I could stay like this all day. "Aren't you enjoying yourself a bit too much?" The voice behind me asked laughingly, but I shook my head at him. "It's never too much. But really, you should try it too. It's the perfect temperature," I encouraged him, turning back to face him. His entire face was flushed already, but his eyes were shining with excitement. Maybe he was a way easier target instead.

"I'd love to, but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed," he laughed it off, but it was clear there was a hint of disappointment behind his words. "Awh, but I need your help washing my back. How else can I get cleaned up nicely?" I heard a low growl, watching him undress quicker than anything I've ever seen before, jumping into the water just as quick. I was only just in time to look away, not wanting to see anything else I didn't have to. "Well, boss did say you needed to clean up, who am I to deny the bosses order?" It didn't take long for him to reach me, his hands already on pulling me in by the waist. Everything in me wanted to pull back instantly, but all would have been for nothing if I did.

"I think someone is spying on us, darling," he whispered softly, gazing at me with a devious look in his eyes. Perfect. Though my eyes were wandering, Chul brought my gaze back to him, putting my thumb under my chin to lead me back. "Don't look, it's more fun that way. That bastard has been bragging about you all night, I just want to rub it in his face," he explained, before his mouth met mine. Breathe in... breath out.... You initiated this. You can handle this. Focus, don't get lost in the train of thoughts. Hang in there just a little longer. Only a little more and it'll be over again.

"Chul, boss is calling you," Dae's voice echoed through the room, Chul, finally getting off me. Thank goodness, finally. I was starting to get worried I had read Dae wrong. I knew there was more to him. Boys like Chul always take the easy bite. Touch the girl at any given chance, then get out of there when satisfied enough. They don't catch feelings. They're easy to manipulate on small things, but only to keep you around. The soft ones are the ones you can really get to. They'll do things for you because they want you to be happy, even if that means never seeing you again. And that was exactly what I needed right now. All Dae needed was that little push of jealousy.

Chul groaned, giving Dae a death glare as he finally showed himself. They both knew very well that was a lie, and yet even one percent of it being true could kill Chul if he didn't comply, and he knew that too. "I'm coming," he muttered in annoyance, his hands leaving my skin. While I instantly looked away, Dae didn't take his eyes off of his supposed friend for even a second, until he had finally left the place, leaving Dae and I alone. The next minute was the scariest though. I'd been able to read him quite well, but his reaction now would tell me all I needed to know to if this was worth the try or not.

I came up to the side, staying in the water, only looking at him. I needed him to take the lead in this. He let out a sigh, squatting down. "Turn around," he said firmly, instantly making me comply. He was trying his hardest to keep his frustrations in, that was certainly visible. What would he do? Punish me? Hit me? Get back on his words, take advantage of me after all? I had to be prepared for it all, even though I truly hoped not. Which was exactly why the instant flinch I had as soon as his hands touched my back turned into goosebumps, feeling his hands massage my back so gently. "You needed your back washed up didn't you?" he said, definitely sounding sulky.

An immediate feeling of guilt washed over me. There really were good people out there. And right now, I wasn't one of them. All I did was manipulate and use him, when he had nothing but good intentions. I let the single teardrop fall down my face, hoping he wouldn't see it. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be stuck here, with these people, with me. He deserved so much more than that. And yet, I couldn't stop now. He was my only way out. Even if that made me a bitch, I had to do so, not just for me, but Minho and Changbin too. "There you go," he spoke softly as he had finished, his hands once again leaving my body.

"Dae, I-" I tried, but he thankfully cut me off. I don't think I could truly lie to him any more than I already had anyways. "Don't worry, I know. You're just trying to survive. I just hoped I wasn't part of that," he said, the joy in his voice completely gone. Before he could truly walk away, I quickly got out of the water, hugging him from behind, the tears now actually falling down, not even having to fake any. I wasn't any better than any of the people here. "You're not. You're the only genuine person I have met in my life, I don't want to lose you. Please, I know it's hard to trust me, but I'm begging you, don't leave me... I really like you Dae. I really do."

Maybe I truly was my father's daughter. We were both terrible human beings, down to the core.

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