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Hunter and his twins ^

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The sunlight bleed into my room making me groan and turn on my back but no less than a second later did I hear my bedroom door open followed by footsteps walking in and the curtains being pulled open letting the sun in.

"Wake up kiddo" My older brother's voice said as he gently shook my shoulder

"Five more minutes Bri" I mumbled making him chuckle

"Sorry bud, but you gotta check on the twins and get them ready for daycare" he stated making me sigh and look at him through hazy eyes

"Can I just stay home today?" I asked and he gave me a sad look with a shake of the head

"Sorry, Hunt" He murmured kissing my forehead before getting up but not before adding

"You never know what could happen today kiddo" and left the room leaving me along to my thoughts.

'Nothing good ever happens to me' I thought to myself as I got out of bed and padded to my bathroom for a quick shower before washing my teeth and peeing. Once done with my morning routing, I walked back to my room, sighing for what felt like the hundredth time this morning, and changed quickly as I heard the twins whimpering through the baby monitor. After grabbing my backpack, I walked out of my room and walked across the hall to their nursery. It was a light blue colored wall with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the windows had brown and white patterned curtains that were pulled open to let the sun in. A dark blue dresser was between the cribs. Above sat their bottles, diapers, and a few baby lotions, creams and cologne.

There were picture frames with each twin on their respective side when they were a few days old, after their mother dropped them off at my front door. That story is for another day. a blue toy box sat in front of Kenny's crib and two rocking type couches were a few feet away a small table in between with a table lamp and a small pink flower base. The couches each had matching pillows that have zigzags on them and at their foot were two foot rests. I smiled when they stopped crying the moment I walked in. They each had a pacifier in their mouths and a teddy bear in hand. They looked up with tear stained cheeks and sniffles.

"Dada" they whimpered

"Shh, it's alright no need to cry" I cooed walking over to them and kissing their foreheads before quickly changing them. I put Kyle in an orange and green long sleeve shirt with jeans and his sketchers while Kenny was in a blue and gray long sleeve shirt, jeans and blue Converse. Once I had them ready, I picked their diaper bag just as Brian walked in

"Ready?" he asked making me nod and Kyle squealed upon seeing his uncle and waddled towards him with his hands up for him to pick him up, which he did with a chuckle, and placed him on his hip kissing his temple.

"Yeah, let's go, Miss Daisy must be waiting for them" I said picking Kenny up and putting him on my hip and grabbing their stuffed bears knowing full well that they will make a fuss if they didn't have them come nap time. Once we had everything and the twins, we walked out with me closing the door behind me. We walked down the hall and out the door to his 2009 Ford Escape and once we had the twins buckled in, we got in with Brian in the driver's side while I took the passenger side.

"You let me know if those idiots bother you again, alright?" He questioned 20 minutes later, after we dropped the boys at day care. I sighed nodding my head knowing that I wasn't going t do as he says.