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Yashauna's POV

"Hi daughter in law, welcome", said Murron's mom, seated in a man's lap. That was licking blood from her neck.

"Who is that man?", I asked Murron.

"That's my father", he answered.

I studied the five man frozen in the room unable to move under her spell.

"There you go son, I had convinced your mother to leave a few to be questioned.

Upon hearing this I quickly left my body and possessed one of the men's body. Searching in his mind for answers I desperately need.

But it was as if he was broken. He didn't have the answers even for his self. Why would he have them for me.

Quickly I left him and possessed another.

"You will never win", I heard one of the man screamed as he stabbed the man whose body I now posses into his heart. Sending me flying backwards in pain.

I felt the man's death as he did and it was mighty painful.

I watched the man grabbed on to my body in an attempt to flee but Murron killed him within and instant. And then he proceeded to kill the other four.

"Why", I asked Murron.

"Was I suppose to tell him just take your body?", I said.

"I don't understand weren't they suppose to be under your mother's control", asked Xena-Herra.

"Yes they were, all except him. We must get to the bottom of this and soon but later", said Murron.

"Or we could do it now", Xena-Herra whispered to me.

"How", I asked her .

"Simply possessed the one who couldn't be compelled", Xena-Herra responded.

"But he is dead, I can only possessed the living", I said to her.

"No that was before you turn chieft" Xena-Herra said.

I attempted possessed his body just like Xena-Herra Said and it worked. I had learned he was working for someone who had been wrong by supernaturals but he didn't knew who.
While I wanted to know the person being this, I also wanted to know what other powers were at my disposal that I don't know about and how Xena-Herra knew but it had to wait until later.

"Where is Yashmin?", I asked Murron's mother.

"She is safe", she said. "I'll get her as soon as finished cleaning up.

"Yashauna", I heard Murron's dad called my name from where he sat. "Come sit beside me, you and your friend", he said.
And I did as he asked.

The minute I sat down Murron and his mother started running full vampire speed across the room. They were moving so fast it was like they were invisible.

His dad took my hand and kissed it gentle. " You will make a fine queen", he said.

Before I could asked what he was talking about. I was interrupted by Murron's mom voice. "It's done darling, let's leave them and go to bed. Am awfully tired", she said.

"But what about Yashmin, I'll call her from my bedroom. Maxwell will show you three to your rooms when he gets here", she continued.

"We can't stay, we are here for Yashmin", I said

"Don't be silly dear, stay and leave tomorrow morning ", Murron's mom said as she and his dad disappeared.

We wait 15 minutes to see Yashmin. She appeared with a man by her side, or rather a teenager.

"Who are you?", I asked him.

"That's just Maxwell", answered Murron. "Please take them Yashshauna to my room and Xena-Herra to the guess room. I have to go see my parents. I'll join you later sweetheart", he said.

I hugged Yash tightly. " I have missed you so much Yash."

"I miss you too mom", she said as we followed behind Maxwell.

One by one we each went to our rooms. I tried to wait on Murron but I was too exhausted from earlier. I felt the sleep coming.

Murron's POV
"What was that Dad, what were you thinking?", I asked him.

"What don't she known she is to be made vampire and vampire queen as soon as I pass", he said.

"No I have not told her yet."

"Well that's on you son, if you had married a vampire girl. The way you should have, you wouldn't have to be going through this", he said.

"But I didn't love her", I said.

"Love would of grown but instead of all things, you choose a shadame. Now you want me to keep my mouth shut, like it's my fault,", said my dad.

"Quit arguing both of you, let's just enjoy this moment as family. Tomorrow I'll plan a beautiful breakfast before you leave", said my mom.

I kissed my mom's cheek and then I existed my parents room and went to my own. My wife was already asleep. So I showered and joined her.

Yashmin's POV
I was having difficulty falling asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about how warm and save Maxwell's arms felt. Or how his smile made me tingly inside.

But what did any of this mean I said to myself as I heard Whispers from outside my door. "Maxwell", I whispered as I opened my room door and let him in.

"I heard you are leaving tomorrow", he said as he sat down on a chair in my room. " I was wondering if you could show me once more before you leave?", he asked

"What", I asked him.

"That other you", he asked.

"You mean my ghost side", I answered trying not to blushed.

I then shifted once more into my ghost form. We stood frozen staring into each other's eyes.

"Your yellow eyes are so beautiful", I said to him.

"You think so", he said as he ran his fingers across my lips once more. "I must go", he said as he got up and left abruptly.

Did I just scared him away I thought to myself as I tried to gather my nerves.

Word from author
Hi my readers, so now we are diving deeper into the mystery of ghost ores, more supernaturals have been showing out and it can only get better.

Don't worry you will see Yashmin in her glory days before this book ends but for now. She is still a child with milestones to hit and high-school to finish.

Yashshauna must be allowed to rein until her daughter takes over. Besides this is only the beginning.

Am planning an estimated 4 more seasons before this book is ready to end. So keep reading. Keep commenting while I keep entertaining by simply doing what I love, and that's writing.

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